Can we get some cute shota?

Can we get some cute shota?

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No, you dumb fuck. You pedo degenerate. You piece of shit.
You stupid pathetic cunt.

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For fun, sexuality theories on the shotas posted?

I'm not sure about the ones in the OP image. Might be bi-curious, or closet gay.

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Take a look at this dandy.

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Is Alois the top, or the bottom?

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He’s always the bottom imo he has a cute ass

kill yourself

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Shotas are definitely more fuckable than lolis

Alois definitely screams Butt-Slut Boi to me.

Amen to that. I mean look how feminine Mowgli looks here.

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Lol I would definitely put it in Mowgli’s mouth while he’s looking like that

I would “drill” Simon’s ass right here

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Shota’s with big dicks? Turn on or turn off?

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He always struck me as a secretly cock-ravenous gay shota (Shanti was just a phase).

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denial is the first step to accepting that Humanity doesn't match your fantasy idea of it.

You can enjoy violent video games without killing people irl - we can enjoy non violent imagery of anime boys

the sun continues shining

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They need to make that into a parody where Mowgli is hypnotized by a big cock.

I think you secretly want a shota if you’re that extreme about it lol

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That is so fuckin hot!

He sure did act like he was being enticed by a huge swinging cock.

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Here's Mowgli totally being a complete gay slut.

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LOL what Comic is that!

Mowgli, the only chocolate boy I’d fuck for days

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He's perfect. Feisty yet feminine, lithe yet not too girly, outward bravado yet inner submissive, etc.

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>British arrive in India
>Mowgli sees those exotic pale shotas and big-cocked troops
>Visits their campsites
>Does a lot of sucking and fucking

Attached: Kaa Mowgli Encounter.jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

Someone need to make that!

It would be a hot pic series. Mowgli's "buffet line" of cock.

Lan is quite the sexy shota.

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Easily the sexiest shota!!!!!

I suspect he's very popular with older male characters, including teens.

If they aren’t too too big I love it.


Maybe touch the back of my throat is allowable.

A big turn on, share more!

Why is that?

It almost looks like he’s using that guy as a urinal with his hands on his sides like that. Maybe also getting a bj.

God I wish that were me.

probably, seeing as though that is the exact position my little brother uses when he goes to piss

any shota kinos?

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Is that Tai pounding Izzy’s thick, sweaty, perky, nerd butt?

It is Izzy, don't know for sure who it is pounding him.

I just see a lot of shota pics where they pee like that so I figured it was a common thing. Which lends further credence to that lucky guy getting to be used as that boys on the go urinal when he’s playing outside.

Are there any good shota stories or greentexts, preferably with a hint of rape or grooming?

Idk why but when i was 13 growing up, id go on anonymous chat sites and strip for older guys when i was horny. I really liked the attention pedos gave me, despite knowing theyre bad people. Now im 19 and i still have this kink despite no longer being underage, and i still go on anonymous chat sites pretending im 5 years younger than i am (since i can still pass, and also have a couple nude pics saved from when i was 17 and i think 16). On that note, should i see a psychiatrist or are there healthier ways of practicing my kink?

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This is were I leave..


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Prominent human skilled with Digimon. No doubt has "admirers".

You guys just have to ruin a thread by injecting reality in it.

Izzy’s tan line is super sexy! Need more tan line boys

Riley, you gay.

(Seriously, with the way he insists he's not gay, he's totally a gay slut).

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I mean look at him. He's wearing a tank top and carrying a purse.

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Do you like muscle shotas?

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Ever since "Teen" (he was actually 11 in canon) Gohan, hell yes.

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Any shotas in panties?

Fuck yes, especially if they’re the ones being dominant and cocky.

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Sounds like Gohan during the Cell fight for sure. He was so sexily high on his own power.

Muscle is always good.

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If i dont ask here, where else would i ask?

Post-script: think Piccolo plowed him during training?


YESSSSS THANK YOU! Link in panties is too OP!
Definitely need more shota in panties!

No wonder he ended up a Gerudo. He was already crossing beforehand.

>Brown tribal Shota gets to be the center of an orgy featuring all sexy white men and shotas.