Could the Earth be flat?

Is there any hard evidence to support the flat Earth theory? I'm not saying that I believe it, my whole life I've believed that the Earth was round because I was told as such. However, while hunting for some Pokemon today I just couldn't help but notice how flat everything was. Could it be that this "round Earth" meme is just another lie propagated by the Jews?

I'd appreciate any insight you have to offer Sup Forums.
God bless.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm curious as well

As am I


scientific proof earth is flat:
take ruler or something similar that's straight/flat
put on ground
if earth was round ruler wouldn't be able to touch earth on the entire length

proof 2:
i just looked out my window and it looked pretty flat

Ok jackass I hope you enjoyed your little laugh.

Seriously guys I would love some REAL input here.

The earth is hollow and in the hallowed depths lie the Kingdom of Shamballah. There are several entry points in the Agartha Network to access the former Garden of Eden.

Pic related is one of the few known entry points to Paradise. Use this information carefully OP. Do research and become awoken and stay awoken.

Don't ask me about the Himalayan entrance or the Well of Sheshna. The rabbit hole is deeper than you think. Hint:the Jews are but a piece of the puzzle


Did Ogdoad beleive this to be true

Here is what I want to know. If the Earth is rotating at like a million miles an hour why the hell am I not dizzy?

I don't understand flat earth people

Are they all completely aware and memeing?
Or are they unironically believers of flat earth

Torquemada dindu nuffin

Everyone here is memeing, but it's an actual fad that's going around for some reason.

I know you told me not to ask you about the Himalayan entrance or the Well of Sheshna, but what about the Himalayan entrance and the Well of Sheshna?

The Flat Earth Conspiracy is a playful nudge asking whether we put too much faith in announcements about science, or do we just accept what a designated scientist says uncritically? It's one of Englands oldest scientific clubs.

That it's still got the ability to make people burst into apoplexy the moment it is mentioned shows we very much still need it. That much of it can be debunked isn't the point of it at all. It's the Monster Raving Loony Party of the academic world: deliberately drawing attemtion to the absurdity of it all.

bad places for bad people

is sun round? is moon round?
planets/suns/moons are spherical because of huge inward gravitaional pool,which is spread evenly in 3d. Download google earth, dennis

The earth is only flat in videogames.

Clicked this shithole of a board to laugh at the angry nazi neckbeards.

See this thread while scrolling. Not surprised in the slightest

This is the only public photo of the well. It's rumored that deep below is a door heavily barricaded that leads to the Kingdom.

I can't go further into detail without turning my VPN on.

MOVING UPWARDS AT A STEADY 6mph to keep us on the planet

Ok, but how do we know that they are really round and not just flat disks laying on their sides?

what are the 5 key points to this theory?

Is there any hard evidence to support the fat OP theory? I'm not saying that I believe it, my whole life I've believed that the OP was slim because I was told as such. However, while hunting for some memes today I just couldn't help but notice how fat everything was. Could it be that this "fat OP" meme is just another lie propagated by the Jews?
I'd appreciate any insight you have to offer Sup Forums.
>God bless.

I am a flat earther. Gravity just doesn't make any sense and most of the NASA images are cropped.

>solar lunar eclipse
we invented calendar,predicted eclipses 500yrs ago based on fact that planets are spherical and revolves

Bro you're right every NASA pic is CGI wtf????? r they hiding

i read somewhere that alot of them are just students practicing debating and took the most ridiculous theory to defend

How can the earth be round when it flat round flat

>Is there any hard evidence to support the flat Earth theory?


and there's no hard evidence for a globe model either

Wtf I hate NASA now

saattelite images

NASA photos have been faked

People have taken images of the earth from hot air balloons and there was no "roundness". The NASA images are taken with fish eyed lenses.

What about a cubed earth?

Here you are m8

If the earth were spinning, explain to me HOW THE FUCK an airplane could take off and fly in the opposite direction of the spin without making everyone dizzy.

cant wait for deceptcons to lay hands on us

even the jews knew it was not flat

>digital images by a government agency
>hard evidence

kek, pajeet, learn a thing or two about science

no idea, never heard of it

The earth is (((round))).

That image is a composite of multiple images you fucking retard, of course its going to have some repetition in it.

Heres a single shot of earth

Once you're redpilled on NASA and the real shape of the earth (flat) your world will shatter once you realize the moon is a hologram made by NASA

No evidence, and everything points to the opposite.

Get out a telescope and point it parallel to the ground. If the world is flat you should be able to find MT Everest without much trouble.

I have a personal experience but it could be anything.

Flying to the north of Finland, the distance vs time didnt match up.

The plane took longer to fly a shorter distance in the south than it took to fly over almost double that distance further north.

THis could mean of course there's less distance than stated the further north you go, if the world really is like the United Nations map

During a lunar eclipse you can look at the moon and visibly see the curve of the earth's shadow on the moon. Do it and prove to yourself and put this to rest

Holy shit man I'm fucking shaking right now. I use to think I was red pilled but in reality I knew nothing.

The moon isn't real. I don't know what to believe anymore.

There are accounts of the moon since forever, retard.

The oldest scriptures and texts from all places of the world account for the moon, and it was bigger then

if the world is round then why don't they fly capetown to auckland over Antarctica instead of having to stop at perth

People here unironically think the moon landing happened.

Have you ever been on a plane? You can literally see the curving.

