Daily reminder that there is going to be a 2nd civil war in this country because of the liberals and the Democrats

Daily reminder that there is going to be a 2nd civil war in this country because of the liberals and the Democrats.

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Killing gunless liberals is ez

Fuck you, Russia.

sorry, this image is all you get

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Misleading picture.

Much better
OP is faggot

The big circles represent gubmint handout hubs and niggers (who live there b/c handouts)

Just a reminder that there will fucking NOT shitbird. I'm tired of you ass clowns thinking you want a civil war. NO THE FUCK YOU DON'T.

no, they represent where people actually live. unlike all the red counties in OP's picture

the blue areas are 70% of the population lol

If you're on the bottom rung on society, married to a harridian or maybe a single incel, you'd look at your life, your mounting, hopeless credit card debt, your shitty job at the tire store or whatever and think

"Civil war? Yea, sure, can't be any worse than what I've got now"

These are the only kinds of people that think about civil war.

Good luck finding food in the blue cities, democrats. Red states and counties grow all of it. Enjoy those UN rations from china, dried squid and all.
Maybe Kim Jong Un will send you some food.

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reminder that it takes two to tango

No, they represent the bulk of the taxpayers in the United States. Red states get the most handouts. Ungrateful bitches.

Yes - check the demographics of those blue circles , see how much higher the homeless rates and crime are than the national average, then think about why that is.

>No, they represent the bulk of the taxpayers in the United States. Red states get the most handouts. Ungrateful bitches.

Blue areas represent most of the SERVICE economy and the jewish moneychangers. Red areas are the real, actual economy that trades in goods and labor.
That means in crisis, the service and moneychanging economy evaporates into nothingness, and you end up with a bunch of starving, rioting niggers and spics burning the cities.

So much this
Remember when those farmers got a ton of $$ fla handout?

You need to get out more.

with what guns are those liberals going to fight back?

Be me, live in a blue state
Never had any of those things you just said happen
Last riot I saw was....of yeah...in a red state

>Remember when those farmers got a ton of $$ fla handout?

Farmers get that because of globalization, where they compete with 3rd world farming. Without jewish globalization, farms would be profit havens.

>with what guns are those liberals going to fight back?
They of course will bring in foreign armies from the UN and NATO to do their bidding. Considering how ineffective foreign armies have been in places like Yemen, it will be interesting to see foreigners facing down a population that owns 400 million guns.

Haha. Without globalization, I’m sure they would have all kinds of profits selling soybeans to Americans.....oh wait, we don’t want soybeans or we would have bought them and farmers wouldn’t have gotten a socialist bailout

>”Yeah fuck those liberals, let’s go to war with them!”
>”Its the liberals fault there is going to be a second civil war”
Chinless inbred logic

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>where they compete
so you retards can't even capitalism correctly. Learn to compete, scrubs
>inb4 hurr durr competition is too hard for us fragile whiteys

You don't know what you're talking about. Stop believing neo-Nazi bullshit. Farmers got the huge subsidies because Trump fucked up their ability to sell to China with his tariffs and trade war. U.S. farmers make more than enough to feed the country, so without global markets, there'd be a glut of food and prices would collapse, putting many of them out of business.

There are more liberals with guns. Conservatives just have more guns. Plus most conservatives would never fight a liberal because they would be killed in their sleep by local black people who will probably just go full zombie.

Farmers grow what is needed. Americans hate soy, true. Farmers can quickly change crops to whats wanted.
Globalization is a race to the bottom, where a farmer has to go up against farms in nations where little kids plant the rice with their feet for 10 cents a day.

Reds would lose, it's never a strength to dilute your forces across all regions. Big cities are easier to defend and have more resources for a quick easy sweep of red from sea to shining sea.

So much this.

If they can change crops so quickly, why didn’t they?
Nope, let’s get a bailout instead

>Farmers got the huge subsidies because Trump fucked up their ability to sell to China with his tariffs and trade war.

There was a time before 1973 when we didn't trade with china at all. Everything was fine.
Globalist supporting lunatics forget that economies are regional. Globalism is the economic version of multiculturalism. It wipes out regional economies and makes everybody into poor mutts.

