Tell us a secret

tell us a secret.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I touch girls butts in public transport

My ex-gf used to keep me in chastity for months at a time and degrade me heavily daily

I'm fucking the woman that lives next door to me. She's not hot, it's not good, but it's a secret. There you go...

I fart in public

I've been fully naked outdoors at least twice in my lifetime

i have a serious masturbation addiction

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I kidnapped the Lindbergh babby.

I am supporting and dating a former cam girl. I have bought a few of her panties and I send her money every other day. Not much to hurt and she is always texting me and saying stuff like she loves me.

I am wealthy enough to support her forever. Is it real love or is she just using me. She says she doesn’t cam anymore or use the other places she used too...what should I do?

Does it affect your ability to have sex with girls?

Is she stinky or fat? Is that why it’s not good?

me too.

god i love that pic

Not really but there are times when my dick burns during sex.

fake and gay.
if not. you're wealthy, so why do this ? you have options.

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My older sister used to jerk me off while i played with her tits.

I sleep at work. So does my boss.

I saw her face on Reddit and I DMed her. I thought she was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. I am newer money. Which means I made money but my social skills and my looks are a bit lacking. I liked these types of girls before I got money.

She's got a pretty decent mom body, definitely not fat. And she smells great. But she's one of those just lay there types. Super boring.

My gf is a giant weeb. She’s cute and all but it drives me nuts. I don’t give a fuck about anime.

give me $100k. thanks.

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OP is gay

im fucking my gf little sister

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>having sex with my bf
>accidentally pee on him a bit because shitty bladder control
>say yes because I figured it's less embarrassing than saying I pissed on him
>from that point on he'd try to make me "squirt" every time we fucked
>he'd feel depressed if it didn't happen, it really bothered him
>I started peeing on him every now and then when we fucked
>he was so happy because he thought he was making me squirt
We broke up years ago but I never told him the truth. He still thinks he has the best dick in the world and that he made me squirt when in reality I was just peeing on him.

nasty bitch.

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Not my type.

kidding, but that's great man.
how does it feel to not have to worry about money or working again ?
when did you first realize you were financially above the common man ?

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i have so much to say yet nothing. i don't...

spill it.

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I catfished my ex's boyfriend in to sending me pictures and videos of them fucking.

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she's pretty ugly but I like the concept of catfishing a gf's ex to get nudes

agreed, she's ugly.
look like she had aids.

For sure, she was an older milf with a kid and a mom body. Sweet lady though and a real freak. Her new BF was a gullible dumbass and I fucked her for a while behind his back, "joked" about tag teaming her with him but that was my main fantasy.

Fuckin hilarious

how little is her sister?

Whores like you need to be deleted from the gene pool


For 5'ish months now I've been paying our office's cleaning lady an extra $50/month on her invoice for sexual encounters. She needs the extra money, and I need the sex. She's about 42, I'm 28.

I'm usually the last one in the office anyway (I'm the accountant), and if I want sex I just wait an extra hour for her to show up, and if she sees me here she knows why.

The first few times it was very cold-hard-business, but she's become more into it now, clearly wearing nicer panties and stuff, even into getting a bit degraded (maid & master sort of thing).

> been with my gf for over 10 years
> she became the most grinding and boring pearson
> don't know how sex actually is because I have no reference
> nothing daring about this life
> we are buying a house together :/
> midlife in 30s here I come

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Knocked up my girlfriend got a three year old son. Bought a house earlier in the year on a lake with her. Life's not that bad user. I'm late 30s she's early 30s

Pic related my backyard.

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I stole some pictures of a student's phone one time.

Wickr is EducatedOak9 if want face or story.

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same faggot, replying to himself

>i have a serious masturbation addiction

99.9% of men between 14 and 24 have the exact same problem.

