Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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So they can continue to add low information, freeloading minorities to the urban plantations, who will be obligated to vote for Democrats to keep the gravy train running.

Why are conservatives a bunch of retards?

please post this boring gay shill thread 17 more times today. Sup Forums would be lost without it

This thread and the "post your job/age" thread get posted everyday. What the fuck is with this recycled garbage

Easy, cheap labor + votes. Eventually they'll get the majority, and from the profits they made off of the cheap labor they can pay the gimmiedats for minorities and then they can go on and on.
t. Hispanic

the former is russia, the latter is datamining


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Literally too stupid to insult

Why did Democrats fight the civil war against the Republicans?


nice dubs, Boris. How's Svetlana?


no political party has ever changed, ever. especially not over the course of many, many years. you observant genius, you.

Because beaners are the only "people" who'll vote blue.

>Lincoln was the first Republican president.

Slavery prime

Why are they going to lose the second civil war, just like the first one?

Excuses excuses.
And how about the national socialist party. What's that look like now?


Antifa/ neo-liberals

>today's lefties are nationalist
Fat fuck Trump is nationalist and socialst. Look at tax cuts for rich and welfare to farmers bc China tariffs

well it's basically nothing. there certainly is no relevant neo-fascist movement of any kind. at least not with any relevant numbers, just some LARPing delusional fags.

oh, but i get it, your logic is thus: if one political party has stayed the same, that means none have ever changed, ever. solid thinking there. you should have a book deal.

I know, right??? And while we're at it,
>Why do Republicans want to funnel all the money in the world to the top 0.001%?
>Why do Democrats want mandatory gender reassignment surgery for all newborn children?
>Why do Republicans want everyone who escapes a mental asylum to be armed with an AR-15?
>Why do Democrats want a drive-thru lane for abortions?
>Why do Republicans want to drain all the rivers and lakes and replace the water with industrial waste?
>Why do Democrats want being a straight white male to be considered a felony?
Come on, someone help me out here, I can't fight off all these strawmen by myself

Center-right is still right wing cancer

Solid points

Left side right side
Same coin

Only difference is sensationalism on petty social issues like gay marriage and legal citizenship

.. what? Those who lost are of the same ideologies of those today who call themselves "Conservative".

Why do you think it's Conservatives who fly the fucking dixie flag?

Why do the Republicans continue to believe that myth?

they don't.

Why are you relying on Hyperbole to conflate the abolishment of a redundant law enforcement agency with "open borders"?

Conservatives left already guys. Have no counter arguments

Keep telling yourself that. If you really think you stand a chance when the bullets start flying, keep telling yourself that, soyboy.

What are you talking about? "Conservatives" already lost the last civil war and if you buy into the media propaganda that all leftist or non conservatives are gender confused puss boys who are afraid of guns, then you're going to lose even harder next time.

No, we know the niggers have guns. Easy enough to nuke Shitcago and San Fagcisco from orbit. The world will be better off with those shitholes as smoldering, radioactive craters.

2019, Liberals don't endorse actual liberty.

Liberals are trash, cons are trash. Bernie 2020 bitch