Eurofag here.
We are constantly told how Trump is dumb by our media, how impeached he should be, but besides his being goofy, when it comes to numbers he seems to be a good president for the americans, isn't he? Full employment, no incredible waste of money in whatever programs, stopped to bow to China's imports etc etc. Reagan was also a little dumb but after a while isn't he considered as one of the best POTUS? So what about Trump? Don't get emotional please. Figures only.
Eurofag here
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Based Eurofag
>mfw op is still fag
His stance towards climate change is damaging to the world.
People make him seem stupid but they don’t seem to ask themselves if he’s so stupid, how is he not only a billionaire but the POTUS.
So has everyone else, Trump did not cause climate change, Hes just the last one in line [currently] who is dealing with something that may or may not be a scam.
I met a man from Germany who was similarly confused. He was visiting the states, met me (a trump supporter in LA) by chance, and asked what the deal was. He knew that he lost the popular vote but that it still came very close, so wanted to know what it was that made him so divisive yet still got him elected. Had to break down the whole system.
Why would a eurofag be converned with another nation's president?
Don't you have your own president/prime minister/king/dictator to worry about?
>Reagan was also a little dumb but after a while isn't he considered as one of the best POTUS
The majority of Americans are ignorant as shit and all they want is shitty food and entertainment. Reagan gave them that, and Trump is telling them he is giving them that, which is good enough for them.
American here... Trump has been a good president. He has accomplished 80 percent of the issues he said he would do if elected. That is very rare for any president to get. I voted and we wanted these changes. Dont act like its him doing this. Its half of Americans that wanted this. That why we vote. Brexit comes to
Because US is so powerful. Read a book, dumbass. Everyone cares what US, Russia, and China all do because they are the biggest, most powerful nations.
>mountains of evidence and melting icecaps
may or may not be a scam
"dealing with"
Don't kid yourself, honey. He's not doing shit to "deal" with it.
>He has accomplished 80 percent of the issues he said he would do if elected.
lock her up? build that wall with mexican money? why lie?
amen, brother
>Dont act like its him doing this. Its half of Americans that wanted this.
You are ignorant. Because you are so ignorant, I will not bother to debate you. Instead, I will do like you, just state things as if they are facts. You are an ignorant fool and probably have sex with your underage sister on a regular basis, which makes your mother jealous, because you still sleep with her.
>brexit comes to mind
if you don't know what it is at all maybe
for someone who wants figures only you're pretty short on them yourself
You know unemployment figures look better if you include zero hour contracts, gig economy, 'self-employed' people who don't earn enough money to live, so it's not a simple indicator of a country's economic success
Your points on 'whatever programs' and China are somewhat vague and don't really seem to say anything quantifiable?
Trump is regularly portrayed as dumb because he is. Have you seen how he tweets? Riddled with spelling errors and mistakes. Have you heard him speak? Word salad and nonsense, his vocabulary is very poor.
He does deserve to be impeached as he has clearly committed several crimes while in office, even if you ignore the consistent lack of respect he has for his own office
half of americans that voted didn't vote for trump faggot.
You do understand that the climate of the earth has been changing throughout time?
we even had an ice age breh, this shit will continue to change, the land masses will change, the weather will change, regardless of human influence or not, so yes
>may or may not be a scam.
The global media machine only works in the interest of global corporatist billionaires. They hate Trump because he wants to spoil their system of exploitation of 3rd world labor in 1st world countries and mass migration. Also he hurt their feelings because it burns their assess that normal people are starting to wake up and see through their bullshit propaganda here in America.
Sadly everyone except a few good people in Italy, England, and France are still asleep and wholesale buying in to the euro media propaganda. Hope that explains it some.
He doesn't know Israel is in the Middle East, he thinks that Belgium is a city and he writes the word "honor" as "honer". Only an idiot would think he is a good president.
it may or may not be a scam, but it is not one
no one is arguing that tard, why do you faggots keep trying this?
we can prove that human influence has changed climate, but because it happens much slower naturally forget about it? wow so dumb.
climate change is a Jewish lie.
He won due to a guaranteed percentage of votes going red due to local governments coordinating with Republicans in Congress to establish irregular lines around counties so that the populations within those counties lines are predominantly red leaning voters. Combined with an effective disinformation and social media campaign targeting people with low IQs to vote against their own interests.
Ultimately the majority of America rejected him as a clown but it came down to 10-20k people in key gerrymandered districts that either didn’t vote or instead threw their vote to Jill Stein who was a third party candidate endorsed and secretly working for the Republican Party and paid by Russian intelligence.
Many people felt disenfranchised with Hilary due to her representation of a “status-quo” mentality moving forward.
while Trump represented a “Wild Card” disestablishment philosophy irregardless of the fact that he admitted to raping multiple women and paid Russia/Ukrainian hookers to urinate on his naked body and face in Moscow sometime before 2015 and whom had no interest in actually winning the election but was a ploy to build a political base strong enough to launch a successful YouTube channel that was going to be called “TrumpTV”.