Ok, so that was some time ago...let’s focus on today instead

USA should cut off trade with everyone except Japan and call it the revival of the Japanese Empire. China would fucking hate it lmao and we could probably kick their asses together

>muh globalist!

Back in the 1300's nobody traded with North America at all! Globalization is a Jewish trick!

It's the subhuman Trump supporters who are pushing for war and it wouldn't even amount to anything you could call a war.

You're geographically sparse. You're retards. You have no concept of logistics, fuel, organization or strategy. You have very few long-term resources and utilities you can control.

It will be a two week long string of isolated gun violence events by brainless right wing extremists that will see everyone involved taken down or out by law enforcement.

Oh, and DUST doesn't vote or count for shit. Most of that red has about 4 people in it per square mile.

Kill yourself OP.

>t.Weeb faggot

Say goodbye to your iPhone then

The ones who take the most handouts from the government are poor, uneducated white conservatives in red states and counties.

The "liberal welfare queen" is a myth created by Ronald Reagan and Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry bitch: YOU'RE the freeloaders in this country.

Back in 1340 america only trades with.....oh wait...

Liberals won't kill you with guns.

They'll send opioids to your community, shut down the coal mines, and draw your children to their cities to go be techies and live in apartments and ride buses with brown people.

And you'll be sitting alone with your arsenal, ready to fight the previous war while you've already lost this one.


iPhone a shit though

I hear this shit from my local commies. It's like, sure, buddy. You couldn't win an election, but you'll win a war.

You’re shit

This doesnt even include the deficit each state is running. The red states are almost ALL welfare states while Blue states prop them up.

Attached: United_States_GDP_by_States.png (400x552, 69K)

>coal mines
You guys need to get over the coal mines. Even trump tried to revive coal mines and failed. Coal is dying and it not coming back

You would die. Horribly. Billy-Joe Bob and his AR-15 vs Drone #647. Place your fucking bets.

Voter demographics have nothing to do with all-out populations. Teens and the heavily disenfranchised will take up arms and there will be no way for Republican filth to suppress hundreds of thousands of people and cheat their way to illicit victory.

B-b-but the God Emperor promised he Dug Coal! We were gonna own the libs together!


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Cali, New York and Florida have the highest poverty rates.


And the highest wealth. Red state fags keep trying to get in but just end up getting chewed up.

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No. Mississippi, Louisiana and New Mexico have the highest poverty rates. Don't just make shit up and expect it to go unnoticed.

Conservatives will be too busy fucking their mothers and sisters to save their white genes to save the white race.

Weird...those states that
thisnfaggot said aren’t on the top 16......
Could he possibly not know what he’s talking about??????

There's more red circles than blue circles in this diagram. It's easier to read and understand the electoral vote system. Thanks user!

It’s ok user, I have a cousin who’s mentally retarded as well.....there is groups for people like you. I hear they have magic markers and balloons

Northern louisiana here. Poor whites everywhere complaining about blacks while they are checking out at the grocery using an ebt card. Can't make this shit up.

Yeah....but didn’t trump make it better????

>This doesnt even include the deficit each state is running. The red states are almost ALL welfare states while Blue states prop them up.

Again, thats from the virtual economy that blue states have mainly from the blue cities. In crisis that economy disappears because it never really existed in the first place, based on trust in the money supply.
When SHTF happens, the only real money will be real things, not paper and promises.

It's real money that gets collected in taxes and redistributed by federal programs to make it so Ma & Pa Kettle in Mississippi don't have to root through the garbage to find something to eat.

Money in virtual and based in credit backed by the stability of the nation. the ECONOMY, however, is not. It's organic and tied to societal factors.

>when you're the dumbest fag on the planet.

No. All they wanted was for the president to be white. Him being an orange faggot is just a plus for them. They're no better off now than on Nov 7, 2016, but now Trump tells them they're doing the best ever. Inbreeding is destroying their minds.

