Whats the best home defense for a person who wants to defend himself from donald trump's supporters and their civil war...

whats the best home defense for a person who wants to defend himself from donald trump's supporters and their civil war after his impeachment?

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a moat filled with feral negroes should suffice

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nah,these people come from states that lynched niggers.im gonna need something a bit better then that


Confederate flag on your door

His supporters won't do shit. Most are too lazy to even get off their fat asses.

You would need exactly 40 republican Senate members to vote for impeachment.

You could only get two House republicans.


The only thing that's going to happen is the Senate will vote on it, it will get shot down, and Trump will say, "I win again faggots.".

The democrats are doing nothing but making Trump have another thing to point at and say, "They keep trying to beat me but they cant! WE WIN AGAIN!"

It's a terrible move on the part of democrats.

I don't care about either one, but even I can see how much of a fuckup this was on their part.

WEll you cant own a gun because that is something laterally hatler would do... so in the event of a civil war just call the police and surrender at every turn faggot.

Put books and facts outside your house.

Or make your house look like a library or school since any Trump supporter has never set foot in one of those.

>drop to knees
>proceed to suck every cock you see

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Top kek

A sign that says "Library" on your house.

But no one needs a gun....right?

dont be amerifat living in burgerland

Top kek. If anyone thinks they stand a chance against the average Trumpoline, theyre royally fucked.
>INB4 the average trumptard is a ..
No bitch. White male are incredibly dangerous. Hop on youtube and search some whiteboys working on trucks, houses and other machines etc. With their know how they can take an army of 80 and BTFO out of a couple thousand adversaries and Im talking about WITH fair warning, never fucking mind sneak attacks and boobytraps.

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>hurr durr senate

if they were smart,they'd realize how big of a failure trump is.and impeach him so we can get a better person as president

id say the terrible move was when you hillbilly's thought donald trump was a good candidate.glad to see he's doing just as bad as people figured he would

says the trumptard,who only finds gun rights an issue when the democrats are taking them away

>whats the best home defense for a person who wants to defend himself from donald trump's supporters and their civil war after his impeachment?

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you've never been to a gun range??? the AR-15 totin' hillbillies couldn't hit water if they fell out of a fucken boat in the middle of the ocean.

Fancy that, white people have superior technical skills and intellect. They can also organize and work together too?

Maybe they should impeach him.

I don't have a dog in the fight.

I'm just pointing out that getting 40 republican Senate members to vote for impeachment is impossible.

It will not happen. That's a given.

If it should or shouldn't happen isn't my point.

Perhaps it absolutely should happen.

I'm just stating a fact, you will be lucky to get two republican senators to vote for impeachment, forty is literally an impossibility.

Coming to terms with reality would be your best defense. Until a meteor comes and wipes out the human race, opposing parties will treat eachother like the scum of the earth, when in reality, taking either side seriously is a waste of time that I could use to jerk off.

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>ar 15 totin hillbillys

have you ever been to a community of hillbillys before? they dont carry ar 15's.go figure you idiots havent improved your country since bush left office

Im not even joking either. Do you think a redneck 1985 square body drone packed with fertilizer bomb cruising into you neighborhood can be stopped in time? Wtf are you going to do? Run from a truck with a turbocharged LS3 running 550 horsepower?

You mean someone would take issue with politicians violating constitutional rights? Thats crazy

Yep, see here

here's some facts soyboy

1.impeaching trump doesnt make you god hillary president

2.you think you hate donald trump? wait until you meet mike pence,he isnt going to be a left wing pile of shit like trump is.he's an actual republican,not a trump supporting idiot

It's also worth noting that the House can't vote on impeachment.

The only thing the House has done is voted to open up an investigation so they can get the Senate to vote on impeachment.

The republican led senate, by a large margin.

Letting it be publicly known niggers tongue your anus

Buh, we waz kingz tho

nobody is taking issue with it though,donald trump has trampled all over the 2nd ammendment while you rednecks cry about hillary and obama

this is the irony about these people threatening a civil war.what are they gonna fight with since they obviously dont like guns

Actually getting Impeached is up to the House

Getting him convicted of the charges and kicking him out is up to the a 2/3 majority vote from the Senate.

