YLYL..whatever edition

YLYL..whatever edition

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>melanoid peoples of Africa.
So she’s admitting she isn’t a humanoid then. Nice.

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I bet you she'll be in need of a solenoid to cope with the shame harharhaR!

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good gogie being gud

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Thanks, user. This was great

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Oh, come off it. Trump and his gang are the liars, the red half of the USA are the cum drinkers, and the world knows it.

Good thread OP

Literally took the cowards way out.

Regardless of american politics, calling a suicide bomber "not a coward" is a stretch.

Suicide is badass

Fucking lost

>melonoid people is our word!

Imagine being as dumb as a black we wazzer

PAHAHA, you right. That's my bad.

fkn kek

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running away into a hole in the ground with 2 teenaged fuck-meat-shields is the most heroic thing a man can do

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My friends and I do this, but with dicks.


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I don't understand, how is blowing yourself up = to drinking cum? Are you that much of a faggot?

Than let americunts torture his asshole in Cuba? I'd off myself too rather than let you fat fucks touch me too

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this. especially explosives

Are you that much of a retard?

2/10 made me reply

Tale as old as time.

Gunna get raped in hell either way

Compared to burgers hiding behind two oceans and drones? kek

If you don't shed a tear reading that you're a dickless retard fuck.

My sides

I guess you are a faggot than

>hell exists

here's your (You) cumguzzler

Been debunked, there was no color on the actual carvings

literally did the most badass thing possible shut up bitch

>Brave people become POWs
Fucking burgers...


Curse you

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Holly shit this is reddit 2.0
Full of stale memes
Newfags out

thank you user

Tbh this might have been a fake.
The line of water just above the standing guys head looks really fake to me.

i kinda thought that too but look at how many people's feet are above the surface of the water. Whenever you've floated in deep water do you kick your feet up like that? theyre doing it because they dont want their feet touching the bottom

Makes sense to me.
Besides life jackets are made to support you in water while in upright position not lying on your back like a tard.

exactly. also notice how many of them have their shoulders above water. this is not possible with a life jacket unless you are supporting your weight underneath somehow. normally your shoulders would be below the surface with just your head above water.

Old and gay

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ur mother lied to me and i say ok it is mother lies
then it fugg a million children and become the whore of the bible
then no more self deciet

pinochet is your uncle because he fugg ur mom

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What in the fuck?

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Does it hurt to put a finger in your dick?

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Am guessing this was Tiananmen square? Lol

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racist much?

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Truth hurts sometimes. You wouldnt happen to believe that your ancestors were kings when in fact they washed peckers?

Good one nigger


Pics or you're just another butt hurt nigger.