What's the movie called,
it's about a Belgian guy trying to find a Japanese writer,
he gets charmed by a woman and she tricks him into commiting a murder?
What's the movie called
I think the book author was called OSHA or something like that?
I need to know :/
I'm not sure if it's actually a Belgian. God damnit, i need to find the movie :
anyone? :(
bump anyone plz..
Boku no Pico
Nuuu it's a movie
nice try though
Idk but I do know
>His name was Robert Paulsen
Whut :/
Lurk moar fgt
I wanna know what movei it is :
Oki o-k I feel bat now. Have you tried reverse image search or Lucy Liu's IMDB?
Wrong board nigger
I tried, it's not her :/
It's kinda an obscure movie
Need more details than that
Well, a guy is searching for an author of a novel, who has a disfigured face. A geisha or something like that lures him in a hotel and he thinks she's in danger.
In the end, the guy does some bondage on her and he thinks he's torturing her and kills the fat dude.
Then she frames him for the murder.
That's all i remember :/
How old?
around 2004 i think
also rated around 5 on imdb :/
Nope, that's not it.
The movie is newer than that,
it also feathres a guy from Netherlands or Belgium or something investigating.
Fffuuu :(
Damn, I'm more familiar with swedish films.
It had a really short title too.
And i remember the mystery author was ousha or osha or ouchi or something like that.
Rip :(
anyone? rip
Oh and the final scene is a fat guy having the girl in bondage...
That's when the protagonist shoots him