Rexy confirmed for JW2

How long did Tyrannosaurs live exactly?

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I love her but I want them to stop fucking the corpse of Jurassic Park

>Double U
>Pronounced as jew or as joo

Yup. It's the Golem Makers alright. Time to get my fellow Christian Necromancers and fight the golem menace!

>How long did Tyrannosaurs live exactly?

We really have no idea.

>hate Trevorrow
>love Bayona
I'm so conflicted about this sequel

>How long did Tyrannosaurs live exactly?
I had a DK dinosaur book from the 90's saying they could have made it up to and maybe older than 100 years old. Might be different now though, what with new discoveries and all that.

this dinosaur is dumb

YES! Those old dino encyclopaedias with all the illustrations. Those were my shit

I forgot this movie even had a t-rex.
Why are so many of these reboots just completely forgettable.

>confirming the best character of the entire franchise is in the next installment
where can I buy my ticket, then?

i don't care, I just want them to clear up the age old question


at least this one was comfy and even decent

It was just okay enough for me to not violently hate it.

>Mfw chillean seabass makes it into jw2

i liked jurassic world but i also liked jp 2 and 3

How many Dinosaur parks will they make before they realise it doesn't fucking work.

>I dont understand human nature
are you an idiot?

No I am Human and nobody understands Humans 100%.

I saw a recent documentary where they said T-rex was almost unkillable, like one of them was discovered with half of his tail missing, Trike's wounds in the belly etc... And basically this fucker lived 15 years more after all of this
They were fucking tanks

Just like guns and nuclear weapons right user?

>mfw it's a BIGGER and SCARIER Indominus seabass bullshit

>I am Human
youre not fooling anyone.

Does that mean best girl Blue will be back?

Nuclear Weapons and Guns work really well in terms of what they are intended to do.

Who said anything about being a Raptor!

I remember this book and those T-Rex eyes that looked exactly like human eyes. Oh the memories of being a kid in the 90's

These books are reaction image gold mines

Anybody collect these back in the day?

>talking to dinosaurs: the movie 2

just fucking kill me now

name of the documentary?
haven't seen a good dino duco since walking with dinosaurs

Holy shit, never thought I'd see that again. That book was in my grandpa's orthodontist office's waiting room. Used to read that all the time when I'd get to spend the day with him.

Brutal thumb attack by the Iguanodon

Did you manage to make the Rex skeleton?

T-Rex had feathers and lips


>mfw they switch it up and serve chili and seabass instead.

>How long did Tyrannosaurs live exactly?
Typically speaking the bigger the animal the longer its lifespan.

talking shit, get stabbed

I remember the comics in those

This guy? Nah but my neighbor did. Even painted it like a pro. Shit was so cool

Is Isla Sorna still canon at all?

I only ever got the skeleton but not the skin


I believe so. It was featured in The Lost World and JP3, so it must be.

Best girl, with Rexy permission.

Just had a trip back in time with that dino book. Thanks user

Why? Trexy's already fucking old and overused at this point. Why not Spino? It would be cool to revisit her and put her up against a much more powerful apponent. But no, the fucking trexy autist would REEEEEE if it isn't their favorite(and highly overrated) dino.

Hell, Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, or even fucking Carnotaurus.

>implying those are still canon

in JW, Mr. Sushigama says that Hammond entrusted the park's legacy to him and that he should spare no expense, meaning Hammond is still the same character that he was in the beginning.

This completely contradicts TLW where Hammond has learned from the disaster and has become an environmentalist who wants to protect the animals from human intervention.

Ergo, TLW and JP3 are erased from the new canon

They were in TLW novel. Don't know why they didn't put it in the movie. Was a pretty tense chapter.

Dude, Spinosaur a shit.
He mostly ate fish, small reptiles and mammals.
He'd loose to any semi-big predator

>He'd loose to any semi-big predator

This is Jurassic fucking Park.

fucking reddit Sup Forums babies talking about dinosaurs as if they were pokemons fucking shut up

>He mostly ate fish
How the fuck does a 20-tonne land predator live on fish?

He wasn't the only one (pic related).
I guess fish were larger and more potent back then.

That scene was just the directors and producers jerking themselves off to "LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER WE ARE THEN THE ORIGINAL".

you know that spino walked on 4 legs right

He didn't, he got extinct because crocodiles were better predators

>He mostly ate fish, small reptiles and mammals.

You do know that the new reconstruction of Spino isn't yet confirmed to be THE Spinosaurus, AKA Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus. They mostly guessed, and mashed other bones from Spino maroccanus, and even fucking Baryonyx.


Like every movie after JP1?

oh shit.
well then I guess ignore what I said in yeah.. I wish this franchise just move on from this inferiority complex it seems to have

Aww, I remember this scene. Made me fall in love with Spino. Perhaps one of the greatest monster cucking of the era. The fagboys crying over trexy death made it even better.

