

Dont be so racist



>be French
>see France crumble
>see mudshits kill his own people




>france will have another giant terror attack soon
>they still won't do shit

>South Africa



>anywhere that isn't anglo



>Every country except Sweden
Stay mad, non-white trash.


If you're not part of the big four, you're just fucking insignificant.

Take per-capita into account and Sweden tops that list.

France germanic population is long gone. You're all niggers now.

Stay mad muzzie
Sugg my wringy old digg cigánik XDX::DD

>You're all niggers now.
>says sweden
That's funny. Now back to your cuckshed.

Yeah, says Sweden. Notice something on pic-related? Oh wait, could it be that we have the highest germanic population on the planet, and this is a scientific fact?

Stay mad, nigger. HAHAHAHA

>from Sweden


>Sup Forums

Highest concentration of germanic genes within your native population.
Which you are actively destroying on a regular schedule.

You know how much those pie charts are going to change in thirty years? You won't even be retired by the time Sweden feels a mass demographic switch.



Co deláš ty píčo, no né vole

Yeah we're the whitest, hence least cucked :)))

Stay mad, filthy slav (((((:

Ti spravím držkovou na smotane, ty krávo

Ti spravím volskej oka na tvém oku, Karle

I care about the here and now. Anything can happen in the future. It's not written in stone.

Live in the present, not the past or future. Words of wisdom, my fat, non-white friend :))))

Ti spravím ragú z tvého ptáka na tvé držce ty buzerante

>Hardly any germanic people left

Poland confirmed for the most Aryan :^)

germanics on suicide watch


How do you prevent this shit? Is there anything you can do other than systematically murdering every single muslim?

Meanwhile we're the ones with 99,99% native population within our country and you're the ones whose leading political parties say that "Sweden is not for the Swedes but for the immigrants". Oh, and also having black children among white copules is extremely popular in your country. Good luck staying white for much longer.



top kauket mate

Ti spravím zapekanej bravčové maso na cesneku a rěpíkech, s brambúrkama vole, jen tak

a co Ptaah?

>Calling anyone a nigger
Thanks for the laugh

>Implying that we're doing anything ourselves
>Implying it isn't our politicians
>Implying we have anything to say
>Implying it's not already turning around

Nope, the yellow in that refers to the slavic, not aryan :))))

If they were the whitest people, their countries wouldn't be literal shitholes, and their people so stupid ((:



This. Or mass deportation of Muslims and keeping them out of Europe.

you cannot make this shit up
kill yourself ma cuck
anglo scum


>Meanwhile we're the ones with 99,99% native population within our country
You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Then again, can't really expect a fucking slav to be educated, LOL.

Just don't let them into your country, is it that hard?
Zdravím ťa vesmírny bratku Aštara Šerana, ži v mieri!

Aww look, another non-white country reporting in. Haha stay jealous, paki bastard.

Kurgan, Slavic/Baltic and Aryan are related.

While your shitty Ix is pre-Aryan invasion. Hitler on suicide watch

Pleiadian emissary of light
Welcome me to your planet I'm coming in from a flight

So why are your countries 3rd world shitholes riddled with unintelligent people who behave like niggers? :)))))

Slavs on suicide watch


Oh hello there brothers

Žid byš hadoj nohy, šikmoočko!

>Just don't let them into your country, is it that hard?

> The answer no one dares to speak.

Now you're just being racist.

Nope, still have :)))))))

Confirmed by science (((((((:

Stay mad, squint-nigger :)))))(((((:

I guess non whites are superior then.

Nope, germanic people have sparked civilization all across the planet, and we're responsible for literally all scientific discovery and innovation. Stay mad, paki :)

The only reason you can post here is because of germanic people. Without us, no internet. Withous us, no computer. Stay jealous.

Brother? That would imply we aren't one.
Ashtar Seran Seran Seran Astar Astar
Lord Gorloi Lord Gorloi Gorloi Gorloi

Oy vey, my apologies, Satan got into my very own Christian self!

I'll stop being so ableist and racist and intolerant, I say "Let them in!"

Do you know how much do we need new kebab restaurants?

Keep telling yourself that mate, whatever makes you feel better about being an irrelevant socialist shithole full of muslims.

Hopefully SD can win more than 50% of the vote kek

>That would imply we aren't one.
For now our consciousness perceives it this way but ultimately we are One, One Love.
New Earth is waiting for us where we will all experience One Cosmic awareness


Have you beat south africas highscore for rapes yet?

>He think that voting matters
Lmao look at your intellectual inferiority. You're just confirming what I've been saying. You are inferior to us, both intellectually and physically.

>He believes in the rape meme
Haha good job on demonstrating your intellectual inferior. Gullible nigger :)

Cyka blyat

See you in the higher astral planes brother.

>we be da superiorz
Uncle Freud would like to have a talk with you

Also, hope you're learning Czech cause if you're not - you're fucked

Freud was a pseudo-scientist :)

>Do you know how much do we need new kebab restaurants?

We dont need them at all.
Langos is fine


>countries that aren't the USA

This is a great thread

>60% white


gib langoš RITE NOW

I love you too you little black man full of kisses