this is pretty damning for black people.
This is pretty damning for black people
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lies. we are much bellow that on agerage.
damn too tired son
>99 in balkans and west
Literally fucking gyplets and niggers dragging down the scores.
Did a Chinese make this map or something?
Bullshit map. How is North Korea and China red?
east asians are smart. if we mix them with the niggers we might get normal people.
>north korea
starving and/or in death labor camps = genius i guess?
they're probably just using data from south Korea
Abbos bringing down the Aussie's average, sorry bros.
>koreans and japanese are smart
t. knower of chinks
mongoloids don't have an IQ over 90
no kidding aboriginals are some of the dumbest fucks around.
>sweden smarter than norway
I've met a lot of Norwegians, man. in america we call them rednecks. I fucked a Lithuanian tho
>Africans have the IQ of a mentally handicapped in Europe or Asia
>"We're all equal human beings"
Wow, I just experienced a redpill
Wtf I hate black people now.
Is that Botswana? How can a person even function at that level. I'm surprised, I thought abbos were at the bottom.
right? science is making me racist.
>people taking IQ seriously in 2016
thats a good point what is the argument against the validity of iq tests
Not bad. That'd make the average person from Botswana the second cleverest in a troop of monkeys.
You remind me so much of everybody here.
So proud of you.
Brazil is 71-81? Really?
I have an IQ of 136, am I going to be the next president?
niggers are retarded why else do you think blm tweets #fuckFrance hours after the akbarring,do they actually think it will help their cause?
OP there's a similar map of the most violent places on the earth.
Not if you're on Sup Forums, you won't
just let me dream
Being able to think quickly and recognize patterns does not make you wise.
you can't really expect IQ tests to accurately provide much information about savages.
That map is a lie ! Portugal should be Green like a true Barbosa ! I don't believe it one bit.
Have you seen the portuguese people ? all niggers without exception, even me. But I'm the only nigger self-aware.
Oi m8
That map is really fucking wrong lol
America average IQ is 100
do you know what indigenous means?
As you appear to be too stupid to understand the meaning of the word 'indigenous', I'm not sure I can trust you.
Wow I had no idea there were blacks more retarded than Abbos
No, his IQ is only 85.
Depends, how corrupt are you? Do you have a vagina?
yet botswana has one of the highest gdp per capita in africa
Do they have particular resources? Or are they just too dump to fight each other all the time and are more economically stable because of this?
How can the rest of the world even compete?
Diamonds, all of them.
>early education increases IQ
Of course the chinese have to be able to recognize patterns quickly, have you seen their alphabet? What a mess!
Aren't they always?
IQ is highly heritable, especially once you reach adulthood.
>The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.[5][6] The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood
Do not mistake genuine niggers for Soros PR.