Looking to ruin a local public event, any advice? Preferably remote...

Looking to ruin a local public event, any advice? Preferably remote. They have a website going up in a few days which will issue tickets for the event, how do I wreck this shit?

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How much damage we talking? And what are the motives

What kind of event user?

bump for interest

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Get in the middle of it and yell racial slurs.

just be you. It can't get much worse than that.

Set up a timed speaker to shout "Allah Akbar" half way through followed by gun shot sounds

Don't worry it sucks.

More so annoy the organisers as opposed to bother the guests. It’s essentially a cult which is pulling people in via these events to appear normal and then a few weeks later that start hassling people asking them to pay them or work for them. Motivation: former sucker

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For some clarification, event is run by a local cult, former member trying to limit their ability to mess other peoples lives up and cause a scene. Not able to physically enter the building as I was banned. Event is Christmas related and follows a uniform pattern each year.

Disguise yourself as one of the organizers and tell everyone whats its actually about without the run around, people are smart enough on there own its when they are in a crowd people get caught up in it

Get a bunch of friends to go with you and pretend to be interested but make it obnoxiously difficult to progress with any of the organizers like doing questions or going on long unrelated tangents. Create fictional characters and wear weird costumes, speak with odd word choice or cadence

Freedom of religion get the fuck over it.

cult leader pls go

These guys are fuckers though they really derailed my life for a couple of tears

Listen man, kuk sool won is a karate school

Just don't send your kids there

Then go tell people your experience

You should have never been there in the first place you're only gonna make it harder for the next victim to fight the creeps off

What are you stupid? Have you even seen the news?

Yeah let's get together to my alt right group fuck those people. Fuck them.

Totally gonna help you fight the illuminati or scientology

That's funny you don't have to go to a mental health clinic because USA is the best country in the world

Unless you're talking about a juicy lawsuit you can win my legal counsel is not to fight and stay away from those people.

LDS eh

Disguise, lock eyes with head cult guy, masturbate furiously never breaking aye lock , cum all over their altar ,slap nearest minority ,run out singing I'm a little tea pot....profit?

Invite black people. Promise them there will be chicken and white women