Guys theres like a group of 10 15 year olds on my door and I have no candy left...

guys theres like a group of 10 15 year olds on my door and I have no candy left, I think their gonna kill me or burn me alive, Im not joking what do I give them??????

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Call the police
Grab a knife 4 protection and be safe

A soap.


And make traps or escape your hause if you can

A knife wont do shit, these kids are blinded by greed, they went away but they will come back more thirsty for lugar than before and I don't have anything, I think this time they will be rapping the door as hard as hey can :(

Is this what greedy americans do every year?
Trick or treat got really popular in Spain since 2014 or so, this year os unbearable

Let them rape you

what you have ? You need to grab something or make something to deal with them, oh fuck dude be safe,

One of the old tricks huh?
No candy= fags on your door screaming.

I have uhhh, lettuce, some steaks, yogurts, potatoes...
Di kids like any of that?

Get everything heavy and place on your exit door, grab something for self defence, lock yourself at your room, hide and be ready

I turned all my lights off, im on the door "camping" with a spoon as that is all that I can defend myself with in Europe and every single bookshleve and table is on the door, groups of chimps still asking for candy, these greedy Spirits are strong, I May die any moment,wish me luck user.

Hey kid are you alright now? Are they gone?

I prayed for you user be safe brother

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i hardly had any trick or treaters and now i have shitloads of haribo to myself

Just pull the cock out. Kuds don't like cocks

Try to brake the head of spoon it make spoon sharp

fuck off kike filth

Still alive.
Now they behave more like zombies than chimps or hobos that have been a week without drugs.
They truly are terrifying bit I fear now spoons are illegal in Europe, you may spoon out the eye of a robber and violence is bad!
Let's hope this night passes quick and the morning sun will vanquish this cursed night

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