so now female circumcision is considered child abuse so please explain to me why male genital mutilation not child abuse?
So now female circumcision is considered child abuse so please explain to me why male genital mutilation not child...
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Fuck off, sexist.
You seriously can't guess?
What is female circumcision? I didn't even know that was a thing.
cutting off the skin around the pussy, mudslimes do it
Saw this topic on Salon. To call male circumcision abuse is to take away from the focus on FGM.
Male circumcision has a religious component. Female does not.
Leftists just don't want to cross the jews is my assumption.
>fgm is child abuse
>child having "gender reassignment" surgery isn't
Speak about hypocrisy.
Cutting off the clit, sometimes the labia of young girls.
Idea is to make sex non-pleasurable for them.
haha virgin
>Male circumcision has a religious component. Female does not.
>Female does not
You wot m8?
its part of the hadith
True that most burgers are circumcised?
because males are the underclass
Be nice Germany.
because jews demand it
Men, I'd say about 50/50.
Woman? No. Perhaps a handful in shithole areas.
You forgot the part where they sometimes stitch the vagina shut and cut it open with a blade on her wedding night.
Never forget that women are whores, and this is how far you must go to stop them from sleeping around.
we should start a campaign to class this as child abuse, it fits the definition. also it will piss off the jew.
No. It's removing the entire clitoris. Male circumcision only removes the foreskin, not the head of the penis.
all female circumcision is child abuse not just type III
I had hoped that was just some fucked up fake bullshit I had read.
Actually female circusision does have a religious componant. It is done to stop women from being tempted to have sex with men other than their eventual husband and so they can't masturbate.
destroys or removes your glands, reduces pleasure, increases chances of infections and complications. along with increases in life threatening infections for infants.
>circumcised males have less enjoyment for sex
>therefore they do not rape as much
>they also won't bother their partners with sex as much
How close do you think I got with my shitpost to the actual thoughts of feminists or "human rights activists" in the UN?
careful there Hanz, you might get arrested for speaking out against the jew
Female circumcision is absolutely child abuse and is absolutely disgusting.
Male circumcision is ALSO child abuse and is absolutely disgusting.
The reason circumcision is accepted more than female genital mutilation in North America is very much just because a lot of North Americans are still convinced that circumcision is more healthy and an that an uncircumcised penis is either more difficult to keep clean or is just dirtier by default (obviously, this isn't the case, but a lot of people are convinced it is). On the flip side, its really, really difficult to convince even the most hardcore Westboro Baptist Church member that cutting off the clit helps to keep the vagina clean.
The reason it BECAME prevalent is Jews.
>WHO page for male circumcision
"Yes it's good for you goy"
>WHO page for female circumcision
Am I being memed?
Please stop labeling it male circumcision and get on with the framing by replacing it with male genital mutilation.
Every full source lists multiple types, and some types are much less invasive than removing male foreskin.
Because mudslimes and jews
>why male genital mutilation not child abuse?
Women find it more aesthetically pleasing so we just gotta deal
Do you think they are so thin skinned because they lack foreskin? Could this explain all their butthurt at the world?
Does Harvard have suggestion boxes for scientific studies?
male circumcision and FGM are completely different, & FGM is objectively worse, that's why
male circumcision: slight reduction in sensitivity, but with the benefit of being more aesthetically pleasing + not having to deal w/ cheesedick
It depends on ethnicity or culture the extend of the cirucmcision. It's not done among muslims, rather done in some arab tribes (who happen to be muslim, it's an arab ritual, not an islamic ritual) and in some african tribes.
>religious component
>somehow someway this makes it no longer mutilation
Literally 100% only because of Jews. Had it not been for them, the practise would have been banned in Europe decades ago, and ritualised slaughter wouldn't even be an issue. Muslims are just lucky their book shares some rules with the Jew book, because our societies would never have made these exceptions for them alone.
Only in NA do women find it more aesthetically pleasing.
In Europe, women are primarily turned-off by mushroom heads.
The funny thing about the WHO study on foreskin removal is that it had some methodological flaws. It also was done under circumstances that make its conclusions totally irrelevant to neonatal foreskin removal in developed countries.
Requesting female circumcision pics
>Cut off part of man
>He is no no longer a full man
>And act like it
Both are mutilation as both are amputation of parts that do not need to be amputated.
slight reduction spoken like a true jew
maybe American women because 187 out of the 243 dicks they've sucked were cut but European and Asian women are indifferent or prefer unmutilated
roastie detected
>more aesthetically pleasing
That is always one of the dumbest arguments I hear about this. Like there is some female consensus about it out there. If you guys are honestly worrying about how a woman might view your penis than you should ask your doctor to cut of your balls too.
funny how only Americans consider there scarred mutilated penis normal
Shit's fucked.
got a source that says that the majority of FGM is at least as bad as removal of the clit and not just the clitoral hood or just a symbolic incision? Also there are plenty of studies coming out of mudslime countries that link health benefits to FGM that are as methodically "clean" as the ones that show health benefits of MGM
i think she had more than enough sandwiches
bad goyim
Male Privilege and Juice
Male circumcision can be done for medical reasons, female circumcision, or rather genital mutilation, makes them almost unable to feel pleasure.
Only reason Jews circumsize is because their women won't touch anything that isn't at least 10% off.
They are completely the same because it involves doing irreversible mutilation on a child's most sensitive external organs without their consent.
It's honestly no different from child rape.
But why are so many Japanese men circumcised? I watch alot JAV BTW. And no, the pixilation doesn't hide it.
here are some studies on the matter
>not having to deal w/ cheesedick
I mean, you could try taking a shower, user.
