Be honest: do you think you're smart?
Be honest: do you think you're smart?
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Objectively I am according to pretty much every metric. But it doesn't matter much to me
A little yes, a little no. Definitely not a genius, but also not a retard. Mediocre I would say.
i'm a genius compared to most people
Smarter than many, dumber than some.
smart is not better than dumb
I think im pretty clever, i can learn things pretty easily if i find it interesting.
Honestly though, i wish i was dim enough to be happy at a dead end job.
but the truth is - it doesn't matter
I'm a dumb fuck
yes but probably not especially smart
>Be honest: do you think you're smart?
Probably a bit smarter than average but nothing special.
I am dumber than average by every metric. Deal with it you pompous asses.
I'm more knowledgeable than most of my friends, but I'm dumbest of them all
Yeah. IQ of 135, got a 30 on the ACT without any studying or prep, got an 86 on the ASFAB, got a full ride scholarship to the local 4 year uni, was in advanced classes and I was suggested to skip a grade twice in public school.
None of that matters though. I didn't finish college, I'm seriously injured, I'm addicted to opiates, and I've never been conventionally successful according to the usual metrics of achievement.
I'm a pretty interesting person, though. I've been all over the place and done all kinds of crazy stuff, I'm a kind of rambling man. In the sense of experiential achievement, I'm very successful. I'm like a well-made but worn out old boot that's very practical, comfortable, cool looking and will take you anywhere you need to go, but is also dirty, damaged, past its prime, and smells funny. I'm 26 years old.
Being smart is sometimes a blessing but its always a curse. So much more depressing when you've accomplished nothing while having so much potential and being in the top 5th percentile of people on earth for intelligence
Not any means, but the wisest of anyone I know.
Not very. I'm not an idiot, but my thinking is slow. Grades were decent, I have a degree and I can hold a job, but in social contexts I often feel dumb.
For my age, average, maybe slightly above..
except for semi-manfitory german/russian lessons..
I picked russian, but I still can't speak it, so my final exams will bend me over and fuck my ass..
i bet i am one of those people who is super intelligent but my brain is to fucked up to actually use it for anything.
Smart? No.
Clever? Definitly not.
Committed? Most definitly.
Is this some sick Rick andbMorty fanbase joke?
I applaud you, our hero!
Yes. But beyond it making me feel like I am trapped in a constant state of misery, it's done nothing good for me.
>Only 30
I used to, but upon growing up, I realized I was pretty average. Slow learner, not really curious, and I can't think of thinks beyond the surface level.
My life's pretty boring, smart people usually have interesting stories and lives, even if it's objectively shit. I followed the path laid out to me by my superiors.
used to be, not so much anymore
not in the slightest
I think I'm smart enough to understand just how ignorant the human race truly is. We think we know so much, and yet the opposite is true. I also think that we're capable of so much more, but we've lost our way as of the now. Too much: bad = good, class-ism, corruption, degeneracy, division, good = bad, fake news, greed, hedonism, homosexuality, ignorance, monopoly, oligopoly, poverty, racism, sexism, third-world-ism, transgender-ism, etc.. We need to unify, and yet we're all so divided by so many things. We need to go back to the point in time where everything worked out: free market, people actually competed, "we the people" was relevant, and this planet didn't cave in so easily to tyranny.
I'm clever. Like this time I tricked this guy into giving me his SSN
Alllegedly, I do still consider myself some kind of freaking idiot given many other circunstances,but everybody tend to think of me as some kind of intelligent person so I end up feeling bad over it.
Same here, except i can't stop making poor life decisions.
You do understand dumb people are generally unaware they are dumb.
I don't really like that show. Too pseud and arrogant. And though you're being sarcastic, I'm not your hero. I'm my own hero, maybe my anti-hero. Some people that get to know me intimately are really moved by my life's story and they look up to me or try to nurture me, but even still there have been times in the past where I've hurt and disappointed these people that had high hopes for me. I will say that nobody has ever called me a lost cause, but they do get tired of rooting for me as i consistently screw up.
