I bet you guys don't even have a reason to hate this hyena, you just do it for the meme so you can be "cool" for once...

i bet you guys don't even have a reason to hate this hyena, you just do it for the meme so you can be "cool" for once, but we all know how desperate you are to tap that supreme yeen vajeen

Attached: sisi my sawa -o.jpg (570x429, 25K)


Not hating the hyenafags but also not interested in the fictional character

atleast tell me from what
we understand, this is more to the people in denial

She has stupid hair and smells like wet dog.

Attached: cb3.jpg (532x720, 31K)

she has amazing hair and better than you smelling like a pussy.

Attached: jasiri and kion 7 -o.jpg (1346x813, 83K)

>she has amazing hair
Looks like some kind of canine dyke with that shit quaff.

Want to know how I know you're a virgin?
>and better than you smelling like a pussy.

>all woman with short hair are dykes
the hair is proportionate to her body, that isn't short her but medium to long length hair

Attached: coomer_gets_pwned.webm (480x360, 1.95M)

I never said her shit was short, nibba.

you're right, also trips of truth

figured that's what you meant by calling her a dyke
her hair looks great in my opinion

Attached: happy3 -o.jpg (952x892, 50K)


Op would you fuck a black girl cosplayed as her ?

Might as well give it a try cause shes a character.

Jasiri will cheer you up!

Attached: friendly and kind -o.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>thinking i'm ever gonna fuck anyone
good one!

Attached: excited look -o.jpg (358x393, 15K)

you are sad

no, i am quite happy, Jasiri is always there to cheer me up!

Attached: pink jasiri -o.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Why are Kion mad at Jasiri

Attached: 1572547672043.png (358x393, 112K)

Better this then the stupid log meme, keep on Fucking that sweet hyena pussy.

Hi, Eustace.

In this context sad means pathetic, but you knew that

hes not mad, it was because of bad gas
thanks user, will do
yes, i also know that what you say isn't true, its all due to jealousy, but i don't hold it against you user, lots of people want her

Attached: seductive look -o.png (640x360, 247K)

Val de travers
Une correspondance
La fée verte
Fleurs du mal
Artemisia absinthium
Notre dame de l'oubli (For Olivier Messiaen)
Verlaine: Part I: Un midi moins dix Verlaine:
Part II: La bleue
Rend fou

Attached: e0c665250687f25c4dfaac8609b2cb5a.gif (540x687, 1.36M)


Attached: kion and jasiri 4 -o.jpg (600x336, 144K)

Hey,give me one million dollars,a jetpack and one of the Polynesian islands

Attached: 1528933754748.gif (450x390, 333K)

i'm afraid i can't let you have that, epstein.

Hey,give me your best clothes. I will give them back,eventually

Attached: SenranKagura-Season2-Episode1-Omake-4.gif (600x338, 1.61M)