Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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white isn't a culture dumbass

oof, nigger got baited right out the gate

This culture looks white to me.

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What to be proud of shit face.

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Pride from arrogance has no place in civilization, and your identity politics are as gay as anyone elses.

Because I don't need to claim other people's accomplishments as my own to make myself feel better.

You fags are the fucking worst.

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Because I know that white pride fags want to turn the entire world into an episode of 7th Heaven and I do not want to live there.

>be white and successful: "Damn I'm good! Look how well I conquered life!"
>be white and a loser: "Damn I'm good! Look how well that guy conquered life!"

White pride is bullshit because I can be proud of my own accomplishments, I don't have to pretend someone else's are mine.

Who the fuck cares

every know we have to support Iran

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>The average IQ of my race is higher than the average IQ of your race

That mean me smart and you dumb.

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I’m not an angry homosexual.

>Being white but not marrying your cousin or sister
explain yourselves

>being proud of race because you don't stand out enough on your own without brainlet tribalisms to latch onto

I have better shit to be proud of than what race I was born as. This isn't even in your control. ANYONE who thinks being proud to be a race, as if all the people of the same race who actually did something with their lives somehow shines any light on themselves, is a faggot who should be gassed. Whether you are proud to a European, an African, an Asian or whatever else, please kill yourself so people with some brain cells can use the resources that would have been otherwise wasted on you.

White Snowflakes.. Watch them fall....

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This isn't even how that format works. I just caught aids from this

Honestly racial pride has just never been something I've understood. I've always assumed that not being a white Male in America would be a completely different experience then I have had. I respect people having pride for who they are, I just personally dont pride myself on being white. Like it just doesnt mean anything to me.

I am white and the jews have convinced me I am the scum of the earth and need to kill myself so niggers can rape all the whitre cuntrs and impregnate them

>I just caught aids from this
good riddance

Thats just retarded

White pride just carries a lot of hate. I don't have the energy for it tbh. My gf is black and my "friends" judge me for it... saying im a race traitor. Fucking idiots

Not retarded.

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they're gay

Here is the "white power" meetup that Sup Forums sponsored. Tell me if you want to associate with these "people"

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Guy in the back. Holy shit.

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Easy im not inbred

This. How empty would your life have to be to take pride into something you inherited?


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My gf is black too, but luckily my friends dgaf because they have an IQ of over 2

>being white and supporting white pride
>being a virgin not being married and not having white children
Stop being a gay social justice warrior

I'm a newfag



Honestly the girl with the Lain hoodie is cute

What does this have to do with anything

My parents aren't related

You are, get a white gf and have kids faggot. That is provided your genes aren’t shit if so it’s just natural selection

How is he a "race traitor", exactly? Why is it in the shared interest of white people who this random user dates? How does his choice make my or your life worse?

I don't have a micropenis and I've been always been in good shape. So my high-school crush didn't reject me to get railed by Tyrone. I didn't orbit some random white college slut who was the cumbucket at every party hoping she'd notice me. So I don't have deeply seated insecurities and a profound sense of emotional betrayal that I could project on Tyrone and people that look like him. I do find the shopped cuck phone/fb pics funny af though. Really activates my almonds to know you dumbfucks have a mild cardiac episode every time they're posted.

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