Yeah its not a perfect score, but its pretty damn good for just waking up one day and being told I was taking the ACT in an hour. I think the average score is like 18-20, so I'm much higher than that.
Only the average question their intelligence. Don't worry bout it
smart people don't go around talking about how smart they are. look at trump.
smart is subjective, compared to the average person im a little smart, compared to a nigger im a genius, but i would not consider myself a genius.
Probably above average but that's not hard. I study STEM so I'm surrounded by people much smarter than me which makes me feel real dumb.
I think I could have been, had I not been crippled by depression because I suck at everything.
>It doesn't matter to me so I measured it in several ways and talked about it on the internet to people I don't even know
top kek
>i wish i was dim enough to be happy at a dead end job.
That's not stupidity, that's ignorance
The trope that ignorance is bliss is also nonsense though- every single measurement of quality of life shows that the smarter you are, the more likely you are to be happy for a magnitude of reasons, primarily because you can make better choices and with more information
You're not even smart enough to not contradict yourself multiple times in the same post
No, I'm pretty sure I have average intellect. Smarter than some, sure.
Honestly, I think I'm smart. I may not be academically inclined, but give me something that I enjoy doing, and I will excel at it. I'm an ADHD perfectionist who can't stand working for someone else. If you want to do something right, do it yourself.
Everytime that topic occurs online, and it does quite a lot, I enjoy counting individuals who try to out brain the OP by reverse psychology, or the other who simply think that hiding behind pusillanimity will make them somehow special, full of wisdom. These threads are amongst the most predictible in their dynamics. A big ego party, more than ever, more than anywhere else, because out of narcissism, people will literally act as mediocre individuals. This is the bottom of humankind's evolution, at the top of technologic advencement ; the epitome of the proto cybernetic era. When being dumb is a virtue. The manifolds of creativity in order to dirt the spirit is outstanding, a sad experience, but it surely worth the show. We're no more humans. We're processed meat.
posting on /b default is stupid
Why do my balls smell like vinegar?
Smart enough to realize how much of an idiot I am in most things and how much of an idiot EVERYONE is and was. People spend their entire lives learning one trade, one thing. Car mechanics spent 30 years learning engines, transmissions, solenoids, alternators. There have been people who have used their whole life studying different kinds of grass and can probably tell you 100 facts you didn't know about it. Even if you live to 100 it is not enough time to learn 1/100th of everything there is to learn. That being said, it doesn't matter how smart you are if you are damaged. A troubled childhood will ruin the psyche of an idiot AND a genius. The genius just understands how it was ruined more acutely.
And you always make your way in to them to gloat, somehow eh?
no, i'm definitely a good bit slow and will likely end up with a dead end job for the rest of my life with a banged up car, old shoes and a bad smell. life is a struggle for people like me.
above average according to IQ test, fuck IQ test i feel dumb as fuck.
in theory, yes
in practice, i'm subhuman
I believe im too smart for my own good im so smart i can predict the future
Smarter than my girlfriend's Mexican basic sister that flunked out of highschool.
I know how to lock a door, wash dishes without leaving stains still on it and not burn my food when I cook
I'm dumb as fuck
I can hit my head when I walk by the wall
Yes. Also, checked.
my job needs me to be smart, but sometimes i just feel retarded.
the one thing i do know is that i do not know everything
im an alarm service tech, we do fire, burg, cameras, and access. I have to figure them all out basically on the fly and sometimes i just hit a wall
Me too
I'm not a genius but I do believe I'm pretty sharp compared to most of the people I've met in my area. No one has any bit of common sense nowadays it seems. I think very quickly in stressful situations, and do absolutely anything I put my mind into.
I guess I'm confident to say I'm above average. But I've dumbed down since I was 18-20. A more artsy domain of study and work made me less sharp than when I was in computer science.
I've been trying to recover recently.
And you base these "facts" on WHAT??
Define Smart...
