One of these girls has fucked around 30 guys

One of these girls has fucked around 30 guys

One has fucked nearly 100

The last one is a virgin.

Guess which is which

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trips b

Left to right, 100, virg, 30

30 - 100 - 0

left 100

mid 30

right 0

winner. Middle looks innocent but is secretly a huge slut lol

Now the fun part

I have nudes of left and middle

roll 1 for left, 2 for middle

Left is definitely 100...and I want sloppy 101s..


Left:100 middle:60 right:virgin

nope! middle is 100. right is virgin, left is 30

Yeah so the chick on the left has definitely fucked 100 guys. And I’d say the middle chick is the virgin. Did I win?

>Implying a girl whose not fat is a virgin past the age of 14

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left 30, middle 100, right virgin

lol I already said the answer in the comments. Middle is actually the biggest slut, right is the virgin.


Left is a huge slut too and on her way to catch up with middle. She was in a relationship for a long time which is why her number isn't as high

i figured middle was a huge slut because of the skirt, easy access
right looks like shes shy so prob a virgin and left was by default the 30

nudes. post their fucking nudes. mainly middle.

How would you even know if she's a virgin? I don't trust any woman who says she's a virgin.

yep haha. I know a few guys that have fucked both of them, pretty jealous not gonna lie

I didn't hear it from her, but I know trust me.

>but I know trust me.
You know women are sluts right? They most innocent looking ones are the most degenerate. The only virgin women in the west are hideous hamplanets.

who do yall want nudes of? left and middle only

>The only virgin women in the west are hideous hamplanets

she didn't grow up in the west though, she's from russia

start with left


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>roll 1 for left
Winrar OP, post

amazing slut

Tf is wrong with those tits? They're all misshapen

>she's from russia
Oh then yeah she's definitely a whore. I vaguely remember a study that showed slavic countries have the highest percentage of women doing porn or something to that effect.

she's laying on her back lol. here's another

higher percentage doing porn is because of economic reasons, culturally russian girls don't sleep around as much.

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Any of her ass?

You contradicted yourself, either they culturally don't sleep around or they do for economic reasons. Also 'don't sleep around much' means 'I've only taken 10 dicks as opposed to 50'

yea here
higher percentage of pornstars compared to other countries doesn't mean the majority of girls do porn. sleeping around is still frowned upon. fuck off troll, i know her you don't.

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fuck off with that autistic shit

Look believe what you want but I know she's not a virgin. Women are degenerates and they sleep around. Russia isn't the land of pure tradcon waifus, that land doesn't exist. The sooner you accept the harsh reality the less painful life will be.

Middle 100
Right 30
Left Virgin

Great retort

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right virgin
middle 30
left 100

Well give us middle then

lmao ok autist. you sound like an incel. it's amazing you think you know a stranger better than someone who actually knows her does.

middle is correct, you think left would be a virgin? Nah flip your left and right son

why do people keep guessing wrong i already said the answer lol

ask and ye shall receive

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Keep posting left bro

Did you fuck both of them? What are they to you?

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i never fucked them, went to college with them and ran in similar circles so I know a lot about them

>you sound like an incel.
Only a fucking idiot uses that term unironically. Get the fuck off my board newfag.
>it's amazing you think you know a stranger better than someone who actually knows her does.
Awww do you have the hots for her? Listen kid you'll learn this one way or another, she's not yours it's just your turn.

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>Thinks an individual woman is a whore based on a study he read.

Jesus Christ user go outside for once.

my old roommate used to fuck middle all the time. I heard them banging through our thin walls

definitely don't have the hots for her. she's clearly the ugliest of the 3

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It's called statistical probabilities user, read a book for once.

>she's clearly the ugliest of the 3
Well at least we can agree on something.

Ignore the troll and post more lefty

imagine thinking you can apply statistics to an individual lol. go reread your textbook

>statistical probabilities
>read a book


my god you sound incredibly stupid
stay in school

>imagine thinking you can apply statistics to an individual lol.
Well...yeah you can. That's the whole point of statistics. Even exceptions prove the rule. Anyway the point is moot since it seems you'll have to get redpilled the hard way.

30, 100, virgin

too easy

the one in the skirt is the virgin.
the one with the tucked in shirt is the super whore.
and the one on the right is the normal bitch.

you can tell how much a girl sleeps around just by how she dresses.

I graduated like 15 years ago user. You need to stay in school.

You can ignore me all you want but I'm right. You can either learn from others mistakes or learn from your own.

you know what i think?
i think you saw the first post and got triggered HARD cause despite how slutty these girls are they still wouldn't ever fuck your ugly ass

It just...baffles me why it always goes back to "you can't get laid." No reason, no discourse, no logical retort it always goes back to that. Fucking hell I'm so glad I'm older and my big head is more in control than my little.

this is correct lol.

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nice cope

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How many of left do you have?

oh theres a logical reason, just cause you can't see it doesn't mean its not logical

go back and read your responses, they're seething with virgin rage lol

Whatever kid, see you around.

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plenty more

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More with face?

And none.

LARP someplace else incel.

post a vola of left's pics pls

Got Kik?

Apparently you cant, you were wrong about all 3. Fuckin tard

you are the virgin?

0 / 100 / 30

Well, I fucked the two book ending the one in the middle, so....