All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased while law enforcement should decrease while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.
You'll never change my mind.
All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased while law enforcement should decrease while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.
You'll never change my mind.
Drug money is used to win corporate rigged elections
Drugs are funneled into almost every country in the world by thier own governments. They are trying to build a prison. A prison for me and you to live in.
I agree, but the issue is money. No one wants to spend money on treatment, it's just not popular, especially for more right-leaning people. They see drug addicts as hopeless cases that only deserve disdain and punishment.
Hell, we even have trouble with the concept of public healthcare for "normal" taxpaying citizens, there's really not a hope in hell that any laws will come about for European-style "soft" treatment options.
Am I right? Do you have some type of funding plan in mind that would be more palatable?
Take .05% tax on every stock transaction.
I guess the next step is to show me the math. How did you get the number 0.05? Show me how you get your estimates on treatment costs and how that matches to the 0.05%.
Also, is that on capital gains only, or on complete value?
i agree with you tho
>on capital gains only
or realized gains
Pls tell me that isn't System of a Down
Ok, that's fine. I'll monitor this thread for the rest of your math. Post your analysis when you're ready. I'm genuinely curious
do you think he has any math or analysis? this is bernie tier policy. it doesnt work in a country the size of the US. dont even waste your time engaging with this moran.
I always give people the benefit of a doubt. I'm often disappointed, but I have run into some good people who know what they're talking about too.
We'll see if OP is talking out his ass or not.
But...I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch right here in Hollywood...
Bernie Sanders did the math on Joe Rogan. He eliminated the deficit by adding a .5% tax on all transactions. Since treatment costs are significantly lower I'm sure user is correct about the .05%. Go look it up yourself. He wants you to change his mind hes not trying to change yours.
Why dont you ask the kids at tiananmen square
So no one can prove me wrong? Just casting stones eh? Or I'm sorry, "talking out your ass"
"Bernie tier policy"
Looks like someone is pretty misinformed.
Thanks, I'll look for that episode when I have time.
At least there's some backing to the claim.
The other issue with addiction / treatment is that, at least in the US, the culture of it is badly broken. None of it is grounded in any science, it's all 12-step stuff that's proven to be almost the least effective way of dealing with the issue. And for good reason: these treatment centers are huge profit centers. So, there's no incentive to change them. And given this, just throwing more money at it will only line the pockets of those running the programs and I fear will do little to impact the problem.
You're somehow crafty and pathetic at the same time
>utilizing drugs
>pay for secret wars around the world
>drugs are now global policy
>police the globe
Seems legit to me
Beat the meat
Treat the feet
to the sweet
You should specify what drugs and what treatments
Bernie did the math on Joe Rogan is the most millennial thing I've ever fucking heard and I'm off to put my head in a blender.
Sometimes I feel so pathetic that I cry...
I actually had a coworker tell me they think Bernie will win because of that interview. That was the most millenial thing I've ever heard.
I'll take the bait I guess. Bernie did actually publish that plan. It's not just something he talked about in an interview. Also he stole the idea. It's been in practice around the world for awhile.
Prisons would be ghost-towns if it wasn't for people who got caught with a few grams of pot on them, so I was assume it will never happen