And no being smart does not mean knowing a lot of Something (PPL probably don´t care for)
but 90% of the Human Population is retarded as Fuck what does it matter!
Were Doomed anyway!
You know Modern IQ Tests are for Mediocre worshiper anyways because they are made mostly by the Army and are to heavy based on Common knowledge!
I have a hard time believing it.
I associate (perhaps misleadingly) intelligence with drive.
I don’t even give a fuck at that point
“Knowing” your smart not only has no inherent values but box you into some kind of mania where you think you have shit figured out and act like your typical euphoric fedora tipper
Besides, what qualifies as “smart” and according to who?
It’s really one of those pointless time wasters that leads to fucking nothing but mental masturbation
Honestly i’m pretty sure at that point that this thread is probably some kinda data mining gimmick so fuck you all
geta loada thisguy
I find that I'm more book smart than life smart. I can ace a test without much studying and shit out an essay in a day which will always get an A grade. However when it comes to real world situations I'm a completely autistic nigger
Above average but not in the top 1% or anything
>that guy
I fucking chuckled out loud, thanks user
I follow that channel. Cool depressing stuff.
I'm attracted to two girls on it.
not very hard to accomplish when almost everyone is clinically retarded
Yes, Technically a genius. I can't prove it, but I do have this neat image I downloaded.
There was a poll some time ago with a similar question and most people said they were above average.
Sadly that isn't how an average works.
And dumber people are more prone to thinking they're smarter so there's that.
I have always known I have a Superior Mind. That is why I named my company Superior Minds. No one is at my level I speak 18 languages and am a genius.
This thread: Retards suck themselves off about being smart despite the fact they have a break down when someone else has a different political opinion.
Smarter than 99.99% of you.
What now, FBI
You’re smart if you click this link >>>>
As an FBI agent I'm taking you in
Am i under arrest for illegal level of intelligence?
Sure you are
Dude, atleast if you’re going to troll, start smaller or atleast trim some fat to your bullshit
Shhh you know too much!
Shut up nigger
I dont watch tv or movies so i watch whats going on in irl/politics because im not a normie tv zombie
Compared to the people surrounding me, Yes.
But legitimately intelligent, No. I would say I can understand ideas and concepts fairly well when it comes to the specific technical details it falls out of my brain I can never remember them.
I'm a very stable genius, like, very smart
Definitely 100+ IQ, but that's not remarkable. I guess what makes me either smart or decent is that I only work 30 hours a week but I can take yearly trips, have only nessicary debt, continue to save money, and money being generated for retirement not including job sponsored ones (that i dont have cause no benefits lol). I'm not even frugal, I just know when and when not to splurge.
I'm confident that i have a huge potential, but i have little clues of how to use it, and sometimes I tend to space out in social siuations, have unpredictable mood swings, or some minor inconvenience like that, still, I'm pretty happy of what I am
I've only take online IQ tests, and I don't trust them. I looked at the source code for one and saw a metric for time per question. So out of curiosity I answers every question C and finished as fast as possible. I don't remember the exact score but it was absurdly high for only answering the questions with only 40% right answers. It had weight time to high, if you're going to have weighted values correct answer should be much higher than time of completion.
Nigga u dumb
Yes, but there are smarter people out there and I need to beat them on my path to glory.
My bank account says otherwise.
I think I am extremely observant. So much so that I find myself in many situations where I am shocked others around me are oblivious to something happening.
I have very high emotional intelligence and can pick up on body language, tone, and the feeling of someone else very quickly.
But my memory is shit. I frequently forget to do things of importance.
My common sense and reasoning is high.
My self preservation is high. Greed is high. Charisma is high.
I would probably score higher than average on an IQ test because I’m good with patterns.
I’m college educated but I’m not book smart. I hate reading and my ADD has me day dreaming before I even hit the bottom of the page.
I’m highly skeptical and often don’t believe things people tell me without googling it myself.
So I don’t know if I’m smart. I’m smart enough to know that I don’t know.
Smart enough