Trump is a retard that is making America lose its global leader position to China

Trump is a retard that is making America lose its global leader position to China.

But it's ok because "MUH SJW TEARZ KEK NPC".

Attached: BINBON.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

>Mentally ill emotionally dysregulated gender confused autistically screeching libtard

That's no way to go through life. Donald j Trump is going to be the man of your nightmares until January 20th 2025. Maybe you should embrace it in some way that way you can cope better.

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

why should i vote for him?


>But it's ok because "MUH SJW TEARZ KEK NPC".

Let's make China great again!

Attached: 255px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (255x170, 2K)

>Mentally ill emotionally dysregulated gender confused autistically screeching libtard

And there you go what's the matter of fact that you are crying. I'm sorry Chicken Little but the sky isn't falling no matter how election fit about it day after day week after week month after month and year after year you have 5 years to go.

Attached: trumptrig.jpg (599x600, 72K)

>blah blah trumptanic good yellow people bad

They are already #1 they own 60% of america and they are the most active country Internationale with infrastructure development project everywhere in Africa, the middle east and south east asia, meaning that once these country gets rich they will be china's bitch because of all them unpaid debt

The problem is not that he's a moron, the problem is that he's an asshole with no sense of honor at all...

Not true one American weighs as much as three Chinese men because the US is three times as goodest as chinaland

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think his pants would've ripped if he tried to pitch?

No, he'll lose and be in prison being ass raped long before then

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>Implying Trumptards see that as a problem.

Probably not, but HE would've ripped a big one.

Attached: ALephtMannPortofTrumpSup.jpg (2550x3300, 1.15M)

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>yellow people bad

Racist fucking shit.

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>White power hand signal

Is there anything they won't believe?

JIDF still can't meme

china is going into a recession

Hitler did nothing wrong
TPUSA rocks
Democrats are the real racists
#walkaway #wwg1wga #awakening

I used to make fun and ching chong these bugmen but slowly i wonder if this will get me in trouble one day? They copy our shit what we dont have yet like 5G. Quick tell me how many nukes China got and can i still make fun of the bugmen without repercussions?