One YLYL, and it's aspy and pathetic?

One YLYL, and it's aspy and pathetic?

Come on, you fucking faggots.

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There should be a fourth arrow that says MGTOW


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Why would I fuck my step dad?


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Theres already single forever

This made my day

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Fucking retard..

Keep'em coming

Attached: 6sBxxBN.png (1400x1400, 123K)

This works at age 34 as well



This thread sucks

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How about posting something then you fucktard.

Same goes to you, you fat twat

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wow, actually lost, thanks user

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You sure it wasn't to get to be the stump-fisting version of Edward Scissorhands?

you obviously haven't experienced real desperation yet

At least he posted something you absolute nigger.

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Wow imagine being this pathetic

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All of you shut up and post shitty merns

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That nigga had his hands crushed my a metal door.

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Funniest thing here

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cool, now we have 2 that are both aspy and pathetic, great job OP

Attached: watch this.webm (640x480, 741K)

First that's made me lose in a while.

fake thread is fake

Attached: Ghostler.gif (480x270, 688K)

Yeah he just photoshopped his hands off.

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Lost. And I heard it in his voice. Well done.

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fucking lost

Loooool don't give up at 27 fuckin ell!!!

Attached: sex with toothpaste.webm (592x448, 392K)

lost at this zoomer cringe

You'll see

see what? what joe saw?

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That's nice. Lol

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at 27 there's nothing stopping you from fucking a hot 20 year old other than autism, shut the fuck up

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That ain't ylyl, that's just fuckin neat

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When you randomise dark souls character creation

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Well the saving grace of these options is that for every man faced with this decision is a woman that's in a similar situation. Women just don't come to terms with it until they're old and ugly, I have a suspicion that every feminist out there just can't get a man, and boy are there a lot of fem nazi's these days.

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