Hey b how can I get this guy to see me more than a friend?

Hey b how can I get this guy to see me more than a friend?

Attached: selfie.jpg (2320x3088, 1.24M)

don't be black

Time stamp betch

Attached: images (8).jpg (255x197, 11K)

show off more of them tiddies

Just taken a couple of hours ago

Attached: IMG_0017-min.jpg (2320x3088, 959K)


one from behind

Attached: IMG_2194-min.jpg (2320x3088, 762K)

>disgusting nigger

pussy pic ?

I’ll be more than a friend to you

The fuck is that white shit? Are your tits gathering mold?

Drop some snap or something and I’ll be your fuck buddy

she looks like one of my 'friends' actually

Attached: unnamed-1-min.jpg (3024x4032, 388K)

it's just a scratch. Guessing you've never seen tits before.

Attached: IMG_1513-min.jpg (3024x4032, 1.07M)

Talk, spend more time, discuss interests.
When you feel like you're both in a closer spot try and drop the L word.
I'm not talking about lesbians.

just stop being a nigger

show the pussy


Attached: FAA74E38-0346-43E4-97BB-7849217DEE0B.jpg (678x772, 55K)

Got anymore bikini pics?

That doesn't look like a guy

a few

Attached: IMG_1634-min (1).jpg (3024x4032, 985K)

Thanks! Neither do you

Attached: unnamed-2-min.jpg (1242x1247, 60K)

what about the pussy pic

>Not lesbians

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tits and timestamp or gtfo! Since you obviously need direction... write Sup Forums and the current date and time on a piece of paper. Hold said piece of paper in front of you, take pic showing tits AND said piece of paper. Post pic here.

In the original pic, your glasses look really fucking big, but the other pics seem fine

Damn.. I'll be your friend.


like hell I don't

cute any ass in thong