So what you're saying is we should disregard your opinion on these movies

*would just move on

Wasn't 20 tons.
Everything was bigger in those days due to higher oxygen content in the atmosphere.

What are the most ridiculous dinosaur names? Pic related, Atlascopcosaurus, named after a Swedish industrial company called Atlas Copco, that supplied equipment to the site where the dinosaur was discovered

I give it 8 tons, luckily 9

Judging by the conservative measures of size, Spino wasn't that much bigger than T-rex, Carcha or Giga


>Judging by the conservative measures of size, Spino wasn't that much bigger than T-re-


It's a reptile. Potentially centuries, but in practice a lot less. Sue died due to like 5 different severe injuries including an infection and a disease.

Not that user, but it's true. Those scales are outdated. In terms of mass it likely wasn't bigger than Rex or Giga. Length, sure, but that doesn't particularly matter in a fight.

50 feet is the largest I can accept, anything bigger than that is speculation and wishful thinking, remember that there are theories that put him at 70

That scale isn't that bad tho

On land it walked on two, in the water it waded.


I still have it..

Those claws are not for shredding flesh, rather they are designed specifically for shitposting.

That scale likely far overestimates Spino's height given the new posture material.
Carch, Giga, and Rex are at the top of theropod size as we know it now. Rex for mass and volume, Carch and Giga for height.

I guess even with the new """"""""reconstruction"""""""" It still stands toe to toe with Trex in size. I haven't yet researched it's total mass, but purely comparing it to modern alligators/crocs, it would have been quite the big buy.





>half of his tail missing
Wouldn't that fuck his balance up pretty badly

About 80% Trex win if were talking pure land. Anything else, Spino would win like a Croc dragging a buffalo into the river.

I'm and while I definitely think Spino's posture couldn't be bipedal (certainly not with classical size estimates) the idea of a four legged Spinosaurus just doesn't sit well in my mind. The forelimbs just don't seem to be well adapted to it- remember theropods can't even pronate their hands.
Andrea Cau posted a rendition of a bipedal Spino with the updated size figures which sits a lot better with me desu. Still, the point remains that Spino isn't at the top anymore for anything but length.

I know, still kind of pissed how it played out in JP3.

most of the counterbalance is in the first half of the tail. He was fine for 15 years after that.

>mind focused on profit

This sounds dumb as shit, but i can't even into jurassic park anymore now that bipedal dinosaurs most likely had feathers >

Scientists estimate probably 30 to 40 years
but any new discovery could change that
given that modern day birds like parrots can live 80 years, who knows really

I mean, I enjoyed the fight. It was the first time they introduced another badass dino(Having trex again would have been boring) Plus, at the time they only had a few bones to study with, and there were scientific leads that showed Spino was a pretty big dino.

They wanted to show that while Trex was king of Isla Nublar, Spino was king of Isla Sorna.

Jurassic Park already fucked its own corpse with its sequels. Jurassic World resurrected it and gave it the dicking it deserved.

You don't know anything about dinosaurs. Having feathers =! covered in.

Sue, the most complete T. Rex ever found, was killed by a disease called trichomonosis. The wound that gave her the disease was nothing but another T. Rex literally ripping half half her face off. Had she not been infected with that, she probably would've survived the bite and continued on.

>Hell, Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, or even fucking Carnotaurus.
This, would love to see any of these wreck shit, fuck spino though.

Yea, the four legged Spino just doesn't look right at all. Plus, once I heard they based all that off of a few new bones and even used OTHER Spino-like bones not from the Aegyptiacus, I knew the new posture wasn't right.

>I forgot this movie even had a t-rex.
You realize it's the t-rex from the original right?

look up wyrex

>They wanted to show that while Trex was king of Isla Nublar, Spino was king of Isla Sorna.
Huh...never thought of it that way. JP3 is underrated. I like it better than Lost World honestly.

>it's real
>tail ripped off from Wyrex
>face broken for Jane
>face ripped off, leg broken, four different infections for Sue
T. Rex had hard lives

Do you guys think the raptors' running performance in JW was realistic?
>ostriches can maintain their top speed of 70km/h for up to 30 minutes

>Still, the point remains that Spino isn't at the top anymore for anything but length.

But isn't Spino closely related to Crocs? Crocs can get very huge. Besides, the height they used to measure Trex is from "Susy", which was the largest, most complete skeletal structure. If I remember correctly, not all known Trex were that big. Add in that there are barely any Spino bones found, I think it's still safe to assume that Spino was still up there with Trex and Giga.

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic.

Rexes fought with each other a lot
fighting with an animal that had the strongest bite force of any terrestrial organism will produce a species via natural selection that has an immune system and healing abilities that make crocodile's immune systems look wimpy in comparison.