Ouch....sucks to be those red staters

No point arguing with a liberal socialist “green” brainwashed fag. They will find out the hard way. Dispute real facts and support liars with psycho fantasy mental illness is all liberal fags do. They are the most racist people and ignorant scum. Always hypocritical. Let’s ship em to ADX and turn there lights out. Fuck a democrat liberal bitch.

Wow niggah, you stupid

>afraid of giving anyone a (you) because he's too dumb to defend his opinions.

It does. Only bit of this state worth not nuking is New Orleans, and then just barely. I would have moved years ago if I wasn't caring for a relative. I'm jumping ship as soon as he passes. Dallas at the very least, elsewhere if I can find a job that justifies moving further. The south is shit.


this is more true that you'd think.

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Daily reminder that larping cuckservatives will sit on their asses and do nothing buy whine and lose.

Sometimes I wish we could just make that state into 100% solar panels to feed the rest of the country with

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Are you even capable of of speaking in any format that isn't entirely comprised of tired, false FOX buzzwords?

You're so fucking dumb I actually feel bad for you.

just gonna ignore the rest because i don't have time for a long post here, but

>You have very few long-term resources and utilities you can control.
nigger what the fuck do you even mean by this, heavy blue cities have what's in the stores as far as resources go and NO ability to recoup it when the trucks stop delivering. the only resource worth concerning yourself with is FOOD and WATER in the event of a war and dem shitholes will run out in days, not weeks or months, DAYS.

>says The South will Rise again!

>can't even sit up straight while puttering around on his Rascal scooter.

hurr durrr more red than blue.
imagine relying on cornfields to win a civil war

there's so much reddit samefagging going on here.

Blue states have money and ports. We’ll import all the food we need.

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>again conservatives forgetting someone has to actually stop those resources before they become unavailable.
Conservatives would only be effective in cut and run tactics, but there are just more concentrated Liberal forces. They can just move in and take what they want. And actually the only places I can think of right now with no natural water sources are conservative areas that rely on outside water for irrigating crops, caused by sucking natrual underground reserves dry. LA would be hardest hit but spreading out to outlying areas with natural water supplies would be easy due to extremely high population concentration.

Can only speak for me on this one, but you might be wrong

This would be 100% accurate if "liberal" was changed to Republican voter (or Fox watcher). As it is, though, it's completely retarded and downright pathetic.

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Thanks to the orange criminal nigger and the enemy GOP, the billionaires of this country paid lower percentages in taxes than the working class poor did. So please tell me how the super rich are not the cause of the problem here?

Daily reminder that half-tards want to defend their criminal president with guns, until martial law kicks in and the cops and national guard go door-to-door and murder all the people who are sticking guns out their windows shooting random citizens. Nobody gives a fuck if you're wearing your stupid-ass hat or wearing your voter registration card like a badge. Bunch of fantasy-land faggots, who do they think they're gonna fight? Just gonna march up and down main street firing guns at random houses? Even the even tempered MAGA supporters would strafe you fucks to ribbons if you march the streets firing in the air like a bunch of idiot Yosemite Sam's. So, no. It won't be a civil war, it'll be a civil slaughter of a bunch of drooling rednecks yelling out the windows of their houses like a bunch of cowards, taking crack shots at the cops and getting burned out in the process.

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You don't get to make this argument until you acknowledge the literal fucking Nazis in your ranks, faggot.

Here's an example of the "cut and run" tactics I was talking about. Conservatives are simply outmatched in every regard so the only thing they can do engage and break contact asap. It's just a grown up temper tantrum.

>america loving bigot

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But Hillary.

The gene pool will be cleansed.

once your wal-mart runs out of ammo, that's it bubba

we hold the transportation hubs, the ports, the major airports, most of the manufacturing, and the wealth

mostly a rag-tag bunch of inbred fatasses

1. There is a SHITLOAD of food in those stores in the cities.

2. The blues can afford to PAY for more supplies and even pro-Red suppliers will provide when they see GREEN.

3. Not all truckers are red conservacucks.

4. We can get supplies from overseas. America's allies will partner with the blue side in a nanosecond. They might even provide military support on top of that.