I just dropped my fiancée off at work and my friend knows this...

I just dropped my fiancée off at work and my friend knows this. She asked me to come to her house—where she is alone—to help her roll a blunt.
What do?

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teach her to roll properly


Hey fam.

You need help with your friend?

>roll a blunt
>fuck her cunt

dubs confirm OP's destiny

Remember this user

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I’m more of a joint guy myself but latinas like blunts for some reason

Post both their pics ofc. w/e u got.

That's bullshit to assume there's a difference between a joint and a blunt, at least a fucking bong, THAT is something different

Friend is the girl on the right

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Don’t have a good pic of my fiancée for some reason

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oh in that case help your friend roll a blunt Sup Forumsro. you don't have to cheat on your fiancée unless you want to. we're not here to he moralfags, you gotta do that yourself.

comparing apples to oranges these pictures are, you have no pictures of your girl in anything aside from super casual?

Smoke weed with your friend, and cuck someone if u want to

Stay loyal, don't do drugs, don't be a degenerate piece of shit

She might be lonely. Go give her a hand and talk to her. It doesn’t mean you have to stick your dick in her user.

Unless you want to.

She's your friend, roll her a fuckin joint. Smoke half with her, have a glass of pineapple juice and go home.

if you are goin to cheat wich you are implying you should deffo kill yourself lad

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Smoke and stop mixing weed andd women. She knows this too.