Most dingalings dont understand that Impeach =/= Removal from office

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were both Impeached but were not removed from office.

But you are right, without control of the Senate the Democrats are wasting their time.

Well, that's all great, but I voted for Trump, and will vote for him again.

You don't even know who or what you are arguing, you are just arguing.

>have you ever been to a community of hillbillys before?
yes. and the entire community has about 17 chromosomes amongst all of them.

i like how republicans live in a fantasy world and think just because the republican party arent loud and violent like democrats that means they support donald trump.over half your party hates him just as much as democrats do

you guys really fucked up by choosing donald trump instead of a decent candidate

Mike Pence will be lefties nightmare. He's the highschool/college chad that leftists hated in school, he's fucking perfect, has the perfect wife, perfect kids. He believes in god, America, guns, work and family values.
Leftists had better do their best to keep Trump in power.

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When someone feeds you the line that an armed resistance can't fight an army....

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The african american male population makes up roughly 7% of the US population. Of that population only a fraction arent diabetes ridden, alcoholic crack addicts.

>trump is a terrible president
>wanna replace him with a legit pedo, a socialist, a woman cosplaying as Indian, or hilldawg herself

>who you are arguing

im arguing with a retarded redneck,like every other trump supporter in america

all you did after losing the house majority was go back to bitching about the news media,something americans are getting sick and tired of hearing from you

Yes, most people believe "impeachment" means you unseat the president.

That isn't what it means, but I know MOST people think that is what it means.

Rather than give this board of retards a definition, I decided to just go with what I know their assumption is.

"We are going to impeach Trump!".

Yeah, you probably will.

But you will never remove him from office, you need 40 republicans to turn on their party to do that.

>over half your party hate him

>citation needed

>don't believe polls you read on the internet or watch on the news

Dude, most Trump supporters are pussies. All you have to is raise your voice.

i doubt it,you probably think middle class white people are hillbillys.since they are the ones owning ar 15's.hillbillys own shotguns,thanks for proving yet again how stupid americans are


Assault Rifle 47 with a 500 round assault clip


It's not fun to argue with you if you aren't going to at least try and look smart.

Top kek. Stop. My sides.

>>have you ever been to a community of hillbillys before?
>yes. and the entire community has about 17 chromosomes amongst all of them.

Hillbillys are a minority. Most white people are order-loving, clean shaven people who work and wash daily.

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>mfw people think its House Majority that matters

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Watching people timidly allowing warrantless police searches of their homes as the police went door-to-door searching for the Boston Marathon bomber lead me to believe that no one in this country will ever stand up fight for anything.

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>boston marathoner
Well wtf? Those people were worried that there was a fucking bomber on the loose.
Now change it up and image if they were just going door to door just because, I assure you people would jave a different response

Boston is full of cucks, hiding out from gangs. They are more than happy to let the jackboots in.

Just hop across cross the boarder. The wall that Mexico paid for will protect us all!

Mike Pence has to be ginning ear to ear right now.

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They easily bought into the paranoia the media fed them.


you can't refute what i posted so you attack me. i have thick skin. do your worst. i'm hear to help you boost your low self esteem. :)

If there's enough evidence already present to satisfy the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors", the impeachment process has to happen. Democrat or Republican, you HAVE to go through with it. I don't care about people tryin to strategize for the next election cycle.

Why? Because the powers of the president in the last five decades have already expanded considerably from what they were, and if a president were able to do something bad and it's passed on, it'll just establish precedent that further benefits and protects the President when they do wrong. It's already held that a sitting President can't be indicted since it would interfere with their duties, which seems ridiculous to me because isn't that what the Vice President's for? Even if the president's goin in for surgery and it's just for a few hours, they still have to temporarily swear in the Vice President with paperwork and all that stuff while that's going on.

