>mention special k cereal a few times over the last few days with a friend >was only discussed in person, never typed into any searches or anything on the Internet >suddenly bombarded with special k advertisements
Explain this sorcery. Do cell phones listen for key words now and use them for targeted advertising?
Adrian Lewis
Yes, skype too.
Jeremiah Torres
Proof or no cigar
Carter Kelly
So I just repeatedly talk about say.. Toyota or Beer, will I start getting ads for such things?
Luke Cooper
Yeah, The FB app and other jew companies can listen in on your conversations at any time.
Check your permissions on your phone apps, see what they have access to.
Sebastian Scott
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon.
Austin Torres
Same thing with me, I was at work on a work computer was humming NIB by Black Sabbath and went on youtube after and low and behold it was on the recommended videos Also, a lot of "if you liked this you'll like this" videos show up that are unrelated to what I was looking at for work and related to what I look at on personal computer Interesting stuff
Jacob Cook
Do people notice internet adverts?
I could not tell you what the last internet advert I saw was.
I am immune to them now.
I remember the good ol days with my 56k modem reading through forums with their scrolling banners on each side advertising shit like
Leo Mitchell
>going to friends house to hang out >stop into gas station to buy beer >pay with debit card >getting advertisements for that exact beer the next day
i want off this ride
Charles Carter
I have a fb acc on a vpn-only computer, where I done some bigger bank transfers etc, but do not have any real friends on the fb acc. (Also used for shitposting) On facebook only recommended 'friends' are people I done business with.
The acc isn't even in my real name, but as I said, I did the mistake to do some bank-transfers on it.
Luke Bennett
Yo computer engineer here.
No, they aren't listening in to you, tinfoils gonna tinfoil, there are just really really insane algorithms running by google all the time that foresaw that you would consider special K. Not even google has enough computer power to make it worth listening to plebs telephones and flooding their data-networks with the huge amounts of data needed. (I'm oversimplifying)
A good example of this was a few years back when a lady suddenly got bombarded with baby-stuff commercials (google it if you don't believe it) BEFORE she even knew herself that she was pregnant. The algorithm saw slight changes in googling, for example sudden dizzyness, as well as saw that she suddenly had started ordering different snacks from amazon.
So no, they aren't listening to you, but the Algorithm is way scarier than that desu.
Daniel Rivera
Also, start using duckduckgo people. And look at what you're doing on social media, is half the shit you're posting really that necessary?
Xavier Rogers
Duckduckgo sells your data to sites like amazon though, something that not even google does.
Google might carry scary amounts of data, but you can remove it whenever you want.
If you use duck duck go, they will sell your data to people without telling you who.
Noah Miller
Who talks about cereal and mentions a cereal brand multiple times in a conversation? OP is a drug addict
Nathan Jones
Have had similar experiences and talked about it with a couple friends. Ads start popping up on facebook. The only thing different I did was download the facebook messenger app.
Adrian Brooks
And why exactly is this a bad thing?
I'd rather get ads for stuff relevant to me than random shit.
Cooper Smith
How do you know that? what search engines would you suggest?
Henry Walker
I don\t think that is is such a bad thing. However it would already be easy for google to teach the algorithm to calculate different things, such as likelyhood that someone will commit a crime within the next 24h, or why not how likely someone is to rise against a government?
Brandon Hall
Yes goy, we remove the data when you ask nicely
Chase Ramirez
>you can remove it whenever you want >you can remove it whenever you want >you can remove it
Nolan Scott
A couple of months ago me and my gf almost broke up and fought a lot. During that time I was constantly bombarded with relationship advice ads and relationship related clickbait despite never having searched for anything related. Also recommendations for dating Apps targeted to People who want to cheat (our trouble was about a chick that was into me that I almost cheated on my gf with)
Caleb Young
same shit happened too many times. I was wondering the same thing.
Jason Scott
Startpage is google but it does the googling for you and keeps it secret.
Liam Carter
>I know nothing about computers and google must be evil overlords beyond any court because i don't understand how they work, they can just hide away data in their datacenters >What do you mean all googles data is easily traceable? >Nah they must have built HUGE UNDERGROUND TUNNELS to carry all the secret data in every country over the world and MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of workmen of all creeds most have been silenced and NOBODY EVER STUMBLED UPON THESE TUNNELS EVER.
Whew lads I know computers are hard but this is just silly.
Zachary Sullivan
>he fell for the smartphonejew
Ethan Martin
Go back to your cuckshed, Sven
Sebastian Anderson
>I have no real opinion so I will just parrot a pol meme and everyone will forget how stupid we are
Lincoln Gomez
You're either a shill or a moron if you sincerely believe in what you wrote in
Juan Cox
Ignore the retard, hes just baiting
Noah Long
It's only going to get worse with the cash-less society we are heading to
Dylan Morales
facebook app, messenger and certian google apps if you have android are listening.
Levi Green
Why is nobody talking about this fucking picture? This book gave me nightmares as a kid
Julian Brooks
I'd rather not get any ads at all.
Aaron Turner
Aiden Bennett
>I will continue to not point out whats wrong with your argument and instead just call you stupid and maybe nobody will notice.
Juan Gonzalez
Sven being a cuck. No surprise there...
Brandon Ward
Remember, Even Zuckerberg knows to tape his camera and mic...
