Perfect season on the line, 30 seconds to go, 3 time outs, all you need a field goal to go to overtime

perfect season on the line, 30 seconds to go, 3 time outs, all you need a field goal to go to overtime

>attempts 4 hail maries, chokes perfect season away

See you on Monday, argie

It'll never not be funny to me that Brady's sworn enemy is Eli Manning

this thread is kryptonite for the cheatriots, the truth hurts




>on sunday brady will have been in as many superbowls as half an entire regular season
I think the oddest part of Brady's career is that Eli is his kryptonite.



>as many superbowls as half an entire regular season



honey, do i look fat in this



>This man is the only thing on earth that can defeat brady



Argentina doing god's work exposing the cheating system baby.


Why are u puto so obsessed with him?

Moss nearly caught one of those, in case you forgot

> put, what if this, Mexico?

10 years



I find it amusing that argieanon is less of a bandwagoning faggot than half of Sup Forums lel

Real talk though: who are the giants supposed to root for in the Super Bowl?
I imagine nearly every fan base is rooting for the eagles except the cowboys and redskins. But the giants hate both the pats and eagles, so who do they root for?

nfc east hatred eclipses pats hatred

Makes sense. As a coltsfag I despise the Pats but I still was pulling for them over the Jags, and NFC East rivalry is way more intense than divisional rivalry in our shitty division.

why would the giants hate the Pats they're the only team that's gotten the better of them in the past 18 years?

New York and Boston hate each other.

Imagine being so assblasted about one man that you make the same thread five times a day for two weeks

Imagine being so assblasted by the truth that you pull numbers out of your ass

Based Argie Pats hater