I'd just hate for a President to do something even worse in the future and their loyalists in Congress shoot down the impeachment process option because "Well you guys didn't do it when previous president did this!"

Soooo, if you didnt have a bomber in your house you really shouldn't be scared enough to let the police in to get him.

i'd recommend the fully semi-automatic version.

I think that goes for most American factions

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Did they? What were they supposed to believe?
That some faggot kid that set off bombs wasnt going to jump the fence into their backyard and hid in their parked boat?

>Assault Rifle 47 with a 500 round assault clip
The Baby-Killer 9000 with 6 gorillion murder clip.

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A set of balls, you pussy

Hmmm...So he was behind that

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why should i look smart when im arguing with a bunch of redneck morons who support donald trump? how about this,if you want to act educated.pick a republican in 2020 to replace that sack of liberal shit that got elected by republicans 3 years ago

no. u.

Whoa whao now. Full-semi auto? Wtf does anyone even need something like that? There arent even any wars anymore so the military doesnt even need something like that. It should be for police and gov official use ONLY

>pats you on the back

And now you truly understand politics. Welcome to the club friend.

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>home defense
not gunna happen
just have a contingency plan to go innawoods.
pretty much your best bet in almost any situation; war, natural disaster, zombies, economic collapse etc.

Do you see how they made the top one smooth to try and hide the assault style? The manufacturers should be held accountable for Sandy hook

If you have a raised foundation or basement just make a pill box. The hoards wont stop, they feed and move along

>implying we like the Don

>mfw people don't understand we just want him in office because he pisses everyone off

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An extra-large bag of cheetos, a two litre of MD gamer fuel, and a comfortable couch,

Whatever it is, you don't have enough testosterone to operate it

when you absolutely, positively gots to kill every motherfucker in the room....accept no substitute

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Fucker can't even be alone with a woman without "mommy".

>Because the powers of the president in the last five decades have already expanded considerably from what they were

Practically everything that Trump has tried to do even with a Republican controlled Senate and House during the first two years of his Presidency has been knocked down. The Presidental office is a joke. People literally cry over a guy that can't be in his position for more than 8 years, when several Senators have been running the show for over 2 decades because they suck corporations cocks. The position means nothing anymore, the worst he can do is tweet something bad.

Are you suggesting the people of Boston should have stood up and fought for someone who'd just blown up a bunch of them?


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I'd just like to say that personally, it's not lookin good for Trump as far as to whether he did it or not. At first, there was just the whistleblower complaint, which at the time was like, was it or a legit concern? But then, without anyone really prompting him, he released a transcript of the call. Not a FULL transcript, but one that reads about eleven minutes when officials say the call went on for about half an hour. So what else happened? Seeing the full transcript barring highly sensitive classified information would be nice, it's a goal to get to the bottom of this.

However, even with what little was released, the "I'd like you to do us a favor..." line is really suspect. But hey, maybe it wasn't that important. It's not like he dangling a carrot that Ukraine really wants. Until that's exactly what both William Taylor and Alexander Vindman both said, with Vindman having FIRST HAND knowledge of the call as he sat listening to the entire thing in the situation room with other members of the National Security Council. And Vindman claims that several alarming things he heard weren't a part of the released, incomplete transcript. Like I said, it's not looking good. Do I think Trump would actually be removed from office? Yeah right.

And yet Obama managed to get the ACA through. Not saying Obama's an amazing president or even that the ACA was a good idea, I'm just speaking about how it's difficult to believe Trump could even make the most of the presidency as it is because he's not a unifier. He half-heartedly makes claims about consenus, but it really means being a yes man for him, and if you're not, then he lashes out on twitter for his base to scare any dissenters back into not doing anything. It just happened with Francis Rooney from Florida cause he basically said "Yeah, I'd like to hear more information about this Ukraine thing, it sounds serious." He said he won't be running for another term just one day later.

>highly sensitive classified information
That'd be the bits Trump doesn't want anyone to see. So you can forget about him.

Put her on front porch. No one will cum near your house

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