I've got a friend I'm gonna let live in my house for 6 months while he figures some stuff out...

I've got a friend I'm gonna let live in my house for 6 months while he figures some stuff out. Never had a roommate before and never lived with a guy who I wasnt dating..any advice from those with roommates of the opposite sex?

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Casual roomie sex is in the future

Don't think much...let him have his privacy..
Also, guys love to jerk off once in a while, so be prepared to come to some awkward situation...

Dating someone rn so theres no chance of that happening unless we broke up

prepare for crusty towels

look for hiddenspy cams (if you're attractive otherwise no one wants to see that)

he'll probably cum in your food

take a mental pic of your pantie drawer because he's probably going to go through it

hide your dildo better because he'll probably use it

Be a good friend, give him the time he needs.

Don't act like a pissy mother but do set rules. Also, agree with above, he's gonna bust a nut once in awhile so don't be surprised.

Learn to knock on doors. You’re probably not used to it because it’s your house but you will catch him jerking off sooner or later if you don’t knock.

you can remove the "probably"s

>"unless we broke up"
Sounds like you'd be up for it though.. Do you find the guy attractive? How do you know him?

>pantie drawer

Femanon here. my old roommate would steal them.

>Learn to knock on doors

yep this

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How hot are you?

Whenever you get a roomie, just install single key lock knobs on your bedrooms.
They're like $10 at Wal-Mart and you only need a screwdriver to install them.
The piece of mind is worth it.

>Don't think much

>let him have his privacy
>guys love to jerk off once in a while
Tbh I hadn't really even considered this kinda stuff but ya I guess I'll need to stress knocking before I enter lmao

All of these things are disgusting and I refuse to believe a decent guy would do any of that plus like I said hes a friend

Hes not really my type but after a break up it's kinda free game for a bit for me at least

Depends..my bf says 10/10, I say 1/10, and other opinions I'm sure vary haha

Just walk around naked all the time. It will make him feel at ease.

Oops.. Peace* of mind.
And it's not a trust thing with them entirely, it's any of their friend's that stop by too.

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Yup thats a slut if I've ever seen one
You'll fuck him before he moves out mark my words

>hide your dildo better because he'll probably use it
I usually go for the wand anyway so

Fuck no haha

I'll walk around without a bra on under a shirt at most but its my house so I dont even care

>my old roommate would steal them
I will literally bring him to a store so he can buy his own if he does that lol

let's see a clothed pic no face

>jerk off once in a while
You mean daily isn't normal?

>All of these things are disgusting and I refuse to believe a decent guy would do any of that plus like I said hes a friend

He just described a decent guy, anything worse and you'll holes drilled in the wall or drink a special drink.

let's see it

All of these things are disgusting and I refuse to believe a decent guy would do any of that plus like I said hes a friend
> how nieve

Every guy faps
Every guy would fuck his girl friend's

Expect tension with your bf because he knows those truths too.. and although he may say he's okay with your roommate male friend; he's not.

Is it fair to ask him to split rent and utilities 50/50? Its not technically his place since I'm on the lease but still

>All of these things are disgusting and I refuse to believe a decent guy would do any of that plus like I said hes a friend

>>being this retarded

>although he may say he's okay with your roommate male friend; he's not
He really didn't react tbh. Just commented on how nice the extra money must be

>Hes not really my type but after a break up it's kinda free game for a bit for me at least

Why do women do this? My cousin broke up with her guy and then went on a slut binge. I get that women are retarded and need attention and the easiest way to get that is by putting out but just get a hobby instead of fucking everything that walks for a while and then getting upset that they're sluts.

Oh and also this setup will ruin your relationship with your boyfriend. So good luck.

>Depends..my bf says 10/10, I say 1/10, and other opinions I'm sure vary haha

Post your 5.5/10 looking self and we’ll let you know if you have to worry about roomie op

She's just here attention whoring. HIDE THREAD

What kind of friend sets up fucking cameras? That's so beyond creepy so ya I don't expect that of a pretty normal guy friend

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Unless its a woman staying with a man, this is normal.
So yes

Ones that have a penis.

Man, no good deed goes unpunished, OP.

Bare minimum you should research eviction laws, landlord rights, and tenant rights in your country/state because it can be a god damned nightmare getting your house back if your friendship goes bad or he turns out to be a complete douche.

