Enough pandering

Enough pandering

Its painted clearly for us to see

we must recognize all four frog gods not just kek

Nun, Amen, Heh and Kek

let us not forget their female counterparts

Naunet, amaunet, Hauhet and Kauket

however we can just refer to them as the Ogdoad of khmunu , (HermoPOLis)


Each pair represented the male and female aspects of one of the four concepts of primordial chaos as follows:

>the primordial waters (Nu and Naunet)

>air, invisibility, and hidden powers (Amun and Amaunet)

>darkness and obscurity (Kuk and Kauket)

>eternity or infinity (Huh and Hauhet).

Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state of the beginning. They are what always was. In the myth, however, their interaction ultimately proved to be unbalanced, resulting in the arising of a new entity. When the entity opened, it revealed Ra, the fiery sun, inside. After a long interval of rest, Ra, together with the other deities, created all other things and brought order to the universe.


Isis frequently schemed against Ra, as she wanted her son Horus to have the power.

Other urls found in this thread:




Praise ALL the Gods.


8 frogs
each one will manifest using a memetic avatar



>praise kek and his counterparts.

How many major pepes are there...Does anyone know like the ones that everyone knows and recognizes what are the OG pepes this is important...

Basically you want to meme happenings?

You need all 8 of Ogdoad in your heart not just kek

Praise Ogdoad

Why does kek like double digits?

Because of kek AND kauket dual counterpart
Why does he like 8?

Because there are EIGHT deities

also :

sure are alot of 8's in here

Under the not so shadow of 4hermes

Hermopolis guide me.

>Top Kauket

my sides are in orbit , thanks


>just mentioned this in another thread

Its like... I felt it setting into motion


Will kek not be displeased?

Were these frog gods unified in their roles and relationships, or were they opposing forces?

sad pepe

smug pepe

sweating pepe

raging pepe

These are the four core pepes

>christians have been worshipping Amen all this time

well yes they were united

I prefer

Kek (the father)

Qek (the holy spirit)

Kauket (the wife)

Kuk (the wife's son)

>4 boys are dressed as frogs for Chaac to symbolize the 4 points of Chaac

Hey hey guys explain this please

>Kuk (the wife's son)


>chaac is the OG feels good man
>core pepes are the 4 points

>Kuk (the wife's son)

"Frog" in Japanese is "kaeru." While the kanji/kana involved in writing the words are different, it is pronounced the same way you say "return/to return" (also "kaeru").
As it has been explained to me, frogs can be linked with things/or people returning to a place or origin. They are lucky to keep around so that money, friends, good things stuff which you usually see off or give away will at some point "kaeru" or come back.

In short, it is a play on words.

If I messed it up, someone please correct me.


Like the butterfly, the frog is a symbol of reincarnation. Its form goes through a radical transformation: from frothy spawn containing myriad eggs, to the tadpole breathing by means of gills and sprouting legs, which finally in losing its tail becomes the adult air-breathing hopper.

The Sanskrit word, mandukya means frog. The Hindu scripture, Mandukya Upanishad, says that the three letters that comprise the chief mantra AUM (usually written OM in languages using the Latin alphabet) each signify a state of consciousness: A = waking, U = dreaming, and M = dreamless sleep.

Herbert V. Guenther used the metaphor of the frog in Yuganaddha: The Tantric View of Life, (Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, 1952/1976, pp. 80-81) in explaining his view of the link between a child's imagination and that of an adult:

On the psychic plane, childhood need not necessarily be the immaturity of man, it may be much more the preparatory stage of the adult mind, just as the tadpole is the preparatory stage of the frog rather than an immature frog.

>Sup Forums
>4 frogs


fairy tales hold powerful coded messages in them.
why do you think the Prince was turned into a toad?

