Live in Indiana

>live in Indiana
>nobody here likes Pence
>pass at least a dozen signs similar to pic related on my drive to work
>these signs are scattered EVERYWHERE in Indiana
>Pence becomes Trump's VP

Seriously guys - even in Indiana, everyone fucking hates him.

I'll believe that when everyone has 3 goddamn signs in their yards.

Yeah well here in Illinois we hate every politician but we keep electing them. It means literally nothing.

The baby boomers keep reelecting them. White, Christian, and Republican is all they need to be.

Indiana here. Can confirm

I live here, lots of pro pence signs during election season. Don't live in Indy with niggers user.


>(Your rights could be next)

When exactly has Pence ever infringed on anyone's rights?

Faggot's and the mentally ill

he's going for vice president. how relevant has Biden been? He smacked Ryan around in a debate and we get pedo threads about him. vp is irrelevant unless the RNC assassinates Trump.

>be me
>no idea who pence is
>look up pence on the issues
>cry sadness

How did he infringe their rights, explain? Faggots would be allowed to marry under Pence's suggestions, but they would not be allowed to marry people of the same sex. That's because marriage is a privilege and not a right, and the government has the authority to define what constitutes marriage, but not disallow any particular individual from marrying (according to the 14th Amendment).

Mentally ill I don't know about, explain?

>The baby boomers keep reelecting them. White, Christian, and Republican is all they need to be.
aka Trump's biggest group of supporters
aka the people who actually show up to the polls will vote for Trump/Pence

I'm not siding with them you fucking faggot cuck
You wanted to know what the sign was talking about and I gave you the likely answer based on what I know.
I was answering your question, thank god he stomped on them.

Okay, fine.

i keked

I want to have faith in Donny that he knows what the fuck he's doing. How is he going to sell anyone on Pence?

Why did Trump choose Pence anyway?
I mean the single main reason?
Sorry I haven't been keeping up lately

The GOP probably snuck in some faggot strategists to groom him for the debate.

what does the debates have to do with the vp pick?
or you mean its unrelated, but it was a method by which they could insert a shill to fuck up Trumps pick?
that seems unlikely because Trump basically listens to no one but his family & maybe 1 or 2 close friends

Biden has been Obamas life insurance policy.

What did you Trumpfags seriously expect?

Have you even listened to a Trump speech? He fucking winged his entire election so far and now he's stalled. He did exactly what McCain did in 08. Panic at a clear loss and bet on a crazy fundamentalist.

This is going to be fucking hilarious when Pence's congressional statements make it to the top of Reddit next week during the convention

liberal shill detected

He's removing the niggers rights to have the government take white working peoples money and give it to them.

How dare he.

Unemployed niggers need new rims.

Well, he IS assassination prevention.

If Trump gets JFK'd by Der Jude, Pence gets to be VP. Soros and friends would NOT like that.

Marriage is a legal contract. Allowing straight people to marry, while disallowing the same practice for lgbt people is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

But that's not the point. Pence signed a law that would have allowed business to refuse services based on sexual orientation, under the guise of religious freedom. The NCAA(the governing body of our college sports) is headquartered in Indiana and threatened to leave.

The left hates Pence. But the religious right adore him. This is clearly a pander move to court that demographic. I would assume that internal polls show that Trump is in a weaker position with evangelicals than where he needs to be.

Paul Ryan losing the VP debate to Joe Biden was a big part of why Mitt Romney lost. Mitt Romney actually won the first debate against Obama even after making the 47% remark

>nobody likes the person in charge

Well he didn't elect himself.

Yeah he's no Hillary


t. Bloomington

Indiana loves pence, why don't you leave IU sometime and see what real people think.

>Allowing straight people to marry, while disallowing the same practice for lgbt people is a violation of the 14th Amendment.
I'd just as much say that disallowing homosexuals from getting tax breaks put in place to ease the economic burden of child bearing is not depriving them of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor is it denying to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. There's absolutely nothing saying they can't get those same tax breaks if they marry someone of the opposite sex, just as there's nothing saying a heterosexual will not get tax breaks if they marry someone of the same sex.