James Hill
>Says the german
Whew okay. Its kinda sad how unintelligent pol has become, before it was just the trolls being ironic. Oh well, have fun with your iphones kids, the right wing capitalistic overlords are your enemy and google is in fact satan himself.
Brody Gonzalez
They don't need their own compute power.
You're running the facebook app on your portable quad core ~1.6ghz computer. Are you seriously implying that voice recognition, something that whilst primitive, could be accomplished on 486 PCs, can't be done on a modern smartphone? >Even though the smartphones already have ADVERTISED voice recognition features?
I think you're a colossal fool.
Ian Morgan
Google is making it really fun to be a schizophrenic these days, aren't they?
Brody Roberts
Realistically I doubt it but who knows. What is certain is that you have a dozen third party apps on your phone that request full permissions, that you installed without thinking, like the good goy you are.
Josiah Ortiz
>meet random guy at the street and start talking for like half an hour >know nothing but his first name >get home >facebook >he is all of a sudden in the "recommended friends" list >click him >0 common friends with him >?????????? God I fucking hate jews. If they are so advanced they probably know about me being a vicious anti-semite. I hate all of you god damned kikes. I hope you all die. The world would be a better place with the holocaust.
Ethan Russell
Algorithms are listening in to you, hardly a difference from a privacy standpoint lol. They can still just fetch that data whenever they need it (in the case of NSA/FBI)
Sebastian Diaz
I said I oversimplified it, but sure then what you are saying is that google has invented some magic voice-listener and translater that from a distance of a couple of feet can recognize almost all speech correctly (otherwise it would be a waste of time), that at the same time doesn't load the processor at all and leaves no trace in the phones OS(easy to check, and no the OS isn't hijacked the source code is open ya twat atleast for android phone)?
The only way that would be possible is if the program was built into the processor itself, and incase you work with computers you should have at least basic knowledge on how a processor works and looks. Ever had one under a microscope? Are you seriously saying that google has some invisible alloy in all processors in all phones even though the processors have open designs that anyone can look up and compare to what they actually look like, whilst at the same time being able to transmit this data on some invisible framework since you can easily see that this "secret" data isn't transmitted by using even the most rudimentary wire-sniffing?
And I am the fool?
James Clark
>And I am the fool?
The cukshill. You're the cukshill.
Chase Morris
>Britton startled by facts
Keep them meme's coming, those grade a bantz hurt my feelings something terrible
Camden Green
I'm not saying Google at all, I'm saying Facebook. >magic voice-listener and translater that from a distance of a couple of feet can recognize almost all speech correctly Yes, it's not magic though, look at Youtube closed-captions, they are auto'magically' generated, on the fly, for every video uploaded, again you're implying that it's a stretch to imagine that doing this on a single audio stream is out of reach for a modern smartphone. Moreover they don't need a whole perfectly transcribed conversation for advertising purposes.
Keep in mind, I'm not implying Facebook is actualyl doing anything nefarious, they're just serving targeted ads, but no network or machine is completely secure. Why would Zuckerberg himself tape his webcam and mic? Because he knows how insecure the whole thing really is...
> that at the same time doesn't load the processor at all and leaves no trace in the phones OS Have you ever run the facebook app? It's a massive battery hog that abuses the fuck out the CPU and for the most pert prevents phones from idling to sleep properly...
>The only way that would be possible is if the program was built into the processor itself, and incase you work with computers you should have at least basic knowledge on how a processor works and looks. Ever had one under a microscope? Are you seriously saying that google has some invisible alloy in all processors in all phones even though the processors have open designs that anyone can look up and compare to what they actually look like, whilst at the same time being able to transmit this data on some invisible framework since you can easily see that this "secret" data isn't transmitted by using even the most rudimentary wire-sniffing? Now you're the one going tinfoil, this isn't hidden I'm not implying it is, in any way - in fact it's quite the opposite, it's in plain sight.. the facebook app literally asks for permission to use your microphone at all times to which people happily agree.
Joseph Harris
Rate my webcam. >why don't you just unplug it I use my webcam as a mic.
William Mitchell
He looked you up and decided not to add you. Friend suggestions are people that gawked your profile
Kevin Walker
Whelp okay we are talking about different things here, sorry for acting so overkill. Thought you meant you had some secret background program always transmitting data.
If you have the facebook app running, i do not doubt at all that they easily could do this, again if they did it would be really hard to keep secret due to packet sniffing (could be done but again, would be found out sooner or later).
But who the fuck has a facebook app on their phone? Why would you have that?
John Watson
He's a person of interest. Blsckmailing him with a video of him jerking it could earn you some money
Jace Turner
He didn't even know my name.
Ryder Flores
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
Dylan Hughes
I actually don't but most of my family are idiots who do and then ask why their phones are always going flat.
*Everyone* is a target. That doesn't mean someone is specifically 'out to get you' like they might Zuck, but you only have to look at Cryptolocker to understand how ANYONE can be target now. The idea of specifically trying to blackmail a single rich/famous person is insignificant compared to the ability to extort $200 from 100,000 regular schmos in an automated matter.
Josiah Gray
I logged into my facebook account that I made what feels like a decade ago, which has no identifying information (aside from what they gather from my IP address), and despite that they knew to advertise people I knew... which all ended up being some of my best friends from high school. Several of which don't even live near me anymore.