I can't believe I took the bait tho

just looked up that shit. what the fuck?

That's because maps distort what things actually are in terms of size. Things get larger the further they are from the equator on the map.

check this out:

this is just one of the explanations for a single model

you don't know what you're seeing during a lunar eclipse

shit like this doesn't "put things to rest", because it's just an interpretation, no science involved whatsoever

you fucking retard

Am I meant to believe all of the hundreds of videos showing the Earth from space are all fake? It's nonsense.

Little known fact; penguins are muslim, the planes would get shot down.

I bet the curvature you can see with the naked eye when you're at sea is also because of fish eye lenses because fish live in the sea, right?

NASA literally admits that photo was stitched together from various satellite pictures lad.

what about the tidal waves?

hide and ignore shill threads like this.
SAGE goes in all fields.

Why do people keep posting that pic? Theory goes that earth is alike the UN logo with Antarctica bordering all.

no you don't, you fucking turd, stop lying

do arab planes fly higher than 121,000 feet?

I have often thought about this (as probably many people have). I used to think how stupid people were to believe something because they were brought up with it being fact, but we all do exactly the same with science.

so many blue pilled (((science))) fags here


Obviously caused by nazi wave generators.

No idea, but flights from California to Korea fly over Alaska.


It's not nonsense if all of the people taking those "videos" are Jews. Educate yourself.

see how the "curvature" of the satelite is the same as earth, even if we know that thing is straight?

You're getting closer. Research "Operation Highjump"

That's not a the curvature of the Earth you retard, it's the edge of the earth.

I take it you haven't been on a plane either.

you have a point

>no science involved

Read a fucking book you retarded gypo. Shit posting on pol about flat earth whilst knowing nothing. Flat earthers are hilarious

posting in a shill thread, first one I've seen, very entertaining

thank you, wise sage

you're a fucking idiot

Google Earth street view disproves flat earth as they would have to stretch, distort and fabricate their images for it to work which is impossible.

You make a compelling argument

Then put your VPN on

Have you heard about Mt. Shasta?

These paralelisms are very important philosophically.

As you may know, Christ and the trinity can refer to the mind, and some teachings state that heaven is inside the mind.

Of course this could be related as heaven being inside the Earth

Eratosthenes proved the Earth is not flat over 2000 years ago.

dude the earth is a flat frisbie

satan has DECEIVED US

Taking images or videos of the earth are pretty much the easiest forms of evidence to manipulate by just popping in a different lens.

this video convinced me the earth is actually flat

gopro in the title of the video

very curved, flat, and curved the other way (concave)

all three visible in the video, what fucking argument would you need?

Why can everyone south of the equator see the exact same stars rotating in the same direction around the same fixed central point in the sky due south of them, if they're
supposedly all looking in different directions?

Why are the distances between degrees of latitude uniform and don't grow exponentially away from the equator?

Why does everyone on Earth get the same result for the Eratosthenes experiment, when people nearer the equator should get a much smaller circumference for the Earth than those nearer the poles?

Why do arc lengths of given angles of longitude decrease rather than increase south of the equator?

Why does the sun not rise in the northeast and set in the northwest all year around for everyone on Earth?

Why does the sun set, when the law of perspective states that the angular size of the sun's altitude, like everything else, can't become negative?

Why does the sun's angular size not change throughout the day or year, since it is "moving towards and away from us" and is "closer than we're told"?

The idea of the Earth as a sphere has existed since the time of the ancient Greeks, long before NASA. What possible financial motive did they have?

How could the sun be a spotlight if it is a sphere?

Why do constellations appear to be different in the Southern and Northern hemispheres?

Why is the Coriolis effect stronger near both poles, instead of stronger in the north and weaker in the south?

Why are Satellites visible from Earth with a pair of Binoculars?

How could a flat body maintain an atmosphere?

Why are other celestial bodies spheres but the earth is not? How, and why, was the earth created differently?

Why does gravity change with altitude?

The earth isn't round like we know it. Round isn't even a formed shape. Its a perception of curved flatness and involves prismatic distortion from our atmosphere.

Also, OP is a gigantic faggot and eclipses the earth with his aforementioned faggiosity.

It is not flat. If it is, who cares? What would hiding that the earth is flat provide the Jews? A big kek for the kites on top? That is about it.

Remember that it was herecy in the eyes of the Christian God to say otherwise at one point.

Who fucking cares?

Honestly, I know what I see, I know what I feel. The earth is not fucking round. The ground I stand on is flat.

>gravity doesn't make any sense
wew lad did you drop out of 4th grade or something?


Shit so cash

Screaming retard makes me respond in the same manner.

There are literally a million flight videos on youtube with no flat-earth agenda where you can see the earth curving, but I also know your kind well enough to know it doesn't matter how much proof you have.

>What would hiding that the earth is flat provide the Jews?

how about disproving the bible?

once you 'find out' the earth is a sphere in space, why take ANYTHING in bible seriously?

Holy Shit m8 you're right. I'm a #flissle now

If the Earth is flat then why can't I see Mt. Everest?

Pic related. Easily testable.

OK, so lets assume your earth is flat for a second, and there is no moon. Why does the ocean have tides, and why do they appear, simultaneously, on both the sides facing and directly opposing the moon?

this belgium guy gets it.

Because Mt. Everest is flat too. You bought into that one hard, goy!

fisheye lens again, your denial is cute

still waiting for one of those million videos, kek

makes sense