This is all 100% true and will be taught in American history books!! It is really a time to be living in.
trump is such a snowflake he hid from the british public. he was also booed at a baseball game. people ARE waking up, to his bullshit.
t. Bernie supporter
Call out Democrat’s if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise admit you’re a shill.
>spoiler: I’m a trump shill
the only scam is corporations trying to wiggle out of spending money to make less environmental impact
cite that source then please from a credible outlet for me please.
I'll be waiting.
>wow so dumb
Both parties gerrymander
Pretending otherwise is willful ignorance
all true
He won because of gerrymandering?
Hahah wow. You really are stupid.
Even better.
On November 4th a leaker will dump all internettraffic since 2013, a 100% copy of xkeyscore searchmask for everyone. The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house.
>we can prove that human influence has changed climate
No you can't. The CO2 levels have fluctuated a few percentage points and the global warming you claim is within the margin of error of the instruments of measure.
>he was booed at a baseball game
It really IS over now
Im not a Bernie supporter, but if voting for him gets your fucking panties up your ass, i might consider it.
reeee nasa lies, sorry I couldn't find the breitbart article on it
Name a politician that likes to get booed. Ffs, Obama never did interviews with Fox News or anyone that would press him on tough issues
shill is a stupid word used to muddy discussion
I'm a person who pays attention to the real world and doesn't suck some celebrity's dick for no reason
can't make international visits because fragile ego, aww. send him back over for round 2 it's hilarious
The purge is comming.
musk 2020
Texas is a blue state if it wasnt for gerrymandering.
Yes that is a fact!! I will gladly show you the numbers. And I’m happy to have taught you something about the world you live in.
he has made me $68,000 in the last 2 years. been making $1,000 a day this last week. 4 more years!!!!!!! (401k earnings)
Die in a fucking fire.
Where did I say anything about climate change? I just called you a Bernie supporter.
I hope Bernie gets nominated because it will utterly btfo champagne socialists (like you) that thought he could’ve beaten Trump in 2016 when he loses in 2020
'fox news' is not news tard
why lie?
Most blue states would be red States without gerrymandering, faggot
If 2016 has taught us anything it's that we have no idea who's going to win. Be careful user
>full employment
Part times are nor full employment
>no waste of money
Added 1 trillion dollar dept just this fiscal year
Costing us billions in trade
>figures only
Figures say he is one of the worst presidents. And you're no eurofag.
hmm. why are so inbred? reee nasa bias
Lmfao climate change. Fucking do something about it then fag retard
find a picture of a cowshit and will be as helpful as a breitbart article
outright lie, easily proved lol
Who is sucking dick? I like Trump because he’s showing how ridiculous and corrupt the system is. He could wear a diaper to every one of his pressers and poop his pants and I would still love him more than (insert approved-by-the-special-interests politician here)
I don’t think you understand. I like Trump because you don’t like him.
Probably not great that he tried to get foreign countries to investigate political opponents.
And, you know, all the sexual assault if you're one of those people who thinks women have rights. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Trump is the president of sociopaths.
Fuck off fatty
Texas and some other “guaranteed” red states are actually predominately blue voting!
That means more people in that state voted blue than people who voted red.
But county lines decide who get the points! And it is important to remember that Republicans would lose if these lines were re-drawn, but Democrats would not lose if those lines were re-drawn.
History books will state it like this: Republicans maintained and pursues gerrymandered districts and focused on filling the courts with conservative leaning judges so that those lines would not be re-drawn for many years.
I am not a socialist, Im redpilled as fuck, commies are the worst fucking thing to ever happen to the planet.
calm your tits, not everyone on the internet is a fucking neon transgender soy riddled cupcake.
trumptard, do you know you're a faggot liar or is this news to you?
Trump is a great president.
>But he's a crook
See every politician in history
>But he's racist
So why did he get the Ellis Island award, photographed with Mohamed Ali and Rosa Parks.
>He hates immigrants
He hates illegal immigrants, his wife is an immigrant. My immigrant employees hate illegals too.
>He says mean things.
Yeah, he's hilarious
>Everything is his fault
You obviously don't know the limits of the president's power, ironic how when people blamed Obama for shit the democrats defended their token president saying that that's not up to the president/he has nothing to do with it. yet here they are on the next president blaming Trump for shit that the president has no control over.
Trump is a douchebag and a crook. The last election ought to be a wake up call because that shit was a sitcom and we ended up getting the president we deserve.
Every president has been a sociopath
No one normal wants that job
Its a good thing he pulled out of the Paris agreement, it was a shit deal. If dems supported nuclear he'd be on board I'm sure
At least you provided a goddamn link.
still, car emissions killed the dinosaurs.
