WAIT 3 African woman were responsible for man landing on the moon??
WAIT 3 African woman were responsible for man landing on the moon??
Blacks were involved yes, you have apprehended the general thrust of the film.
>you have apprehended the general thrust of the film.
huh? havent watched it so what is it about exactly
Reminder that it was a white man who said "we should head to the stars"
If we were being led by black men we would still be fighting over each other's cousins. H
>implying the landing was real
My grandmother (huge liberal) went and saw this and now every god damn conversation I've had with her since she tries to slide this movie in with all the subtlety of a fucking grenade.
>"And this one poor woman had to walk literally was mildly inconvenienced when she had to take a shit because the Blacks Only bathroom was across the building, I can't believe what they put up with."
Meanwhile she will ignore how horribly treated women in others countries are, and what they go through. If she was in her 20's now she'd be just nonstop trying to talk about how the patriarchy is hurting women in the US but then ignore what goes on in places like Saudi Arabia. It makes me want to jump off a building.
>mfw my dad was watching this and I told him it's BARELY a true story and he had a hissy fit and smashed up the kitchen.
lmao what a cuck
Is your grandma from California or New York?
>yet another thread crying about black people
when will you whiteys stop whining
blacks did the grunt math and other leg work required to put a man on the moon in an era before the microprocessor.
the film basically just shines a light on some black stories in a traditionally super white organization. with the usual insanely over the top hollywood treatment
the topkek is that if you look up the woman the shits based on shes like 1/8th black looking. bitch white af so its no wonder she was hired at nasa
Man, this is a hard one but she spent most of her adult life in New York. That count?
This. More NASA propaganda to keep their astonaughts and space fantasies alive and their pockets lined with government funding to spend on hookers and blow. No, it's not a noble lie. It's just a lie.
I imagine it would be pretty amusing to have liberal family members
is he Australian?
It's weird because my family aren't really liberal, my mum actually used the expression "Got Jewed" recently which made me laugh. It's just my dad has extreme cuck tendencies sometimes.
Nah, Great Britsh Caliphate.
Simon, Alvin and Theodore
In Ireland we recently had some pure blooded Africans arrive. As far as I can tell there are no actual black people in the US. Just whites mixed with other races.
lmao that's not how it is at all
We see your "black" people on TV. Their noses and lips are kinda big and they are dark skinned compared to whites but nothing like Africans. They are clearly half European. When you stand them side by side you can really see how white they are.
I love the NASA program
>Rocket developed by Germans
>Computing done by black ladies
>Software developed by women
>A bit of help from the white boys
It feels good to be a liberal...
>Rocket developed by Germans
this is what retards actually believe
Reminder that USA wasn't even the first nation to launch a black man into space
If it wasnt for von braun you would never have reached orbit retards. Nazi fucked you
>who is werner von braun
>what is operation paperclip
Yarr ve must admit, there are no Germans verking on ze Apollo Program!
Heil Kennedy!
Should've titled it Moon Crickets
I believe the technical term is 'quadroon'
Fucking boomers kek
wtf von Braun is a hack now?
I can't remember the exact details, but the Germans were very influential in getting the Gemini-Titan to work, but they're influence dropped off as Saturn went on, basically as the numbers of good old American boys increased.
Von Braun's influence clearly faded when his "space station" methodology was abandoned in favour of the lander design... but what you can't take away from Von Braun is the design of the 1st stage rocket motor. He basically got that to work after some quite expensive failures
More like MASA amirite?
This is what the main character of the film actually looks like.
100% Nig.
I'd be surprised if there wasn't one or two able-bodied "african-americans" who made coffee or answered telephones.
>hidden figures
>main character has an entire wing of NASA named after her
so much for hidden
This for real? She's whiter than me and I'm like milk.
I wonder if the German scientists were advised to practice an American accent upon living in the US, so they wouldn't appear suspicious.
Kick them out you stupid cucks.
Yes, without them there is no way the landing could have happened.
It's not like whites can think in the same mathematical terms as blacks! Blacks are specifically suited to moon landing maths!
Are you aware of the color of their skins, by the way? It was brown/black. Really makes you think...
It is. They even rolled her out at the Oscars showing the world their industry's obvious disregard of accuracy in favor of shoving black characters down our throat for the sake of inclusion and diversity. I was straight up laughing thinking of millions of normies getting red pilled this very second wondering how the fuck this is considered "black"
>Not white
>inb4 "new Germans" meme
>pale skin
>blue eyes
W-wait, does this mean I'M black?
By 60's "One Drop rule" she's black. By today's standards she would be considered white or heavily mixed.
Also the other girls were genuine dark skinned.
This is a classic display of authority, they taunt you by presenting something outrageously false and daring the people to question it.
Uhm.. Yeeeah
They's queenz n shit
Tisk those cheeky liberals, pushing this evil agenda of Black people having the odd film with a character who is black. It must be part of their nefarious scheme to turn you all black.
Those monsters! We can't allow this to stand, if we let the blacks in, next thing there will be gay characters on screen persuading us all to be gay black Jew athiests
the only legit black persons who made this possible were the ss officers and medical staff who were experimenting on prisoners so the us and ussr didn't have to.
What will be the next "it turns out _______ were actually essential to landing on the moon" ? transgenders?
transformers from the dark side of the moon
It seems like we have just found a plot to hidden figures 2
They didnt give a fuck: anyone who wasnt a commie was their ally
Their making the tea caused a catalyst that allowed the space race to jump forward 20 years