Please ruin my schools contest

Please ruin my schools contest

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Other urls found in this thread:

let's do this shit

>this is an option
Vote for him

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>4chinz isnt your personal army

Holy shit those look awful, what is there to ruin?

vote for the furfag, it's the only real option

Attached: furfag.jpg (720x1174, 549K)

Almost voted for the Furfag but he was actually kind of scary.

I voted for Velma

The choice is clear

Be sure to use a vpn so you can vote multiple times

you can just open the link in a private window to vote multiple times

Done. Now stop interrupting my search for degeneracy.

Bumping and voted for the anime

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Voted twice but then couldn't vote again. Let's coordinate on this entry or else your mother dies in her sleep tonight

This is lulz not vengeance

Only applies if you're trying to get revenge

Bump for results


Look at that power stance

voted before I even saw your post, he's that good.

I bet he'd make a good trap.

You fucking retard he's not targetting anyone


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Done and did, based

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I will try to post results thanks guys

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Nice dubs

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So i dont want you guys to vote for me. you should vote for the cereal killer. we were trying to rig it in school but then an Incel decided to post it here

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Oh shit

And the plot thickens.