Give me a good reason why this won't happen in the next 5 years.
Give me a good reason why this won't happen in the next 5 years
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Trump isn't getting elected.
Trump is getting elected.
I have it on good authority that he is.
i have a source that confirmed this user is correct
That appears to be warships getting nuked. Who is going to nuke whose warships within 5 years?
I have it on good authority that he isn't.
It will eventually happen, no doubt.
But what's scary to me is that I actually never thought it would be possible. I actually believed we were living in peaceful times and that nothing bad could happen now, and if it did, it was rare.
But then you realize that in reality, this is far from the truth. Events that started the deadliest wars in history were started by events that occur all the time, it's only a matter of when and if one of those events is enough to spark a full scale war.
Just go do research on how WW1 and WW2 started, the events leading up-to both wars were really nothing that special. We're literally living in the build up to WW3 right now, for reals this time. We're going into cold-war 2.0 with a much more volatile world.
Nobody has the balls to do it
My sources tell me he is
Hillary will be elected and contacts aliens immediately. Aliens land and grant everybody on earth presidental powers.
It won't happen. The world will change in favor of the white man. In it's grace, and with help of God, the superior race will triumph, and human race will only flourish, till the end of times.
Mars mission
She needs to release pics this early desu
We are living in the times of global fuckup. Mother Earth will kick us all in the teeth
Savages have balls to do it. Low-tech. Sticks, stones and lorries.
Pics of her?
we don't have 5 years
This shit has been happening to centuries, you only think otherwise because you've been paying more attention to it. If it didn't happen in the cold war, it never will. Once the first nuke goes off, they all do, and I doubt anyone will get elected if their main policies were to exterminate all life on earth.
Because the politicians won't have any voters if everyone is dead
Praise Ogdoad
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We can't be that lucky.