Actually it’s the opposite! Most states would be in fact BLUE. This is due to the fact that those states had more people in them voting for Democrats than Republican. But due to county lines that were irregularly drawn those counties tend to go conservative. It’s interesting really and will be taught about in schools when you are old/dead
>calm your tits
Oh, so you’re British
Why do brits weigh in on American politics so often?
Like Reagan, like all Republicans of the past forty years, he came to office and the ONE piece of legislation he got passed, with Republicans in control of the entire government, was a tax cut, as always, disproportionately favoring the wealthy. While simultaneously increasing spending, resulting in huge annual deficits and an entire mountain range of national debt, which has the effect of devaluing the dollar. The dollar is now worth about 1/3 what it was in 1980, and the national debt is more than 80 times what it was in 1980. Trump's tariffs - which he imposed by unconstitutionally usurping a power of congress - have ruined segments of American farming (Trump voters to the last shit kicking ninny) and are being paid by Americans, though Trump mostly insists that, somehow, foreigners are paying them, which more than offsets any benefit to the majority of Americans from his tax cut. Only Republicans think Reagan was a good president. All of the foregoing is a result of the continued "voodoo economics" Reagan brought us, in between naps. Until Trump the Reagan administration held the record for most corrupt, with more officials indicted, convicted, and sent to the penitentiary. Republicans credit Reagan with single-handedly stomping the Soviet bear to death. But his real contribution was to inaugurate the era of hateful snark in American politics, with scorn dripping from each syllable as he denounced "liberals" in his ignorance of the fact that America was created by liberals and embodies liberal values. More than a century ago Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican president, gave us the term "the lunatic fringe". Sixty years later the lunatic fringe wrested control temporarily of the Republican party to nominate a war-mongering maniac, Barry Goldwater. And sixteen years after that the lunatic fringe finally triumphed with the election of Reagan. Since then they've been running the government they hate, while accepting responsibility for nothing
That has nothing to do with being booed at a baseball game. It’s SO over.
Sometimes the best person for the job doesn't want the job. That person is less likely to abuse their power.
Write in Elon Musk 2020
>global cooling
>global warming
>climate change
truth hurts
>Ellis Island award
you mean that award where they give out like a 100 every year to literally everyone? he would've just made his own anyway, still waiting on fake nobel
Same reason people talk about what they watched on Netflix.
It's entertaining
What a retard
Reagan was the start of the fall of the US as a world power.
Im not British either, Get up, answer the door, I'm your dad. Lets play catch, you wanna go to McDonald and load up on dollar burgers?
lets hold down small animals together and fuck them.
don't get emotional OP said
>still, car emissions killed the dinosaurs.
can't argue make ridiculous non point and run. oh trumptards
I never discuss British politics with anyone. It only goes one way. Brits act as if their opinions matter when no one listens.
Or maybe they valued pioneers and survivors more than inbred city-sheep.
meanwhile americans: reee part and parcel acid attacks reeeee
Please hold your breath while you wait.
If you need to cheat use a plastic bag and wrap it around your head.
Neo-liberal scum, I can't wait for the civil war. Let's see how you gun fearing faggots fair unarmed when the military and police are OathKeepers on the side of the constitution.
So you're telling me you have no evidence that proves that the dinosaurs did not die of car emissions?
wow, look at this hilliary supporter denying dinosaurs their rights.
Ok. I'll vote Trump instead.
it's like you ignored half my post on purpose, convenient. here it is again tard
>trump is such a snowflake he hid from the british public.
Dont forget voter suppression and abusing the electoral college.
>probably have sex with your underage sister on a regular basis
Found the jealousfag. ;-)
I mean, implying you're actually serious... No his numbers do in fact not show that he is a good president. His numbers show a superficial bubble created. Kind of like how an adrenaline shot temporarily turns your body into an unstoppable killing machine but then you crash harder than micky rourke before his plastic surgery. Other numbers are also not in fact his, they would be reflective of previous presidents and their decisions. You can't pull stats from millions and millions of people on a regular basis and nor do his decisions affect millions and millions of people instantly.
They sure as fuck did. What's the name of the country? The United STATES of America. Not the United PEOPLE of America. Without a state based election system we wouldn't be united for very long. Think about it. If one shitty state like California could decide everything making the votes of all those other states obsolete, why the fuck would those other states want to remain in the country? Also, this should be obvious, but people who grow up in the same local communities have a significantly higher chance of sharing the same views. So cities in California all become echo chambers for all the same views and votes, and just because they happen to have a lot more people, they literally get to completely decide everything. The popular vote would be a HORRIBLE system unless it was a country where the population was evenly distributed across all areas.
"No paid vacation", "No paid parental leave" - you're talking for shit-tier jobs. Lots of jobs have it you just have to compete for it. Agree that the Tax rate in america is way fuckin too high.
As a real Americanian I can tell you that Trump is the best POTUS ever. Periods.
>gets caught in blatant lies
you can call me a trumptard all you like, but honestly? i don't like any politician, But you sure got this OCD of needing to class every single person you interact with.
Hahahahaha, you fucking idiot