at what age did you realize climate change is bullshit?
At what age did you realize climate change is bullshit?
Youre retarded
When my house went underwater from melting icecaps accelerated by huge carbon emissions
14, it was in 1978
Save the whales
When i turned 60 and got dementia and started believing fox new.
When I started reading about similar Psy-ops done in the seventies and eighties. Heard of Global freezing?
Today at age 18 thanks to your post. You saved us all from the climate jew.
when jesus came back from the past to kill supertron 8000 while moonwalking over an ocean of mutated raptors munching on baby hitlers cadaver
so never ... get your head out of your ass
Climate change isn't bullshit. But she's bullshit, and makes climate change look like bullshit. Fuck her
It is not.
The climate is always changing. Arrogant humans think we are the cause.
Research volcanoes long enough and you will realize how insignificant humans are in comparison.
Climate change isn't bullshit. If we fail to protect the environment, it will start raining bullshit. Feces will evaporate and rain down on us all. Is that you want? Shit rain? Shit everywhere you go? Well, if you do, you don't have to anyting. But if you want a shit free world, you need to stop buying so much fucking plastic and kill every damn person in China.
how are you so fucking retarded that you cant put 2 and 2 together and realise what CO2 is and what is does when it is in the atmosphere. how little is your brain that you think chemicals have no effect on the atmosphere?
LMFAO...oh wait you're not
research anything long enough without a brain and you can find anything that can confirm your delusional retard science. dunning kruger
Climate change is caused by cannabis legalization. There's too many people smoking weed. This is indisputable. We need a global ban on marijuana.
Dont forget to leave out how damaging violent video games can be to the environment during production. Ban weed and video games.
Also we really shouldnt be destroying the climate every weekend when we are just fucking around. I call for a 7 day work week. 10 hour days so you dont have time to burn up all the fossil fuels after work.
How dare you OP?!!! We are all going to be dead within 10 years because of climate change. Stope eating meat! Return to nature! Repent!
We should just ban everything because everything is bad,
Keep burning fossil fuels and you keep putting money into the hands of people that hate America. Fuck Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Polluting isn't patriotic.
I'm voting you in next election. And people said Sup Forums is full of degenerates.
user 2020
It must be really difficult to be an ignorant bigot and see this little girl - a girl, younger than you, weaker than you, smaller than you, - meeting with heads of state, on the international stage, receiving acclaim and prizes and awards - while you work for minimum wage (or on disability) in complete anonymity.
No wonder you hate her and her cause. She shows you every day what a failure you are.
>5 exxon bux have been deposited into your account
Climate change is real tho.
Global freezing what a hypothesis put forth by a single scientist. It never gained any scientific credibility, but was picked up by many media organizations due to it's sensationalistic nature (see cold fusion hoax) . A year later "global freezing" was completely discredited by the scientific community at large.
The only psyop is the one misinforming you about stories like that to get you to doubt scientific reality. People like you are easy to confuse because you're scientifically illiterate and you'll buy into whatever narrative fits your cognitive bias.
I would violate her stupid retarded ass so hard
Wtf lol
she's full of shit and a puppet, regardless of what any of us think about climate change
When I saw the billionair Rothchild going around campaiging for it when Al Gore put out his movie.
Since then crisis actors are the norm in the media.
She's being paid to push the agenda and appeal to anyone dumb enough to think she's genuine.
Crisis actors.
It's never changed this fast. It's been proven it's from man made co2 emissions. Normally it would take 10,000 years for this much of a change, we did it in 100
Second paragraph x Population = Fuck
>it’s never changed this fast
I’m sure there are very detailed atmospheric measurements prior to the 20th century.
The main point is she’s a speech making moneymaker for her entertainment industry parents.
My opinion on climate change aside, the whole thing with her is stupid and annoying.
I think we can all agree on that.
Climate has been, and always will be, in flux.
Paying more taxes to a corrupt state because it's doing what it's always done is beyond moronic. Its criminal.
Pro tip: Human CO2 output is 100X more than volcanoes — you have to genuinely be an uneducated retard to not understand the effect that 7 billion people have on the planet — Look at google earth to get an idea of scale for yourself —- every inch of the planets forests have been affected in visible ways from Space! It’s not natural, it’s human induced. It’s a case of the smartest people in the room trying to convince the dumbest people who won’t ever really be able to grasp these basic fundamental concepts. Since It’s a futile argument to win, Corporation executives and leaders need to make the change because most people are uneducated and will never be able to see. Your stupidity blinds you, you naive pieces of shit.
when was the weather wizard first published?
So what you are saying is that increasing CO2 to an environment doesn't raise the temperature in aggregate?
Or are you pretending that we aren't increasing the amount of CO2?
Or that increasing temperatures don't have other impacts?
She is from Sweden so you want Sweden to lock her up? Or are you just too dumb to know that?
Source faggot
Show me those peer reviewed cave drawings
You people are worse than Jews and niggers combined. NPC PARROTS.
Never started believing
We are not causing the climate to change, and we are not paying the government for it. Mars is heating up and cooling at the same rate earth is dummy.
And greta is reading scripted speeches. Its called a crisis actor. Stop watching TV and news and just go outside and live your life.
very well said
When the new ice age where only years away...
