Really makes you hate Anglos...
Really makes you hate Anglos
wtf i hate anglos now
>150,000,000 Native Americans
There was never that many people on the North American continent before Colonialism.
there is simply no reason to deny the native american holocaust, there is mountains of evidence you sick fuck.
>the native american genocide didnt happen but it should happen again
disgusting, you should be in jail
I highly doubt that there have been 63 million abos alive in the entire time period white people have been in Australia. Stone age hunter-gatherer lifestyles do not allow for that kind of population.
63 million total is probably pushing it for their entire existence.
STOP with this "Anglo" hate! ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE EQUAL.
really makes you think
Did it ever occur to you that some (if not, most) of them deserved to be killed? Like the Germans, for instance. Lost 2 world wars and are currently the world leader in cuckoldry and being race traitors.
We should've saved 1 nuke and dropped it on the Krauts instead. Maybe their DNA would get so fucked up that they'd straighten out like the Japs did.
>world leader in cuckoldry and being race traitors
the only people on that list who didn't deserve it were the germans
that muslim number needs a few more 0's only real crime i see here
no, i hope they finish the job and end you Arians. LONG LIVE THE ETERNAL ANGLO
>nazi mad we absolutely rekt his high score
lmao NZ thinks it matters!
How quaint :^)
t. mohammad von oldenburg
Let's go for 1 Billion Kek!
>t. micropenis
>63 million
We'll be sure to add you to the list, Muhammad.
unsatisfyingly low
>Kill inferior trash that gets in our way
>People still continue to try to fuck with us
Let this scar signify the final blow against the ARYAN world
From this seal shall arise the doom of ARYANS
Who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own
Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit.
Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control.
Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair.
Really makes me LOVE Anglos
except anglo-saxons
*bangs drum*
really just potato niggers desu
Our agents are already on their way to your door.
>1 post by this ID
is this the roach every anglo is pissy about?
Fuck off roach.
A portion of those are in Celtic hands and you both use a flag that represents an Anglo nation plus two Celtic nations, yet you list Celts on the kill count.
>63,000,000 abos
ak ak ak ak ak
>muh XYZ million!!
Go away cuck, shoo
>63 million Australian Aboriginals
There have never been that many Aboriginals throughout all of history, let alone during the time Anglos have ruled Australia.
>150 million Native Americans
There have never been that many Native Americans throughout all of history, let alone during the time Anglos have ruled America.
>15 million Indians in a Famine
Weather affects crops, we have no control over the weather. We actually tried to stop the famine but there is only so much you can do when a population as large as India's is starving.
He didn't say it never happened, he just said there wasn't that many casualties.
>63 gorillion abbos
fucking kek m8
I really enjoyed not reading your anti anglo shit Ahmed.
70mil in WW2 solely on Anglo shoulders. Knicetrym8
does the number matter? would 100000000 deaths be any better you genocidal anglo fuck??
Estimated Australian Aboriginal population at the time of Anglo colonisation was around 1, 000, 000.
Even with all the modern infrastructure and agriculture, Australia is currently supporting a population of 24, 000, 000.
>citation needed
lel. On some of those though, you'd wish the numbers were higher...
How do Celts count differently from Irish?
Anglos killed 70m in WW2, k. Sure.
I always laugh about people shitting on anglos when it is the anglo's culture that is currently invading the earth, when they are speaking ENGLISH, the tongue of the Gods, when the united anglosphere could easily DESTROY every other country on this planet.
1,000,000,000,000,000 deaths would be best
Soon the final day of CLEANSING will purge the LESSER RACES from this ENGLISH WORLD.
this is why international war crimes courts exist. every last anglo will be tortured and hanged for their crimes against the innocent peaceful natives
>can't even brush his tooth
>thinks he'll reign supreme
lmao they should never have messed with us
are u 12?
I brushed my teeth with a paste made from the pulverised gritty bones of your people and washed it all down with a gallon of ARYAN BLOOD.
lmao enjoy ur aids
Plural? Nice try :^)
>MUH 63,000,000
There were by most accounts around 1-2 million Abos here before the Brits showed up. There are about 500,000 here now, and most of that reduction is due to interbreeding.
nice bullshit revisionism child rapist
Not enough dead Muslims, kinda ashamed desu
Lol thanks for the good laugh
*steeps tea leaves*
*massacres savages*
*instinctively scans for french people*
*listens for the next bong*
>he can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities
the natives were friendly nature loving vegetarians and you killed them all because you were deluded by your evil anglo overlords. now you defend and revise it so you can do it second time, all anglos need to be tried in a war crimes court so this cant happen ever again
also, it was the Spaniards that introduced all those diseases to the Americas
no it doesn't, krautnigger
The natives were raiding and killing each other way before europers came along, we were just much better at it.
Makes me love them more
>w-we were just having normal conflicts
>what? where did all the native americans go?
i guess they just magically disappeared you anglo blood monger
They got rekt by european germs that we didn't even know existed at that point in time.
>the natives were friendly nature loving vegetarians
The Comanche would have taken you and cut your throat with a dull hatchet, kill your children by smashing their heads in, kidnapped your wife, beat her, burn her, and starve her, and then sell her for ransom. If she was lucky.
I wish Muslims would all magically disappear
>63 million
The Anglo scum has always cuddled with the Jews and are responsible for most of the degeneracy in this world (feminism, black lives matter, ...). We must smite them from this world.
look at this racist hate propaganda the anglo spews, to justify his heinous crimes against nature and humanity
>anglos dindu nuffin
>150m natives
>63m abos
yer nah m8 fuk off
>scalping wasn't a thing
>all native Americans loved each other and never killed each other
You really are shit posting hard, my friend
Surrender, you chicken-shit. It's all you're good for.
LMAO! 63 million Australian aboriginals!!!
whatever helps you genocide innocents, monster
>10 million Boers
I don't think there's ever been a period where whites, both English and Afrikaans, were more than 6 million. Britain did a lot of stupid shit during colonialism but they also advanced and modernised the world
That's it, no witty come back about muh feelings?
I'm disappointed in your shit posting now
>abbos in Aussie land needed to burn the whole continent to eat
>hundreds of millions of them
We have already infiltrated every nation on this globe.
We were the ones who created Israel.
The Eternal Jew finds its base of operations upon our shores.
You still have a chance to repent though, and serve your betters you recalcitrant worms.
Lay down your arms, surrender your borders and let the true master-race: THE ANGLO, take control of your political office.
Your own people have exploited you for too long - now you will feel the yoke and boot of true empire builders.