Make sure you're real comfortable dealing with a worst case scenario before you sign away your refuge out of the goodness of your heart.

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2 times a day is considered normal or do i just love beatin it

One that wants to pay his rent with creepshot neckbeard coinage

If you're evenly splitting the place that's fair. If he's parking on the street and living in a closet, no.

she's looking for validation that's why she made that thread
if it ain't larping anyway

Uh... that's completely fair unless there's something unusual about the arrangement (unable to use kitchen or some shit).
If this guy is walking into your house and is not apologizing profusely for inability to pay on the daily and voluntarily doing all the god damned chores around the house while he's not looking for a job to start making a contribution, do not let him stay with you for any length of time beyond a few days.

Should really be on the look out for any signs of entitlement or narcissism out of this dude.

Perfect, thank you!

Then leave dude lol. I'm getting the advice I need and the sex difference was important for context

He'll have the biggest room in the house since my bed is half the size of his and itd be cramped for him otherwise

Hes not signing anything I'm just letting him live here. He had a stable job and stuff hes just trying to save up to buy a house and hes almost there

>Hes not signing anything I'm just letting him live here. He had a stable job and stuff hes just trying to save up to buy a house and hes almost there

Haha you are definitely a woman. Good luck.

Don't get drunk alone with him. I'd say don't get alone with him, period, unless you're up for fucking.
Because drunk, desperate men are half of the reason the #MeToo movement is happening. Hell, six months is a lot, and you should put clear boundaries on what goes if you wanna come through okay. Also if you're not fucking him, and he's fucking he'll probably fuck them at your house. So a camera would be nice. Did i mention that this is the worst idea ever? Is he larger? How built is he? What is his history with aggression? He get into fights? Take drugs?

>He had a stable job and stuff hes just trying to save up to buy a house and hes almost there
How do you know he's almost there?

She won't believe you. BECAUSE THEY'RE FREINDDDDDDS.

She comes here asking for advice, gets TRUTH and tells us we're wrong. Fucking cunts. This is why men hit women.

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because Chad saidddddddddd! omg

what's the over/under of him "accidentally" flashing his cock to her?

3.5 days?

OP haven’t scrolled through the thread but I rattle off some things.

Make sure he’s a real good friend, time doesn’t matter but his heart does, does he go out of his way to help others? Does he pay people back if he can? Does he actually care about you

Why is he off his feet? Good reasons: he had a shitty break up, he’s depressed, he’s been kicked out, he got laid off. Bad reasons: poor money management, he’s couch surfing for over two weeks, he can’t hold any job down.

What you’ll have to do, ask him everyone once in a while what’s the plan? Do you mind doing xyz around the house.

I had a friend who lost his job, then his wife divorced him, let him stay at my house for a month (was planned on longer) but he got his shit together, paid for my entire trip out to his new wedding (probably cost him a grand) that was his way of making it up.

Other friend from high school, total fuck up, asked to stay at my house for a while, turned it down, he’s a junkie that used his own family.

Love both the guys, still keep in contact, but don’t sacrifice yourself for anyone but your own child

Chads go’n wreck that ass

I give it 5 at the latest. 2 if he's just really horny

Show tits plox

You're assuming a lot here

I actually dont drink often so that should be fine. Even when I do drink it's never more than a couple unless I'm at the bars

He just sold his old house to transfer jobs and needs one here. I think he just wants time to work up money and find a nice house in a good area

When I said "sign away" I didn't necessarily mean your friend here signs something. What I mean is that when you ALLOW someone to live with you, you are the owner of the property a "landlord" and that person who doesn't own the property becomes a "tenant." This remains true even if the one without ownership of the property is paying and contributing dick.

Those titles give people certain rights.

For example, let's say during this 6 month stint, let's say 3 months in, you spend a weekend with your family or are otherwise removed from the house for a weekend. You come back and the house is trashed, roomie had a banging party.

You're rightly pissed and ask him to clean up his mess. He tells you that you that you just don't know how to have fun and should just deal.

You suddenly want this douche out.

Most tenants? Usually need 30 fucking days *official notice* before the boys and blue can do anything about removing such a cancer from your house. If said cancer is at all vindictive they may have opportunities to make this process take all the more slower if they spend any time googling how to fuck with landlords.

You should be aware of such fuckery, OP.

Enjoy getting cum in your shampoo, lotions and on your toothbrush.

is this you?

