A few daily reminders:

A few daily reminders:
>Jews don't control everything. You only say this because you have no authority in your own life and want a scapegoat to explain why you're a failure
>Just as many white people chimp out as niggers. See the rural midwest
>White genocide isn't real. Races are mixing, less people are identifying as white, and so on, but nobody - yes, that includes the Jews - is conspiring to eradicate European culture
>The alt-right and neo-nazism are rightfully considered hate groups, whereas anti-fascist organizations seek only to counter such groups. BLM and Antifa aren't terrorist groups. You only say that because you're afraid of being treated the way that minorities have been treated by white supremacy groups for hundreds of years
>Most conservative commentators, like Ben Shaprio, aren't good debaters. They're just good at talking quickly and with clarity, so idiots like you think that they necessarily know what they're talking about because everyone you talk to on a regular basis slurs their words and is borderline retarded
>99.99% of you work minimum wage jobs and have absolutely no future. Stop pretending that you understand the world on a social, economic, political, religion, etc scale when you couldn't even pass 8th grade math

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Other urls found in this thread:

ia800908.us.archive.org/29/items/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive/The European Man - Tweet Archive.pdf

lol ur gay

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>ben shapiro isn't a good debater
>he speaks quickly and with clarity
wtf. I know you obviously disagree with what he says, but being able to persuade so many is, in of itself, good debating.

Based OP.

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...do you actually take the things you read on Sup Forums seriously? Look man, there's some shit you need to hear.

VERY few people here actually believe the stupid shit they parrot. And that's all it really is...parroting. Sure, there are a couple of people who built up the image of what the "average Sup Forumstard" should be, but the majority of us just play that role while we're here. Few and far between are the ones who actually believe any of the nonsense we spout here. I find that even here, with the mask of anonymity, most people are indeed just sheep.

Go outside.

>Just as many white people chimp out as niggers. See the rural midwest
Stopped reading there.

I don't necessarily disagree with him, but being able to persuade people isn't good debating. Most people walk into his debates already willing to vouch for his correctness, so at that point, all he has to do is smirk, take a few citations out of context, and every one of his fans think he's the pinnacle of rhetoric.

Bear in mind that many "successful" debaters' speeches are littered with fallacies, meaning that they're exploiting the public's stupidity to win. That's hardly good debating.

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>you have no authority in your life
yes, thank you but Your whole rant is a contradiction

Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you speak for a vast majority of Sup Forums?

Not OP, but I figured that I'd reply.

I keep hearing people say this, but everyone I know IRL who uses Sup Forums is a fucking white nationalist. Don't assume that just because you say "spic" here ironically, that everyone who says "spic" is being ironic.

> exploiting the public's stupidity to win. That's hardly good debating.
That's where your wrong kiddo. Debating is a pretty archaic and outdated way of political discussion anyways ever since communication revolutions. You ought to just look at the facts and make your own mind up, something that many people really seem to believe before they ironically watch a Ben Shapiro demolition.

>thank you jew

how is he saying he speaks for Sup Forums?
Hes making an valid observation. If you take anything you read here seriously you are an actual retard. no one that posts here has any real convictions, it's all bait and trolling.
The moment you come to Sup Forums thinking you are going to learn something or argue your opinion you've already lost the game.

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jews control everything is a meme just like andysixx - been running for years for no reason whatsoever

a dumb redneck racist making shitty jokes doesn't necessarily equal a white nationalist.
There is a difference even though the PC media and twitter would have you believe everyone is a nazi

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Sir, you find yourself a fool amongst clowns. Leave this place and do not tarry; lest you remain a fixture of the carnival.

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>its all just ironic bro
You two are straight up retarded.

andysixx is about as much a meme as toothpaste is a food

who said anything about irony moron?
everything here is designed to get an emotional response out of you idiots, mostly anger.
I know you want to get all your facts and opinions from Sup Forums, but it will never be a real community, it's just a sea of piss

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>look at the facts
What exactly is meant by facts? Even something as simple as a map can be biased due to projection distortions.

It sounds like reddit is a better place for you

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I was with you on the first 3, after that you kind of veered off course and never came back.
Antifa is by definition a hate group. They hate fascists, furthermore any group that dress in uniform and perpetrate violence is a hate group and that's Antifa.
Not going to get into the weeds on the definition of debate versus rhetorical speech, other are taking that on already.
Your final statement is just hateful bullshit and you should be ashamed.
You started out strong OP, then you let your biases take over and now you're just another screaming leftist. Too bad.

no shit sherlock

Heyyyyy JIDF.

After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave Germany were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.

They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.

"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.

Jews were detained in camps. Jews starved in camps. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and were de-loused with zyklon b just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world. The Germans were blockaded and starving, therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase the political power of the jews and their ability to manipulate others for their benefit post WW2.

See this thread for much more:

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JIDF archive:

ia800908.us.archive.org/29/items/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive/The European Man - Tweet Archive.pdf

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>The alt-right and neo-nazism are rightfully considered hate groups, whereas anti-fascist organizations seek only to counter such groups. BLM and Antifa aren't terrorist groups.

Sure. That's why they loot, riot and use violence towards bystanders.

After reading the first line i was like "yeah that kinda makes sense, we cant blame jews for everything". but then i saw the second line and quickly came to the conclusion that this man is a retarded troll.


Ben Shapiro is a literal retard. Is that what passes for smart in America?! Lolz

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I am actually a racist, faggot

>it's an user that thinks he has shit figured out but doesn't realise his contrarianism isn't actually wisdom or any more true than the shit he's contesting

Nice try heb.

If blacks aren’t inferior then why is every majority black society and city a failure? Did Detroit suddenly become a crime infested shithole simply because of unemployment or was it the MASSIVE demographic shift to majority black? Why is it that European nations ceased to become like Detroit and other african nations even in times of great economic turbulence and hardship like after and during ww2? Why is it that blacks starve in one of the largest and most bountiful breadbaskets in the world?

go to Sup Forums retard