What the FUCK is her name again?
What the FUCK is her name again?
Grandma Cumdumpster
fucking look it up yourself
Greta Retarberg
Brendan Fraser
Gretchen Horndog
pls stop posting this ugly retarded child every day
Cunty McCuntface
wholesome chungus
Lost childhood.
Gretal alcohol syndrome
That's GRETA, you motherfucker. And she's saving humanity from extinct, you absentminded retard. You should be worshiping the ground she walks on for having the balls to stand up to world leaders on behalf of young people.
Trump and the other mafia bosses aren't going to ruin this planet for us. Not if we have anything to say about it.
Gerta Thornbush
the great Tunasperg
Greta greta bed wetter
Autist Hitler
The new Mrs. user
Kate Upton
Mrs. user
Jesus christ, you NOOB. Get with the fucking program.
Her name is Potato Derpberg
gunther turdburger
Alt-right boogeyman
I love Trump for scenes like that.
Elmer Fudd
I want to hate-fuck this smug cunt right in half.. literally beat her insides bloody with my cock until she whimpers herself into a puddle of blood and tears.
benedict cumberbatch
aw damn now you planted the idea of a greta porn deepfake in my mind what the fuuuuuck thats awfull FUCK i hate Sup Forums
no, but close
Moneyshot Mallory
Bennie Cucumbersnatch
Queen Greta
OP is a loser who gets triggered by a teenage girl. Just like the rest of you pathetic cunts.
mommy late with your tendies again ?
I would pay to punch her in the face
That's Beans yo
Redit fag identified