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Do you have proof that the house is sold and that he has the assets in question?

and towels
and carpet
and panties
in the drain
on her dildo

In the sink
on the couch
on the kitchen table
around the toilet seat
on your pillow

Lol, this game is fun, where else do you think he'll cum?

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As a guy that lived with 2 girl roommates, friends beforehand, I'll throw in my two cents.

-Knock on all doors all the time.
-Even friends want to see you naked, don't have things in your bathroom that point towards your shower. Spycams are cheap.
-Take mental images of your panty drawer he will go though it. Guys like panties.
-Its your house but do consider what you walk around in; men are horny creatures and our dicks make us... dumb sometimes.
-If your friends door is closed, its probably closed for a reason... Knock.
-If you have sex with your BF and your walls are thin he will be listening.
-Your friendship with him MAY change overtime. ME and the girls I lived with dont talk anymore. Things got strange after a margarita night

Most of all enjoy having your friend in your house, it can be really fun to live with friends of the opposite sex but just understand that men are horny creatures by nature. That is just how we are are all guys are pervs.

pic related

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I knew it. Women will just fuck anyone when not in a relationship. Not your type but you'd still bang. Damn

Hes not really gonna be in my room since I work from home so I'd definitely notice that stuff

I trust him, hes one of the more finance well off of my friends

I'll keep it in mind but if he did something like that to me a lot of his friends would stop talking to him and he really is a genuinely nice dude

>understand that men are horny creatures by nature. That is just how we are are all guys are pervs
Ya that's the gist of what I've been getting in this thread haha

>Why do women do this?
Guys definitely do it too. It's not like I sleep with a million different guys and then suddenly decide to settle..sometimes you just need a little something to take your mind of things and reset

Thanks for the advice Sup Forums!

I'm gonna be honest it seems like things are being repeated now so I think I've gotten what I need :)

You are going to get raped.

tits now

Good post user

Leave your snailtrailed panties on the floor in the bathroom. They might get stolen, so not the expensive ones. It's a subtle tease and denial that will really wind him up. And don't knock on doors. Getting caught jerking would probably be a nut-busting thrill. He'll jerk to the memory of you walking in on him for years to come. And don't just turn around and walk out and apologize. Stand there and ask him what he's doing, chit chat a bit. Tell him to keep doing what he's doing, all boys do that so it's no big deal. You don't want to interrupt his jerk session, but you came into the room for a reason and a boy doing what boys do isn't going to keep keep you from your business. Let him know that it's YOUR house and you will go where you please, when you please and he should get used to it and get more comfortable with an audience.

>so not the expensive ones
Lol like I have expensive panties. They're cheaper than youd think

>Tell him to keep doing what he's doing, all boys do that so it's no big deal. You don't want to interrupt his jerk session, but you came into the room for a reason and a boy doing what boys do isn't going to keep keep you from your business
I'd rather just apologize and walk out tbh. I get it guys do what they do, he can do is thing. I just prefer not to see/hear it lol

>Guys definitely do it too.
not every guy and its stupid to base your own moral views on the belief that they all do. youre just giving yourself a pass to be slutty with that flimsy excuse. let's say you break up with your current bf and its mostly amicable, maybe youre considering getting back with him eventually and he's considering getting back with you, who knows right? but let's say you break up, do you think he would think and act the same way you would, just go and fuck some girl he wasn't really attracted to just because it's "free game"? thats fucked up, yo.

whatever happened to "tits or gtfo"?

That's what they all say. You'll be fucking in a week and not telling your boyfriend.

Whatever you want. Your house. I think my version sounds more fun though. Don't need to be in a relationship with someone to have a little fun. Also, remember that you might smell irresistable 3-4 days before ovulation and he will live there and can't get away from it. It might make him stupid horny against his will during those days. He'll probably be jerking multiple times a day because of your smell. Do the panty thing then and tease him about it when you find them missing. Not shitting you. Guys love this stuff and if he's really a friend it would be a nice and fun thing to do.