Kiss the frog!


speaking of codes

Donald Trump make america great again

anagrams to

A mem magic toad and a partaking ruler





Lads I fear we have gone too far to turn back now.


just for fun here is some more deepness

Sunny in phily

>Pepe silvia

>carol from hr

>The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). – Caroline Seawright
>Caroline aka Carol
>>I am Caroline Seawright (also known as 'Kunoichi' or 'Kun-chan' for short)
>she writes and studies Egyptology
>>Kun Chan
>how much deeper anons

Oh my fucking god I didn't even realize that also have you noticed our posts have ended in 4...

Amen is dead, Heh has fucked off into outer space and Nun's a Dork. Hek is the one true God.

Should we try a summoning ritual from ancient occult books?

Which books?
What time should the ritual take place?

We need a vision quest.

two 4's to make 8

at this point what shall me meme into reality i feel like the meme magic with this new information will be much more powerful

what will it be bois

So you wanna tell me we resurrected the egyptian gods?

>not wanting to watch the world burn
Praise the fucking frogs, degenerate!

It doesn't work that way every civilization that Kek has encountered becomes really powerful, takes over the world for a brief point in time, and then collapses in the saddest way.We're starting to think Germany was on of those civilizations that got affected it would make sense since Hitler had an affinity for the occult and the fact they were a major world power that later became the biggest cuck country in the world.

To boot 8 frogs and they must always be in pairs. 88 was the official abbreviation for nazi salute...

>let us not forget their female counterparts

They stick together in units it's why their female counter parts are important...

a fucking leaf

praise ogdoad



What probably happened was he got a taste of burgers mid wwii so went to hang out in murrica for a couple decades, making it into a world power. He likely fucked off with the Jewish takeover of gubberment and world bank shannannigans and is now hanging out somewhere either Russia or China; see their recent expansionist trends

Are these the chaos gods

You're partially right
He was in America but it was only a few years ago that it was documented
>The species of frog is named Coquie
>Also pronounced like Cuck

seek help

dont need to

praise nu
praise kek
praise huh
and praise amen

>Kuk (the wife's son)

Fucking lmao you can't make this shit up

Because kek is a chaos god. He seeks to upset the status quo.

He empowers a country to change the status quo. Then, when that country being powerful is the status quo, he changes it again.


We praise KEK alone as we wish for imbalance. The more imbalance in things the sooner we bring about The Great Happening (AKA - Day of the Rope, Pocylipse, SHTF, etc.). We do not seek equality or balance. We seek repeating patterns of digits, tendies and the end of all things. You are dangerously close to heresy with your posting. Better watch that or there may be trouble for you.


>Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state of the beginning. They are what always was. In the myth, however, their interaction ultimately proved to be unbalanced,

>Sad Pepe


>Raging Pepe


>Smug Pepe


>Sweating Pepe


>Smug Pepe

here is the previous thread of finding the origins of KEK

Anyone know what this thread was about?

It was deleted

makes sense considering i grew up in a world with the BERENSTEIN bears

also bear in mind, this op thinks lord Kek is like ultimate evil or something like that but i hope you all read the thread, its very interesting

where and when did i say ultimate evil

i simply stated that kek is not the only frog deity and it went deeper and deeper

the old thread if anything stated that kek is evil

top kauket mate

another 8 m8 i r8 8 thats g8


>forgetting about the original
Pepe is a God of peace and happiness.

Well all the frogs and snakes have moved into the web, and the seed is planted

I hear a knocking at my door

ive been asked to meme wars



>their interaction proved to be unbalanced, giving rise to the cosmos

Mmh. Just like the tiny perturbation of the quantum field that gave rise to the big bang. Go figure.

Many, many years ago there lived a man named "Knows-Nothing."

"Knows-Nothing" lived in a large but sheltered village, whose name has long been forgotten. What is known, according to the tales, is that the people of this village practiced a very peculiar set of customs. All their days were spent chasing green frogs.

"Knows-nothing" was named such, simply, because the other villagers felt it described him so perfectly. To some regards that description may have had a degree of truthfulness, but one thing was certain: he knew nothing of chasing green frogs. But then again, what else is there, right?

