Want kind of mental illness will happen if I only allow my son to wear yellow t-shirts every day. Only yellow. Forever

Want kind of mental illness will happen if I only allow my son to wear yellow t-shirts every day. Only yellow. Forever.

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He will develop a minions fetish

Is his name morty?

The same kind that you have

He'll become a bass player

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I am the most advanced life form on planet earth :3

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is that your son? I want to cum on them too

We can cum on them later what I’m wondering is how would it affect them mentally if I forced them to only wear yellow shirts. I’m going to strictly enforce this rule for him. What do you think will happen?

As your child grows older, you should encourage them to have agency which means providing them with an array of colorful shirts and letting them pick.

Well finding this kind of interesting science experiments on Sup Forums is pic related do leave continuously updates for us

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No I shall not. As the child grows older I will provide different colors of yellow for them. Ranging from honey mustard too smelly vitamin enriched piss yellow colors.

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Let him only wear yellow shirts and scare tf out of him anytime he asks for a different color. You'll make him scared of every color except for yellow, in theory at least.

>you should encourage them to have agency
>No I shall not.
At the very minimum this will give your child anxiety issues because when they grow up there will be an overwhelming amount of problems they will have to deal with that they've never dealt with before because someone else was making the decisions for them.

That’s the plan. Will squirt mustard at them violently if I ever catch him wearing a different colored shirt other than yellow. Doesn’t matter if he’s at school, friends, or girlfriend (lol). I will be a rational well behaved parent but will be unreasonable and strict when it comes to him wearing anything other than yellow as a shirt. I wonder what will manifest out of all this.

And just for this I am going to paint his room yellow now :3

What kind of mental illness will happen? Sounds like you already have it.

till 18 is not forever. And i would consider this child abuse

grammar errors / illiteracy is not a mental illness :3

I will keep them dependent on me forever so they can never leave me

He would get yellow fever

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How will it affect his self esteem / perception of the world?

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depends how you enforce your rule.

if you only buy him yellow t shirts than nothing
if you scream while beating him (like i was raised) he will likely start to hate living

I will scream at him and forcibly make him wear yellow if the boy tries stepping up to me

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i found my new fav pic, thanks

Yw :3

That will fuck them up much worse than the shirts

Your plan is not special, at all. All parent have something they are completely fucking crazy about it, its just not often they realize how unreasonable they are.
e.g. in jewland, they snip off part of their sons dick. or under the rule of the queen they make their kids drink the most retarded beverages till their teeth become brown. in india they tell their kids which social class they are and dont let them meet people outside.

just because you are very aware of the reason you make your kid stand out, does not mean it has any different effect on him. ALL parents have something that sounds like completely crazy to outsiders.

Yellow Everything

Calm down Rick Sanchez