When I was freezing my ass off in Oklahoma during global warming in 2008
You know there are many scientists who argue against CO2 concentrations at 400 ppm being a problem... plants evolved under an atmosphere closer to 1200 ppm; we're in a CO2 scarce period. The vast bulk of CO2 has been locked into limestone and in the ocean, it's not so bad we're releasing it. Plants will grow better.
Sea level rise is going to be gradual and inevitable since the earth cycles through this. You know that there was a medieval warming period where Greenland was 2 to 5 degrees warmer. 11,000 years ago there was no water between England and the continent while North America was under 1 mile of ice.
The world isn't ending... this is just one more political push using the environment to clamor to override nation states and democracy.
Tony Heller
yep, climate has always been shifting, with or without us
going to be a cold winter stay safe
Around 30. Not long after taking the red pill.
I'm 50 and think it's not bullshit. What I DID realize is we can't really do anything about it. Poor people are getting less so due to capitalism and so will consume more energy and clean will never be cheap enough in time to make a difference.
So I foresee population reduction by starvation in the coming decades as crop yields drop, mostly for poor people on or close to the equator.
I remember arguing about it on the university message boards. I studied applied mathematics and I could tell after doing a module on chaos theory that their climate models were total bullshit.
Lots of people studying climate science got very butthurt and I got banned from the forums for 3 months
They were saying things like, "we'll see by 2015 when the university is underwater won't we" (this university was on the coast.)
This was in 2004.
>climate change is bullshit?
it's funny that most people who say that are the least educated on the subject.
16 when I learned that the earth goes through phases
u mean what time did u divorce reality altogether, or at what age did u realize u cant keep up with simple science?
When I realised how much money there was in it and how convenient that was for big businesses and how "reputable" scientists always seemed to go where the money was.
>humans are not natural
Humans are fucking mammals you faggot
What are meaningful solutions that humans will achieve to mitigate anthropogenic warming? I'll wait.
>mitigate anthropogenic warming
>150 years of "anthropogenic climate change" has produced >1° of warming
Funny how the glacier that once covered Manhatan receeded on its own without any help from humans. It's almost as if it doesn't need people to change.
The sign telling of the dwindling of the Athabasca glacier has recently had to be moved due to the advancing glacier.
Sadly I was about 25. 45 now
Climate change is happening . If you're cognizant enough to remember the last decade of weather you should know something s happening. What's BS is the attribution of cause. Just saw an article yesterday now saying that melting ice cap may be a portent of an upcoming ice age. I'd have more respect for the scientific community as a whole if they'd just say "we don't know what the fuck is going on but shit is happening with our climate" instead of trying to make it a driver for political agendas.
You can't fucking read. Why are you stringing words together?
No wonder she left the shit hole that is Sweden
A criminal gang notorious for its brutality is gaining a foothold in major Swedish cities, police have warned. The drug-traffickers and people-smugglers from Nigeria are known for using “black magic” to coerce people into crime.
The ‘Black Axe’ – a group described as nothing but a ‘death cult’ that kills, kidnaps, resolves internal conflicts with machete fights and uses voodoo as an instrument of blackmail – has firmly established itself in Sweden
RIP Greta Springsteen
I had heard that
Climate change is happening, slowly. Because that's the way the Earth works. Not because of human interference
You do realize that the atmosphere is already made up of 100% chemicals, right?
>Russia Today
Sure kid
Only -people- liberals need people to change. The planet couldn't care less
You're an idiot.
I think his point was about the effects of altering the chemical balance of the atmosphere.
>at what age did you realize climate change is bullshit?
When I realized that the "solution" to Climate Change was Wealth Redistribution.
You are gay and everyone in this thread is gay. Kys now you are gay.
Do you really think that someone here would acctually go outside to "live life".
Its not all bs but my dad worked in the industry when it came to solar and stuff. It's one of the most corrupt industries there is.
You're right in that climate has changed and will continue to change regardless of what humans do. The issue here as that humans are speeding up the process. Then the question is, how important is a stable and predictable climate to you?
k u first, fag
>The issue here as that humans are speeding up the process.
Save the whales the issue is.
People think they are the center of everything for some reason
The same age I knew you were an easily triggered cunt.
>regardless of what humans do.
>The issue here as that humans are speeding up the process.
I'm immune to your double speak
Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg, the “Youth Climate Strike” founder is now demanding that her opponents be thrown off Facebook in order to stop supposed “hate and conspiracy theories.”.
Greta Thunberg: “I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not. Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact checking and of course the issues of interfering with democracy…are among many, many other things that are very upsetting. The constant lies and conspiracy theories about me and countless of others of course result in hate, death threats and ultimately violence. This could easily be stopped if Facebook wanted to.
I find the lack of taking responsibility very disturbing. But I’m sure that if they are challenged and if enough of us demand change – then change will come.”
climate change is real. you cannot pick what science you believe in
yeah, like 2-3 decades ago. these days the argument is around carbon emissions.
the science understander has logged on
When al gore turned out to completly wrong. Im old enough to remember when al gore was preaching his crap, and now that ive seen all his predictions have been way off from reality, I know its all bullshit.
There is literally no evidence of man made climate change. No amount of autistic seething will change that.