One summer afternoon, while "Knows-Nothing" walked the nearby wood, he came across a "Horrible Truth." It was said that what "Knows-Nothing" saw was, indeed, so horrible that it caused him to lose consciousness for three days and two nights.

"Knows-Nothing" awoke in a daze. Thinking it all a dream, he was maddened once again upon seeing the "Horrible Truth" lying there beside him. The "Horrible Truth" was real. "The village must be warned!" he said to himself as he gathered his sanity and ran back to town.

"Knows-Nothing" arrived in a blaze, hollering as loud as he could, "I have seen the Horrible Truth!" Running and yelling, he made his way through the village. "The Horrible Truth is other there!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs.
However, no one paid him any attention, and they all wend on blissfully chasing green frogs. Perceiving him a fool, no one could be bothered to listen/

"Knows-Nothing" set up a booth in the village square, and asked people as they passd: "Hell, sir. Are you aware of the "Horrible Truth"? Excuse me, ma'am! Have you seen the recent studies about the "Horrible Truth?" I'm sure if you reviewed the information, you would find..." Again, he was greatly ignored. That is, until he was told to move along by one of the elders. He was making it difficult for others to chase green frogs.

Having seen the peoples' reaction, "Knows-Nothing" got a grip on himself. No one is going to listen to a raving lunatic, he said, "maybe I can explain to them the "Horrible Truth" calmly. I'll use some graphs and charts and a power-point with bulleted lists of facts and citations! No one would deny actual evidence! Right?"

No one would listen to anything "Knows-Nothing" saind, despite the fact that he had seen the "Horrible Truth." which was far more horrible than he could even understand himself. "Knows-Nothing" knew one thing, if the people weren't prepared for the "Horrible Truth", it would surely destroy them all. "I need to keep telling them! They must listen, whether they want to or not!" And he stormed into town once more.

"You listen here, you frog chasing morons! I have seen the "Horrible Truth!" he yelled, "And if you stupid assholes don't do something about it, "The Horrible Truth" is going to kill us all! Now, you better listen up!"

The people of the village looked up at "Knows-Nothing," in a shock at the sudden outburst.

"Excuse me." A nearby elder approached, "All this talk about "The Horrible Truth," well, it got me thinking, you see..." He paused...

...And I think we're going to have to ask you to leave, you're being an awful downer."

Defeated, "Knows-Nothing" walked away, head hung. He knew about "The Horrible Truth" yet his words were ignored or misunderstood. He looked over his shoulder towards his old village, and he could hear the cries of devastation as they pealed through the trees as the "Horrible Truth" consumed them all.

As he looked on, an old sage named "Knows-A-Thing-Or-Two" happened to pass. As "Knows-Nothing" cast his eye upon him, he felt the need to warn the old man to avoid that village at all costs, as there lay the "Horrible Truth" but, by the look in the old sage's face, "Knows-Nothing" knew that he was was well aware. He stopped his words at the thought and "Knows-A-Thing-Or-Two kept heading for the "Horrible Truth".

Just go with it.

Respect frog folklore.


>Eight frogs
>Eight is two cubed, a.k.a. trips.
>Frogs come in pairs, a.k.a. dubs.
>All these powers of two, i.e. a binary system.
>Computers and the internet run on binary.
>The internet is the new aetherial plane to which the Ogdoad has transmigrated.
>By their will, the sun god Ra, a.k.a. Trump, is created.
>Isis opposes Ra.
>Hillary's state department supported ISIS.
>Hillary, a.k.a. Isis, opposes Trump.

He's not playing mere 4D chess. This is pan-dimensional, omni-planar Akashic chess.

>TFW being redpilled is no longer sufficient. You must now swallow the Astral pill.



>Chad gets turned into a Robot and needs to kiss a Stacy to go back to being a Chad

Kek wills that Trump is elected.


Baal demands a sacrifice

Goddess Isis could be pretty based though

Oh hai guyz!

inb4, spellings: NauKEK, AmauKEK, HauKEK, and KauKEK.