This of course all being moot as we haven't even discussed taking the 14th amendment so wildly out of context (It was after all created to stop the Democrats from re-enslaving Blacks again) or the fact that the entire "Heterosexual vs homsexual" dichotomy is idiotic bullshit made up by the cult of Sociology.

were called hoosiers, pajeet.

try not living in a liberal shithole. i dont give a fuck about fags or abortions. id rather have someone willing to keep the shitskins out and the gun laws free.

>unironically caring about degenerates and niggers


> (your rights could be next)

So, leftists not liking Pence is why Trump shouldn't have picked him? Trump isn't running as a leftist.

> Pence signed a law that would have allowed business to refuse services based on sexual orientation, under the guise of religious freedom.

So Pence actually stands up for your rights, as opposed to taking them away? It's called property rights, btw, not religious freedom.

>Soros and friends would NOT like that

What the fuck are you smoking? Pence is the perfect good goy

>vehemently pro-Israel
>pro-illegal amnesty

He's das juden's favourite goy

He's pro business
He's pro rights for christians
He's voted to stop the Govt from buying failed banks toxic assets
He voted to stop Obama's ruling to stop the deportation of illegal immigrants
He is not full of shit
He is not a fan of gays, transgenders, etc.

I'm good with all of the above

He is old and has an actual track record

This will cause an issue with Sup Forums

That would be making the argument homosexuals are a protected class. Which they aren't necessarily. I'm sick and tired of this lgbt issue being pushed as a rights issue when all it really does is break down the nuclear family unit.

>a gay
>a non american terrorist
>a fedora wearer
>a gibsmedat
If you aren't any of these groups I don't see a reason not to like him.

Let me get this straight.
Trump wants the christcuck vote so he bretrayed the secular alt right by electing some evangelist moron?

Romney lost only because of changing racial demographics(the mass importation of third-world peasants).

Friendo regardless of whether you like it or not, the majority of Americans, and certainly the majority of republicans, are Christian.

>Trump wants the christcuck vote
You can win the election with that vote alone?

I commute to work past the governor's mansion and even his neighbors have those signs

>Views on homosexuality

In 2000, Pence stated "Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual's [sic] as a discreet [sic] and insular minority entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities."[61] He called for "an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus [sic]" and instead advocated for resources to be directed toward Conversion therapy programs.[62][63][64]

Pence has said that homosexuals should not serve in the military, saying, "Homosexuality is incompatible with military service because the presence of homosexuals in the ranks weakens unit cohesion" and in 2010 stated that repealing Don't ask, don't tell would "have an impact on unit cohesion."[65] Pence opposed the 2009 Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act, saying that Barack Obama wanted to "advance a radical social agenda"[66] and said that pastors "could be charged or be subject to intimidation for simply expressing a Biblical worldview on the issue of homosexual behavior."[67]

Pence opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions.[68] While in the House, he said that "societal collapse was always brought about following an advent of the deterioration of marriage and family".[69] He has advocated a constitutional same-sex marriage ban but did not champion such a proposed ban for his first year as governor.[70]

This. Trump will get JFK'd and we'll return to business as usual within a year.

he's also pro-amnesty-by-other-means and pro-TPP and was pro-CAFTA

in other words, he's totally fine with creating the conditions for illegal immigration to surge, because he knows you're too fucking stupid to attribute economic cause-and-effect properly and will just clamor for more GOPe solutions after it happens

>Religious Freedom Restoration Act

On March 26, 2015, Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, also known as the Indiana "religious objections" bill (RFRA), into law.[97] The law's signing was met with widespread criticism by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against LGBT persons.[98][99][100][101] Such organizations as the NCAA, the gamer convention Gen Con, and the Disciples of Christ spoke out against the law. Apple CEO Tim Cook and CEO Marc Benioff condemned the law, with saying it would halt its plans to expand in the state.[102][103] Angie's List announced that they would cancel a $40 million expansion of their Indianapolis based headquarters due to concerns over the law. The expansion would have moved 1000 jobs into the state. The mayors of San Francisco and Seattle banned official travel to Indiana.[104] Thousands protested against the policy.[98] Five GOP state representatives voted against the bill, and Greg Ballard, the Republican mayor of Indianapolis, criticized it as sending the "wrong signal" about the state.[105]

