Landwhales and hump hogs. lard edition

Landwhales and hump hogs. lard edition

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>this thread

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I used to fuck fat chicks alot when I was first getting my confidence because I thought it was all I could get. Then I ended up married to one and its all I can get once again.. Kill me.


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Where is Amy Stewart Alabama nude pictures

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My kind of fat whore

See if you can put her on a Keto diet. Meat and vegetables basically, zero carbs and sugar. If you can get her to drop 10 pounds, she will stick to it and drop 50. Watch Dr. Berg videos on Youtube. Do the diet with her too.

If all else fails, get rid of her I guess. Your call.

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Good thread

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Fuck yeah id mount all these hogs

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similar situation:
my girlfriend is pretty fat and has been since we met 2 years ago
>she has started pressuring me to marry her
>I told her to lose 40 lbs first
>pic related

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Just break up dude, you know she won't lose weight and it is only going to get worse from now on. You both will be unhappy. Go find another fat hog to fuck.

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I am a fat guy too so I can’t be a hypocrite
>was 280
>started us both dieting at same time and now I’m 250

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Fuck do I love when the skin gets rough in places. It makes them look more like hogs.

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unfuckable COOMERS are the only people who find this shit attractive

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fat cunt

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That ass is pretty nice, any more?

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she loves getting her big soft ass spanked

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Anyone seen a woman become a landwhale IRL?

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are you the weight gain user?

Bump, more sows

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I tend to start those threads the most, yes.

Most of these women are gross

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You know what's sad?

Even though on some level I find these pictures repulsive, If I was horny enough and such a fatass was in front of me?

I probably would hatefuck her.

Biology strikes yet again.

Ah if your the right one then you have pics of one of my ex's doing weight gain.
Did you email some people and make collages a while back?

Nah that's not me then. I don't e-mail photos to people. I'm not that personable. That's somehow else. I just start threads and put up a bunch of photos I got from other sources.

So what your saying is, there is more than one weight gain fetish user posting on these board.
I didnt know they were so common haha


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Welcome to the internet user

Honestly weight gain is a pretty logical fetish for fat fetishists to have.

Thin chick becomes fat chick.

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