Well... The Syrians were rapists, just like black people.
All lives do matter, that's why we don't want to let terrorists in.
Our countrymen's lives matter more.
really made me think
If they are traitors and disloyal to their own countries, they will be disloyal to their host country.
Not all lives matter and amongst them are the lives of niggers.
fuck you britbong, you take the refugees, they dont want to stay here anyway.
>take refugees
Not so fast
Refugees will destroy more lives in the long run. Especially when they cause western civilisation to collapse.
All FIRST WORLD lives matter
Of course third-world hordes don't matter, they die and get replaced in droves on a daily basis
I agree, no lives matter. The protests are bullshit and everyone involved should be shot so they stop wasting time and resources.
yeah taking in refugees has nothing to do with EU, they will pretend to be from that famous commonwealth of yours.
Get paki'd scrub
Because tolerating illegal border-crossing is treacherous.
>If Aylan Kurdi had grown up he could have been an ass grabber in Cologne.
The MSM makes excuses. We tell the truth. #YesAllMuslims
All lives don't matter, so?
Well yes but you see dear, you're black lives matter more. And how could we working people possibility continue paying for your current standard of living if we had another 100,000 more mouths to feed.
Especially now that we're trying to save our extra money up for those reparations we owe you.
Upboated and downloaded.
Less than 5% of them are from Syria
Why do you give these idiots your attention?
WoW. Self check. Satan's Trips.
Followed by dubs.
Playin the Lotto tonight.
We need a map that says "Syria according to liberals" where every country from Bangladesh to Senegal is shaded in.
Recent german stats show that in 2015, the number of syrians from germany went from 60k to 290k..... while we took in about 1.5million. That means barely any syrians are coming. 48% of the arrivals were actually from other EU countries... the rest afghanistan, irak, syria and north africa.
If we would actually only allow syrians in than we could have handled that shit easily without happenings. But no, we have to take in every degenerate and his mother.
Fuck double duds behind trips.
Dubs three times in a row after trips. This a record?
Which is why I support building a safezone in Syria, so that our lives won't be risked and they can still stay in theirs until things stabilize.
You didn't get shit the first two times, you were off by one. Go to and leave us Sup Forums
America is not a charity. This nation was established for Americans and their posterity, not foreigners. It even says so in our Constitution.
>We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Ourselves and our posterity. Not ourselves, our posterity, and a bunch of foreign fucks from a far away land who are nothing like us. Fuck refugees. That is not our problem.
All lives matter but the lives of my countrymen matter a lot more.
>made up