What exactly has he done to make people in Indiana not like him?
I saw the thing on Hannity and it seemed like he did nothing but good for Indiana. Obviously the piece was to hype him up but overall tax cuts and an increase in jobs seems like a good thing?

"Homosexuals" aren't a class at all. Sexuality is not cookie cutter boxes you put yourself in. That's bullshit touted by the cult of Sociology.

If you're a man who wants to suck another man's dick, that's fine. You are still a man and should act like a man even if you do suck dick. Sucking dick does not make you part of some tribe, it makes you a man who likes to suck dick.

The "Homosexuals can't marry!" statement is bullshit not because they can't marry, but because there ARE no homosexuals. There are only human beings who like to engage in sexual activities with members of the same sex. Sexuality isn't fixed, it's a spectrum (Yes, that sounds incredibly autistic). Shoehorning people into boxes to fit your political ideology is idiotic.

So no, there's nothing involving protected classes about "A man and a woman can agree to have children with each other and the government cuts their taxes a bit", because even if either party engages in homosexual activities, they're still eligible. The judge doesn't ask for a copy of your list of sexual partners and will disallow you from getting married if he sees you took it up the ass one night.

Every state on this list hates him. Time to sober up .

Damn. Went camping for a week, only to comeback just now, and hear about this and France. How the fuck did this happen? Why this guy? What does he bring to the ticket?

You think trump gives 2/3rds of a shit what anybody in Indiana (or the country) that isn't a major corporation thinks?

>What does he bring to the ticket?
Evangelicals? Other than that nothing.

He should have picked Ben carson

Look guys, unoriginal brain dead drones that parrot little memes
hows it feel to know your entire brain is just one big kneejerk reaction that simply looks at the posters flag & then searches your brains solid state drive for the correct reaction file

See this
That's the religious freedom bill pretty well explained. The Republican mayor's comment at the bottom probably explains it best: he made us look like hicks. Also he's following Mitch who we actually liked a lot, so that's hurting him.

I like Indiana.

VP doesn't do anything anyway, and Trump is an eternal demigod.

The tax cuts for marriage and children are separate things. You're retarded.

Hes a literal who with zero scandals. Unlile Newt and Christie

Yes, NOW. Not 60 some years ago.


most Sup Forumssters are closet liberals who shudder at the sight of a real conservative, someone who unabashedly stands up for the rights of industry, the unborn, and Israel.

He's making America great again with Pence as vp well get a new governor.

I just moved to Indiana, tfw no friends

You delusional morons are simultaneously being completely played by Trump who spouts a bunch of pseudo-alt-right bullshit in the primaries to get nominated, then promptly abandons you as politicians always do, then you also claim to be conservatives or some shit but when a real conservative like Cruz or Pence appear, you head for the hills.

those are not conservative traits those are all recent ideas true conservatives are hillbillies who dont know any of the words you just said.

>nobody here likes Pence
Then how did he get elected?

reasons like this

Oh right, we changed that when we let the gays get married sixty years ago. How dumb of me.

That little (R) after his name. This is Indiana, man.

How did he abandon anyone? All he did was pick a literal who for VP



>>nobody here likes Pence
gets elected governor

>pass at least a dozen signs similar to pic related on my drive to work
>these signs are scattered EVERYWHERE in Indiana
It should be a snap to get a timestamped picture then. I'll wait.

How else are you going to clean up the pile of shit that was two terms of Obama?

that shadow.

>My hometown has a few signs
>Everybody hates Pence
>Trump won't win, we shills have been saying it for so long but this time it's true.

Hello my fellow hoosier.


Go back user, you have to go back.