You have 10 SECONDS to find a flaw with my girlfriend.
>protip: you literally can't.
You have 10 SECONDS to find a flaw with my girlfriend
Looks like meth zombie
your girlfriend is a picture user
Good thing she wears a seatbelt, safety first and all that
she doesnt have enough pixels, her edges are not very sharp and defined they are too smooth.
How does her pussy smell?
>probably american
That should be enough, but....
>thinks she's super cool, but she isn't
>takes selfies with a duckface
I can keep going if u want....
She didn't shoot.
She doesn't follow proper firearms safety rules.
Violating all four safety rules at the same time. 0/10 would not smash.
You don't have a gf, let alone a retarded one who should listen to Jeff Cooper. Nice try, faggot
Poor trigger control
She looks like she’d be a great babysitter
Shitty trigger discipline
she dates you
lol no she doesn't
This. Learn how to handle a fucking gun.
Short hair. Good taste in guns though. 1911s are great.
She is a woman, which means she has not tribe loyalty. Chances are she will cheat on you, file for divorce (if you marry her), tell all of your friends you are abusive and try to ruin your life.
found the MGTOW incel
>Lack of trigger discipline
Okay cuck.
Pajeet, stop stalking FB thots.
easy, just look at her
shes cheating on you with a black guy
Looks like Casey Anthony.
thanks user, I thought I was crazy, but it's probably because there's soooo many young faggot born after the shitstorm.
Improper trigger discipline.
That's the flaw.
Ugliest cut possible on a female. Are you both lesbo?
no trigger discipline
short hair
does meth
no boobs
mentally unstable
It's Casey Anthony you fucking retards.
The same flaw most people have, my cock isn't inside her.
she's white
Does she have one of those retard gimp hands.
she hasn't pulled the trigger.
Can't even handle a firearm correctly. Would not fuck. Please keep her away from me.
She is dating you....
She doesn't have a penis.
Short hair
Edgy trihard
Poor Trigger control, bitch might shoot you by accident
She's perfect, you are very lucky :)
Short hair, you want a twink or do you want a woman?
Sperm eyebrows
Your girlfriend looks like you can switch to lesbian any minute now
Hoop earings, sorry user she cheats on you with black guys
Her finger is on the trigger to be cool, she will accidently die one day, shes an attention whore
Man jaw
Small boobs
You mean other than the fact she didn't pull the trigger?
Would you kill yourself, if you were me ?