>more aesthetically pleasing + not having to deal w/ cheesedick
Burgers actually buy into this meme
>baiting this hard
>implying there is only one way to circumsize a female
Fuck off faggot, there are lots of ways, and not everyone is the same as cutting off the head of the penis. Total removal of the clitoris is not the only way, nor the most prevalent.
Also, the removal of a useful organ (the foreskin), which kept the glans of the penis clean and moisturized, resulting in a decrease in sensitivity and sexual pleasure, done for nothing less than religious reasons (aesthetical reasons are a non-factor as the child is the only one who has the right to decide whether it's a valid reason to perform the procedure) and the reason of "cheesedick", which is so incomprehensibly retarded because of how disgusting unhygienic you have to be to actually suffer fromt his problem, should very well be classified as Male Genital Mutilation.
Kill yourself, you fucking Jewish shill. Both should be classified as genital mutilation.
>i think she had more than enough sandwiches
That is why she is crying out to some reasonable man to take care of her diet. That means Butterbrote (slices of bread with butter) without butter for the next year.
theres a difference between the medical version of it
Obligatory :
Current boyfriend is uncut and rarely wants sex. My cut exs had way more libido.
Because misandry rules the roost. All the while claiming everything is misogynistic.
Can you imagine the incredible and constant orgasms for a woman if they really only just removed their skin from around the clitoris?
Fuckin' awesome!
But's that's not what they do. The point is to make sure they never enjoy sex so that they are less likely to cheat on their spouses. Pure and simple.
>Sandwich = Stulle mit Brot
Someone seems to be insecure about his pee-pee
"A questionnaire was used to study the sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373 sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255 circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the respondents. Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents. About 20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings."
Kim, D. and Pang, M., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on Sexuality," BJU International 99 (2007): 619-22.
Because fem. Circ. Means cutting off clitoris, not just skin. Male circ doesnt mean cutting dickheads.
from phone
we are talking about averages burger if you look at individuals other factors take over like natural sex drive.
Maybe he's getting ass somewhere else. It's suggested in studies that male gays are still often polygamous.
>impling women don't exist for me to cum in before i drift off to sleep
"A sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test female genital sensitivity."
Sorrells, M. et al., “Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis,” BJU International 99 (2007): 864-869.
"A report published in the British Journal of Urology assessed the type and amount of tissue missing from the adult circumcised penis by examining adult foreskins obtained at autopsy. Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft. The foreskin, according to the study, protects the head of the penis and is comprised of unique zones with several kinds of specialized nerves that are important to optimum sexual sensitivity."
Taylor, J. et al., "The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision," BJU 77 (1996): 291–295.
>Sandwich = Stulle mit Brot
>Stulle = [bestrichene, belegte] Scheibe Brot
That is a false equivalence, just because the clitoris and the penis are similar in look, that is where it ends. The most sensitive part of the penis is actually the foreskin including the frenulum. It isn't as black and white as you are making it out to be as the penis is unique.
>anecdotes trump statistics
not sure if I should blame american education or lack of y chromosome
Pleasure is not a right guaranteed by the constitution in the US.
just because you're running around getting your weisswurst slobbered at every back alley fag club doesn't mean others do.
Except it isn't you fucking retard.
Don't compare the penis head to the clitoris.
-Cutting off the head of the penis would severely disfigure your penis aesthetically
-make urination and ejaculation difficult
-make sex impossible
-lose 1-2 inches of actual length
-Cutting off the clit would cause minor aesthetic differences most men wouldn't be horrified by to nearly the same extent
-it is the pussy that gets fucked not the clitoris, sex for the other party is still the same
- Most of the clit is internal, gspot still internal, anterior fornix still internal.
Dudes in wheelchairs can't even feel their cocks yet they pump them up so they can fuck their women, losing 2 inches off your penis and making it look like a stump is in no fucking way analagous to losing your clit which only affects the person herself. One precludes having a relationship, the other does not.
NOT TO MENTION only one type of FGM is even cutting the whole clit off, most of the time they prick it, cut the hood off or do some other minor work.
You might actually be retarded if you think male circumcision is as bad or worse than female circumcision.
Why is it considered both a Jew and an all around American tradition? Do other countries really not do it?
I'm uncut and I think it's a slowly dying tradition in the US, though.
Gonna dump that limp worm or what?
Fucking gross.
I pointed out it was suggested by studies.
Here male circumcision used to be banned unless it's for medical reasons, like the foreskin is too tight. But since people did it illegally, they changed it since it might get even worse that way. So now it's legal for religious reasons but only if it's done properly with real doctor. There's still assault charges at parents who do it though because it used to be a child assault.
its not as bad but it is still bad enough to be child abuse
Of course it is as bad. Neither the male nor the female are asked for permission and so it happens against their permission. You can get the procedure done as soon as you are an adult.
but there's literally no point in doing that, especially if you're doing it to a child and he can't consent
Also as far as I know majority of doctors refuse to do it and their union is against religious circumcision. I think most of these parents still go abroad to get their son mutilated. And I guess some Muslims boys from secular families born here are uncut.
only happens after 3 days of no shower
We aren't brainwashed by jews or have private doctors cutting off baby dick to make extra bucks from your health insurance.
Is basically the reason. Hopefully we will just straight up ban it soon, FGM should hopefully get somebody to make the connection.
Not in civilized white countries.
Because male circumcision is how Jews mark their slaves so that they can partake and serve them during the pessach.
Why do you think it's predominantly Americans who are circumcised despite there being no religious reason to do so?
>Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft
>erogenous tissue on the penile shaft
>erogenous tissue
This, global warming, causes of heart disease...all good reasons science can't be trusted anymore. fucking agendas.