It is 2019 and the white race is dying, this is easy to see as is the main causes, materialism...

It is 2019 and the white race is dying, this is easy to see as is the main causes, materialism, individualism and white guilt. Number one, materialism makes us slaves to money and makes us value it over the family. Number two, individualism distances us from our family and makes sure we have no sense of tribe. Number three, white guilt is meant to make whites feel like we deserve our approaching extinction. Another obstacle is infighting amongst the few whites who dont suffer from the above. As a member of the white race you are either a white supremacist or a traitor. If you are the former then you should put the continued existence and superiority of our race above everything else, if not you do not deserve to be called white. I do not know of any religion that puts us above everything else and i will not have my people come second place to some fairytale god. We have done well as a species so far but if we want to go further we need to put gods behind us and create a new ultra fanatic religion based on the superiority of our people and the need to defend them as well as a culture based on this religion with our old European values sprinkled in. In the event of societal collapse bands of whites will pick up the bible of this new religion and unite while the inferiors fight each other. After an eternity of struggle the white race is destined to inherit infinity.

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Those who know Jesus have no problems raising a strong troop of white children. Cause or effect?

Atheist women don't want children, and Atheist men are weak and lack moral character and integrity that's required to hold a family together.

Enjoy your pride and idol worship though

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Christianity along with any other religion that does not put whites above everything is anti white.

who gives a shit it's spook day

The whites and asians with sense will come together, create a master race, and still btfo shitskins. Don’t worry Tyrone, or more likely Brad, as I doubt a black person would spend their time writing this dumbass essay you put up here. Self loathers like you will always exist, but so will people to rule over the lesser people.

Obviously not you.

So you dont want the white race to exist. Nice to know.

Whites are such pussies lol
For once they're kinda maybe becoming a minority and they see this as "genocide"
Maybe if you sexless cucks would stop chopping of your dicks then you precious race wouldn't be going down the drain

Thats kinda what im trying to fix you dumb cunt. Fuck off if you have nothing productive to say.

They will still be white, with asian, they will be both combined. I mean Korean, Japanese, European. Basically the only humans that deserve to exist.

Look, look, Paco, calm down.

How can you write that without wanting to nek yourself? Fucking race traitor.

I disagree. With Christianity, you love Jesus more than you love your own wife and children. It seems foreign to the Atheist or Jew like yourself to love God more than your own family (or whatever idol you chose like skin color), but I will explain.

You've heard the scripture "my cup runneth over", if you've placed your faith in Jesus, then He will fill your heart with Joy and the kind of peace that surpasses all human understanding...and only then can you truly love that wife and child as your hearts overflowing that love from God into your interactions with them. You've placed yourself in service and submission to something greater than yourself.

Where as the Jew/Atheist is only motivated by selfishness, he has placed himself in God's role, he feels all must serve him which is objectively not love because live is sacrifice.

By loving God you've put your family 1st.

With the most retarded idea for a religion? Yeah, good luck with that.

Ok so long story short you think putting god above your people is actually putting your people first?

Satan trips can't believe

Would you prefer i call it a belief system instead?

Fag, have you ever held your arm next to a Japanese or Korean person’s? They’re the same shade. They’re also more human than the animalistic Chinese. If we combine them we can create an even better master race. I blame the so called mental illness of reddit hapas on feminist bullshit. In fact, the term hapa needs to be left behind for something more overarching for all people of mixed asian and european ancestry. Eurasian works but we need something to denote the superior ones.

Honestly how can you stand yourself?

That would be better. I'd rather you just cut this delusional bullshit altogether. Whites are in no risk of "going extinct" and claiming that you are only alienates you from the other coloreds. Which I guess is what you want so whatevs. I know theres no reasoning with white supremacists, they've been so brainwashed it's really hard to snap them out of it

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Even if we are not at risk now as long as non whites exist there is a chance they can grow out of control. And the world would be better off without them anyway.

>hurr durr wanting material things is bad
>hurr durr wanting to be myself and focusing on myself as an individual with my own will is bad
>hurr durr the only true purpose to existing is to act like all the other retards, dress like them, attend church with them, and breed repeatedly like them

You cannot comprehend the difference between a life led in selfish persuit of lusts and a life of selfless service and love...

An atheist/Jew has only himself to answer to because he is the prime existence in the world - this is objectively selfishness. How could he ever love those who depend on him when he is vain and selfish?

Putting God above you, you must bend your life to His will and not this sort of constant daily moral relativity of changing what's right/wrong so that you always see yourself as good. A Christian is forced to sometimes view himself as bad, and must repent. A Jew/atheist just changes in his mind what good is.

Offers solution so all superior races exist.

>race traitor

Selfish pursuit of lust? Dude i want whites to selflessly serve their people and love them. Just because your fairytale doesnt have a place in the picture doesnt mean anything.

What a deluded world view you have. Even if whites are superior, you're not among them. The only solace I take from this is knowing you're gonna get killed when you try to shoot up a mosque

Maybe your numbers are declining because no women want to fuck any brain dead, skin head, low t, insecure white supremacists?

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Imagine believing that there are other superior races besides the European one. Again, race traitor.

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So you know what race i am?

You're trying to pull that shit now? If you're not white then your posts are even more retarded

Ok do you have anything productive to say? Any fair criticism?

It's going to go in one ear and out the other

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well this is the most retarded thing I've read all day, stick it in your manifesto faggot


So basically you have no criticism.

so basically you're retarded and it's a waste of time. whoops

>cant read
You have no point, what's there to criticize?

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Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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pussies irl ofc

Your still here though

>white race is dying
look at the other communities that the whites have been exploiting since forever

Dont care. Not white.

>Dude i want whites to selflessly serve their people
Every Atheist man views himself as the center of the universe, the supreme being, the sole arbiter of morality in what is good vs what is bad. This self-deification and power demands people serve him, and not the other way around. How could an objectively selfish person ever hope to selflessly serve based on a loose connection like skin color? Most couldn't selflessly serve their own father's son or daughter - let alone strangers.

You must serve Christ to ever know how to selflessly love and serve others. It is a foreign concept to the Atheist/Jew, but to think you imagine millions of white men being fellow Christ-hating Jew puppets and serving those below him is profane.

China hasn’t exploited anyone though, nope. You know, the ones exploiting Africa right fucking now meanwhile the US and Europe try to help them.

>the white race is dying

And what's it matter what the future of humanity's skin tones are? What a stupid ass thing to cry about

Ok now you are just typing words without saying anything. Skin color is a loose connection so we should serve your non existent jewish sky daddy forever.

what the fuck did i just read

tribe senses in 2k19
why dont we evolve, using our brain and be different than animals?
why this goddamn race wants to fight infinitely? its so retarded

Have you served your father's sons and daughters? Have they served you?

Also, good luck finding an atheist woman who will breed and won't just immediately divorce you because if your selfishness, hedonism, escapism/vidya, or idol worship. Your entire plan is fucked from every angle.

Satan trips shilling for the opposition? Gotta have someone to fight I suppose.

China exploiting people doesnt change the fact that white people have done it. No one said ONLY white people do this shit. Stop changing the subject for once

inbreeding level: 10000000.
please kys, jeebus wants you dead

What a shallow response. I'm out.

(You'll find Jesus on Damanscus Road)

either great troll, or great faggot. played

dude you weren't even in, go bible thump your faggot manifesto into the sun and kys