I'm too mentally fucked in the head to hold a job but too functioning to get disability

I'm too mentally fucked in the head to hold a job but too functioning to get disability

what are my options?
inb4 suicide because you guys are so fucking predictable

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wait for a bit, then suicide

Probably suicide.

Thank you.

Is this really the American dream? work or kill yourself?

where's the middle ground?

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M or F?

get used to taking it up the shitter, charge $20 a pop.

M but get mistaken for F frequently enough

I'm worth more than that but I lost my ability to have casual sex so we gotta rule that out

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I'm guessing you're American? This country treats mentally ill people like utter shit.


Because they are. They’re leaches.

t. would-be Aktion T4 perpetrator

maybe somebody had too much blood

Shoot up your local SSI office kill everyone they don't care if you starve to death and wind up homeless why care about them KILL THEM ALL.

Or follow them home and kill their entire family's eat their food and rape their corpses.

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Is there any foundation in helping you or your kind of disorder.
USA is a weird country.

Kys , by suicide...

what gave it away, my desperation and fear of being labeled useless because I can't work? :)

we can't afford to treat mental illness because the entire country is mentally ill

the treatment lies in total reform imo. This country drives people fucking insane. See: mass shootings


you're the type of person who perpetuates the 80hr work week

seek help immediately your thoughts are unclean

see that's the thing, I'm high functioning in most everything, but when I try to hold a job, my body and mind literally shut the fuck down. I stress myself into actual sickness then i miss work cuz I'm throwing up

I can do some pretty great feats in life - but this is not one of them, and it's the one I need to.. you know.. survive and stuff

So, no, there's no group that can help me because I don't appear to need help according to society


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>you're the type of person who perpetuates the 80hr work week
Because I can actually work instead of relying on everyone else to support me. Unironically kill ourself, you’ll be saving everyone time, money, and resources.

sigh this post again

I'll just wait to talk to somebody who has communication skills

OP. I feel your pain.
Like, I really feel your pain.
I was abused from when I was a child to half way through high school by my peers and family. Some people use the term bullying but to me I was publicly shamed daily by teachers and students alike. Just to go home to a family that can't stand me.
I was forced into believing that I deserved the pain I felt.
After high school I worked in customer service for a decade because it was the only thing that felt natural to me, to be screamed at by people for shit that I didn't do to them.

I tried to kill myself in 2011.

All I ever wanted in this life was to create art that could help someone like me, the same way that the artists I admired got me through the worst times.

I write screenplays and make music. But I still haven't been able to hold a job, have actual friendships that last, hold down a relationship, or really do anything that makes life worth fucking living.
I just work at places until the brink of eating a bullet and then quit and move on to the next.

This existence is bullshit.
I wish I had something constructive to tell you, but I don't. I just feel your pain and wanted to let you know that you're not alone on this.

I held onto art and that's what has gotten me this far, I guess if you have something that makes you happy, do as much of that as possible? Its kept me here for this long, hopefully you'll be able to do the same.

only redditfags believe that its their fault blahblahblah suicide, blame your shitty american government faggot

oh no. anything but my feelings.
be a man and post your dick down your dads throat if you're that alpha.

nobody gives a shit about your feeling dumbass

OP have you tried going to some part time company? here in germany we have something that could be translated into "worker lending companies". you basically do something else each day. one day you might work in construction the other day as a customer host and the day after that in building maintenance. its really good for people who cant do one job for a long period of time.

its not suicide if u surprise urself

Dick is literally in my hand while typing this. Fuckboy.

get a job, hippie

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What's got you down user?

Get meds. My first job was a retail store and after a month or two life was pretty normal. Work stable hours, obviously had to get used to helping customers (we had to dick suck the customers, you know quality service) but it was pretty casual and easy money really. Especially being a closer. Just apply to like small dollar stores or something it isn't that bad of a job.