Lol, I have done these things

Thanks, glad someone appreciated it

>do you think he would think and act the same way you would, just go and fuck some girl he wasn't really attracted to just because it's "free game"?
Honestly I have guy friends who do this so..yes? Obviously not all guys do but ya

>youre just giving yourself a pass to be slutty with that flimsy excuse
How am I slutty? Because sometimes I sleep with someone when I'm single? I've only been with maybe 8 guys stop assuming stuff dude

Smh see and understand the rule

I might toy with him a little actually..I've been convinced

Dont really wanna go through and type out to respond to each one but hes a good guy, needs a place for good reasons..not the stereotypical couch surfer kinda dude

Men are perverts and you shouldn’t trust them. Also I rented a room to a girl-friend of mine and absolutely nothing lewd happened, so it’s possible that nothing will come of this.

let's see what you look like already.

>Honestly I have guy friends who do this so..yes? Obviously not all guys do but ya
what a shit reply/opinion. you are a shitty person and your boyfriend deserves better.

It all depends if there is sexual tension or not.

I might toy with him a little actually..I've been convinced

What did you have in mind? Tease us a little. Ckothed pic with no face?

No it's not. You need to stop cooming 4 times a day.

>I might toy with him a little actually..I've been convinced
you stupid fucking slut
i can totally understand why some incels hate women

Guys fuck anything bro. Men have much lower standards than women and are much hornier. The only men who arent getting tons of pussy are in relationships / or ugly

Rarely is there an in between

prepare for some double action

Why would you say that? Have you ever had a female roommate or a female friend? It's fun. Female energy is a wonderful thing to live with even if she's not a romantic partner. A little teasing and toying plays on that female energy in an enjoyable way and is a whole lot better than ignoring or denying it. You don't have to get your dick wet or take posession of her to have fun with a female friend.

this some cuck shit right here. go back to your blacked threads faggot

Honestly, i would consider myself a normal and not creepy guy and even i have had thoughts of seeing some of my prettier female friends showering when i get horny and they are around (i never have because i have limits), i've smelt panties left in the bathroom and found dildos. So as normal as you would consider him just be careful and don't assume anything you won't understand

>Dating someone rn so theres no chance of that happening unless we broke up
>"you are a shitty person and your boyfriend deserves better."
What are you on dude

It's an anonymous board let me be anonymous lol

Dude we are FRIENDS! Get that through your head it's not like it's some random dude in giving false hope to he knows I have a boyfriend. Plus I'm sure it wouldnt be hard to go out and find one

Seriously why are you so mad?

>What did you have in mind? Tease us a little. Clothed pic with no face?
Honestly I think walking around with a shirt and no bra is teasing enough even tho I'm just doing it because it's my house and I wanna be comfy but..idk. I'm sure I'll do enough shit accidentally it wont matter lmao

> I might tease him a little

This is Bait. If It isn’t bait, please put is contact with the dude so we can warn him to stay away from your crazy ass

>Dude we are FRIENDS!
fuck you, you pathetic slut bitch. you're fine with giving mixed signals and teasing a "friend" when you're already in a relationship. kill yourself you worthless fuckmeat

Found the gamma.

thanks for validating my fear that i can't breakup with my depressed gf cause she'll have the same slut mentality you have, spiralling even deeper into the shit situation cause no one should accept a partner that offers their body without any critical thinking.

I would review that last sentence if i were you, my ex called me one night cause she felt like shit and "needed" my support after one guy abused her cause she was trying to "get me out of her head".
That call fucked me up for days and i was already seeing someone else, so that was another fun bucket into the mixture.
Please have consideration when picking up partners and leave alcohol out of it for the first few days.

>We’re just friends
If I got a fucking dollar everytime a woman has said that shit. lmao

If her BF was any type of man, he’d tell this guy to fuck off.

I give it a month before they start fucking. Maybe longer if he’s ugly.

What happened? Does she have ankylosing spondalytis?

Then maybe learn the difference between "we should take a break" and "I want to break up" because theres a HUGE difference

Oml I guarantee he is going to find someone within a week of being here and I'm pretty sure he isnt that into me

Again. Friends.

I dont really drink so it's never involved altho weed usually is. I'm still good friends with one of my exes. We dont talk anymore more than a few times a year since we live in different states now but if anything ever happens weve always been supportive of each other

I mean I'm the one who drove him to his new state too

I’m sure you would have 50+ dollars from every woman you ever liked.

friendships with exes never are REALLY just friendships... i would be willing to bet you guys banged at least once after the breakup.

Also, to most girls, suggesting a "break" gets the same reaction as talking about actually breaking up, so...

so your bf can move in with a girl right?