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No but thanks anyways


My neighbor wants me to fuck his wife but my wife hates her, if I got caught, game over. The MILF on the other side of us I've seen multiple times naked by filming her through her open bathroom window. Love hot 40+ MILFs

What do yo mean between 14 and 24 user, I'm fucking offended I've had a serious masturbation problem from the age of 12 o the age of 49yrs old t

If you're that offended you shouldn't be on Sup Forums you fucktard

I'm afraid I might be gay, I came 2 times watching guys touching tips and I fucking hate myself for it. I dont think guys are hot, i have how hairy they are, and how manly they are. I hate the hairy chest, legs, face, all of it. I dont find men hot. But when it comes to dicks, and touching tips, I dont know, it's like I discovered a new fetish, but I dont want this to be my fetish, and I'm not gay because I dont find men attractive, only dicks

im in a sexual relationship with my niece who is 5 years younger than me. oral only

Teach me how to make money about

I sucked my own dick last week and now I feel kind of gay

what're you gonna do when her parents find out?

traps bud

I've told this before, but for any newbies -
My ex gf thinks she has fucked 6 guys in her life. Realistically its around 20.

she initiated it, and doesn't live with her parents anymore. she comes to visit about once a month. I'm not concerned

I do drugs and actually hate sobriety, but being in between jobs has forced me to stop. Which i was having alot of existential dysphoria. So it helped but goddammit i miss acid. The veil between existence and zero sum seems so fragile though.

I'm on Sup Forums. I won't tell you why. It's a secret ;-)

Sometimes I bump threads

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when ?

I am Spartacus

I prefer to bump uglies.

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Lol gey

You need to start treating her like a cum dump. That's what she wants anyways. Choke her, use her be rough. Trust me she'll fucking love it.

Andy's logs are warm and steamy

If you don't have kids, you should leave her. Otherwise you'll regret it, and you'll both miss out on fulfillment.

got a 3 year old with a married woman, her husband doesn't know it's not his

Hahaha that's just great. How did it make you feel too pee on him?

i used to streak with a lady friend of mine and fucked her the one time.

been fucking my friend's mom since he moved state for college

user, I was in the same boat. 10 years together, through high school and college, I felt like I missed out a lot, finding out if I was actually happy. It sucked a lot and for quite some time, but I ended it with her. after a while you learn to love someone new, but not in the same way you loved her. This isn't a bad thing, you can love in different ways, there is no wrong answer. Be happy with yourself man and good luck.

The best and hottest sex I have ever had was with the young daughter of my wifes friend.

I showered with a 9yo girl earlier today

in what context?

When I was between 10-14 I had multiple homosexual encounters. No anal, just sucking and jerking all with other boys my own age.

I'm a hopelessly romantic person, but I gotta say the best sex of my life, by far, has always been with people I had no romantic interest in.

ive cum on my sisters tooth brush many times

I've been single for a year and I'm still not over my ex and I'm absolutely miserable because of it.

You got the money. Why was they kill?

Was at the local pool/rec center after we were done swimming. She's my niece

clever presentation of info brother

Why you post this in every secrets thread?

this secret thread is poor. people should converse with each other. ask questions, share your actual secrets.

Kid never stopped complaining.

When I was younger I would look for weird porn on dial up, stumbled across beastiality, was hugely turned on by horse cock, I lived out in the country and random dog comes up to me one day, very thick cock popping out a bit, pet it for a bit and find a little secluded corner covered by trees, vent help but bend over and jerk dog cock then impulsively bend down and suck it shortly.

End up getting worried I’ll get caught and take off.

Wasn’t last time

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I miss first sexual experiences/incest story threads

I fucked my younger sister on her 18th birthday. We had a sexual relationship for a couple years until I moved out of province

Lol so make them user, we are all equal opportunity faggots (aka OPs). Start one off interesting it’ll bump, or ya know get fucked 8P

Wow that’s fucked up but kinda hot, how did it happen and wasn’t it weird? At least after fooling around?

She got some nice little slinkytits!

28 years old and am attending the college of my dreams for computer science... studying hard, honor roll, etc. Put in two years at a community college to get here.

I spent five years addicted to heroin and think about throwing it all away everyday. My little brother saw me all addicted to drugs and is starting to do the same thing now that he's coming of age. I did so many shitty things back when and I don't deserve any of this.

Some days I just want to kill myself. I'll never be able to clean all the shame off.

A great type of tits and the look so good on blaks

10/10 green text.
Are you hot?

Leave her. Being alone is better than being with the wrong person.

good luck Sup Forumsrother, someday it ll get better

governments around the world are run by lizard people.