How do you compete?

How do you compete?

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She is next

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She's fucking hideous

fuck you poor nigger

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With food in my fridge

no competition but your mom take it all the way

By having a functioning brain.

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I don't

Your fucking blind

Not even hard to do. I can take way better pictures than that.

Fuck you fag

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My eyes are bleeding thanks.

money and looks I guess

By not being a filthy fucking nigger.

Chicks do it to me for free

The bitch is hispanic, probably has nigger genes in her already

By making a six figure salary.

>How do you compete?
By having the largest size my gf can physically accommodate (hint: pic not relevant)


no he is not lol

His blind what?

I got a story too kill time. No imagine but greentext.

>Be me
>At grocery store in express lane.
>Look over and see an interracial couple.
>Girl is white and guy is black. They are buying groceries and talking about getting married
>Dad apparently doesn't consent for the marriage or relationship.
>I'm in the next lane at express.
>Whatever. Cashier scanned my items.
>Hear Black guy say "shit I left my wallet at home".
>Heard him ask his girlfriend if she can pay for his cigarettes and see said "no bae, we won't have enough for groceries".
>He looks at the cashier " small Indian girl" if he could come back and pay.
>She says no but he could if he had his wallet. Black guy just standing there quiet.
I start to leave.
>Out of the corner of my I eye I see the black guy do a quick 180 and round house smacked his gf screaming "YOU WON'T PAY FOR MY NEWPORTS BITCH!?!???!!!".
He chimped.
>I'm in shock, everyone is looking at them, Indian girl screaming for help.
>Black guy starts trying to beat up the Indian girl screaming "WATTZZZ UP MY NIGGA, YOUR TRYING TO THROW THEZE HANDZ!?!??"
>Manager runs over trying to stop a black guy the starts getting his shit kicked in.
>Black guy keeps screaming "WHATZ UP MY NIGGA, WHAT'S UP!?!??" all while attacking the manager.
>A guy pushes me to the side and tag was the black guy and starts putting handcuffs on him.
>Turned out there is a security Bank truck officer taking the money from the store and just put it in the truck and saw the whole thing going down.
>Manager get some pulls out his phone and calls 911 and helps the security guard keep the black you down.
>I hurry out of the store cuz I don't want to be here.

That was a crazy thing for me to see.worst part is a couple weeks later I saw him walking around with his girlfriend at my local mall she had a bunch of bruises on her face that were badly attempted covered up with makeup. They were holding hands. Idk anymore but thanks for read