What does Sup Forums think of the ounce I just picked up?
What does Sup Forums think of the ounce I just picked up?
is this meth ?
Melted Styrofoam
No, it is just straight coke, very nice stuff
Try it kiddo.
Straight coke has a manilla hue to it, this is stepped on bud.
I have, and I am very happy with it. I’m sure the fiends will love it.
That fish scale sure looks nice OP
I got a g and a half for tonight to have fun with
coke is lame
coke is like edging, no wonder fags do it
Yeah it is, I found a nice new hookup the stuff is really pricey where I am, for $1400 I’m extremely excited. Usually here it’s about 18-19 an O. And that’s for the usual stuff.
Looks like fish scale rerock
Jesus you must sell a lot of that to be getting an oz at a time
Who cares, you'll be dead soon anyway.
Looks like shit weed to me.....
I go through it in about 2-3 days, I only use it maybe 2-3 times a week. And not a lot either.
do it all and od loser
How much you sell a g for
I'm sure you're super happy. Sitting in your basement posting your foam rocks online.
I sell a g for 80 here, sometimes 100 if it’s a shithead I don’t like
Stoked ya twat
lol u and i both know thats some grade
Absolute fire my friend
1400/oz I’m loving it while it lasts
north east US? I just had some the other day that looked just like this. shit would turn into oil just from holding the bag too long.
No I’m in southern Ontario.
Southern Ontario
Looks nice. Does it have the smell of gasoline and fruit?
Smells very hard like gasoline, unbelievably smooth when it goes up however. I haven’t had an urge to blow my nose or anything. Just a free feeling
that's that butter my nigger
Watch Wes Watson and change your life, faggot. Stop building up that karmic debt.
OP should just take three tabs watch Predator and report back weed is for pussies.
OP is the ultimate faggot. back when i was using i always thought cokeheads where the scummiest kind of addict. something about coke culture makes most all coke fiends the worst fucking people in the world of the worst people. I've run with twacked out freaks, doped out deadbeats and pill popping pussies and none of them compared to how incredibly obnoxious and retardedly disgusting cockain faggots are. coke heads are all closeted pedophiles and date rapists who would sell their own baby sister for a couple of lines. fucking sick pieces of shit. even crackheads are better then coke fiends, simply because they realize and accept how fucked they are, where as cock fags seem to have a hard time comming to terms with the fact that they are fucking terrible. it gives them this abhorrent sense of fucking entitlement and superiority when they're sniffing shit that eats your brain faster that fucking meth. fuck a cocaine cock brained wannabe rapist pedo ass cunt.
looks good cooke ! fishcale ?
You are fucking mad
that looks cut, like heavily cut
Looks like absolut trash .
Wouldnt take it if someone payed me for it
get high and watch porn it's amazing on coke. better on meth tho
No it doesn't you tit, it looks pure as fuck.
Can you put it next to something to compare the size? Always wanted to know how much it looks like
Looks great would love me some of that
you fucking would be to if you knew the fucking half of what coked out fucking predators have done to the people i loved and cared about in my life. its despicable. every single cokehead I've run into throughout my years of my own personal addiction has been the absolute scummiest, sickest, and most twisted fuck in the entire world. I've met motherfuckers who used coke to take advantage of girls. literal girls. not women. girls. cokeheads raped my ex. coke fiends have accused me of being a fed when even the most insane fucking crackheads and dope fiends haven't even come close to that level of mental fucking gymnastics, paranoia, and fucking retardation. even the mild little wannabe fucking scarfaggots ive met where the most obnoxious human beings i could have ever even began to imagine of dreaming of. most coke fags have this fucking ridiculous sense of superiority because of the ridiculously idiotic narratives they have in their heads of what cocaine really is and what the lifestyle is and all fucking that. just because a motherfucker is hooked on crack smack or smack, that doesnt make the man better then you or i or any other motherfucker alive. what matters most are your actions, your word, and what you do and do not stand for and by. .
yes, I've had terrible fucking experiences with smack fiends and crack heads, but nothing compares to the sheer fucking quantity and disgusting fucking "quality" that is coke fiends. when i was 16 i was really close to this girl. she ran with a crowd that i had a few close friends in. well, when she ended up running away after i did she stayed with an old friend of mine who's apartment was pretty much just a drug addict flophouse. everything was as okay as it could have possibly been until a couple of sick fucking coke fiends started hanging around. long story short, they started forcibly drugging her up to the point where she was practically fucking dead and sold her to old ass fucking pervs for dope money. She has never been the fucking same. it destroyed her. she used to be the sweetest, kindest, most caring girl i had ever known. ever since and even years after she is just a cold husk of a person. when i found out i fucking bawled for hours and felt so helpless. i haven't seen her in a couple of years now, but from the few times we've talked im pretty sure her life is as good as gone. a year before that i was dating her sister, long story short she was hanging around a couple of coke guys and eventually got raped. i could go on forever. at the end of the day, I've just never met a coke fiend that was a decent human fucking being. it seems like its just not possible. dope fiends have fucked me over tons, but no matter what they still had a general over all basic sense of morals
Sold Coke for the last 8 years and if you use this trash only god can help you get a new plug and get this shit tested .
Weed? Seriously?
pearly. make sure to step on it or someone will get hurt.