About to roll for the first time, done acid before if that counts worth any comparisons? What should i expect?

About to roll for the first time, done acid before if that counts worth any comparisons? What should i expect?

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eat a grapefruit right before it'll really intensify the experience

No grapefruits here, if i was picking up the x id grab one on the way back home but she's delivering for me, would an orange work? Ive heard of the whole "eat an orange thing for acid" tasted damn good but i don't know about any intensifying

Drink lots of water. Your temperature will be very irregular so be prepared to be hot then cold over and over. Don't clench your fists - don't clench your jaw and bite your own teeth.

If you're doing it alone... I'm sorry.. otherwise, enjoy conversations with friends or dancing to music. I've never rolled alone because it's a social drug.

vitamin C helps psychedelics in general

Thank you, and i'm gonna (hopefully) be on call with a friend or two, listening to music and probably just playing vidya, seem like a waste or still worth it?

I see, ok i'll give it a try, thanks user

Have music or something visual stimulating or hopefully both. Loved ones are a huge plus. Very social drug.

I just ate a tab of L, cheers

ecstasy is for commie faggots

Stock up on some sugar free gum
Buy some 5htp for the comedown, it doesn’t a pretty good job of preventing crashes, along with vitamins and hydration
Google the exact guidelines for taking 5htp after rolling, I don’t remember them

*does a pretty good job

Have a nice trip user, thanks for the tip by the way, anyway recommended movies for it possibly?

Will do, much appreciated user

it's not a "lay down on the couch with a blanket and watch a movie" drug.
it's a party drug. you'll want music, you'll want visuals, you're skin and everything will feel amazing and you'll want to touch/hug loved ones.
you'll have energy and want to dance.
have chewing gum handy and stay hydrated. dont take it alone, take it with either a girlfriend or a couple of best friends.
if with the gf expect to hug/rub/touch/tease each other naked for hours while never being able to actually cum.
with friends expect to dance, jump around, laugh at shit and have a good time.
mixes well with weed, acid or shrooms but dont drink more than 1 or 2 light beers on it. dehydration and heat exhaustion is what'll kill you with x.

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Depends what you're into. For something flashy and not too hard to follow maybe Into the Spiderverse. The Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland is great, Fear and Loathing is great, Across the Universe is great. Smoke some pot if you can, dance around, drink water, sweat, smile, feel the love. The infinite structure of the universe is love and connection and the joy of being. Live it up. I love you user

completely different experience

get some chill ladies around you, you'll wanna cuddle

this guy rolls. Very good advice user. Especially about loved ones:)

don't forget to love yourselves, too!!!

at festivals, I enjoy retiring to my tent early while still rolling so i can just spend some quality time with myself, touching myself, rolling around naked, smoking a bowl, massaging and stretching my body

good shit

Don't forger to drink water, have fun

Hmmm...So he was behind that

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its more like being really fucking high and instead of being sluggish you want to bounce off every wall in existence, makes u hyper asf. Just make sure to drink plenty of water cuz it dehydrates you real bad, and molly also makes your jaw go crazy so if you keep chattering your teeth or clenching your jaw just pop some gum. The come down can be really depressing at times so really try to stay posotive, if its a pill like the pic you posted it probs wont be as intense but you will roll for longer, if its a pill i recommend you take it all at once. Smoking weed while rolling doesnt make me feel much different tbh but it helps with coming up so youre not bored for half and hour - an hour

Got you, so it would be best to wait to chill with this one chick and then do it then? Thanks for all the helpful answers guys

Oh yeah Fear and loathing is always a classic for me haha, but thank you user, getting really excited for the arrival, i love you too friend

For me it gave me the confidence and social ability like being drunk without being stupid. Things felt awesome, rubbed my face in my gf's pussy for ten minutes before she made me stop, had a hard time orgasming and music sounded awesome.

Yeah the chick texted me she has pills none of the powder or anything, planned on popping it with a little fruit punch or something sweet like that

Don't chew it up, swallow it whole. It won't be AS intense but will last much longer.

Shit im definitely gonna have to save this for a hangout session then, sounds just like what i need

Just don't hang out with drunk people. You'll see just how stupid and annoying it makes people.

It's my favorite drug but haven't done any in a decade. Can't wait til my kid is older so the wife and I can do it together for the first time.