It's Okay To Be White HAS BEGUN. Print yours out and start covering schools campuses and streets GAMERS RISE UP!

It's Okay To Be White HAS BEGUN. Print yours out and start covering schools campuses and streets GAMERS RISE UP!

Attached: iotbw_honkhonk.jpg (799x800, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

for printing

Attached: iotbw.png (3508x4961, 92K)

Past media reactions:

>IOTBW 2017 impact:

>IOTBW 2018 impact:

>IOTBW even became a Senate motion in Australia and was voted on in Parliament:

Attached: iotbw_fox_news_cnn.jpg (1339x716, 113K)

Based and clownpilled

Switzerland checking in.

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Sincerely, a white person.

No one's asking you to be, newfag.

>>IOTBW even became a Senate motion in Australia and was voted on in Parliament:
We have a number of parties for idiots and retards. It keeps them out of positions of power.
That's where the White Hysteria comes from.
The IOTBW bill got nowhere.

Shut up you fucking jew


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who cares

How sad that you are so insecure that you think posting your limp dick faggotry on college campuses is effective. Everyone just laughs at the fat little incels that do this impotent sad faggot shit.


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Seems like it got you pretty mad.

Chiggity checked.


Attached: right_wing_males.jpg (2499x2143, 482K)

salt has started to roll in:

Attached: iotbw2019_salt_cosmicdisastr_twitter.jpg (762x825, 73K)

FBI bait, saged

Bwahahaha oh my sides. Posting gay passive aggressive “it’s ok to be a fag”signs in safe predominantly white areas is a sign of anything but strength, you fat uneducated white nigger.

wo hängsch si uf? ich bi au i züri


Attached: shill_commie_tears.png (675x808, 30K)

Here we see the worthless uneducated white nigger mistake disgust for fellow “males” as “you is duh mad”
No I’m disgusted that you think posting halfass pussy signage is anything other than the equivalent of a political circle jerk. Why so pussy about it? Assert your supposed dominance, fat white nigger. Quit being so passive and feminine and grow some balls

It's ok to be white, black and all colors! Just like my wide array of menu items from one of our many US locations and even one in the Middle East! That's the Dave Thomas Promise(tm)! You'll never go hungry or be bored with your food when you eat from my kitchen.

Attached: 2456b79c-7694-56de-b34d-ae576a92de6f.image.jpg (350x250, 18K)

d stadt händ es paar anons übernoh, sind jetzt richtig underland zoge.

Nah lil one, just laughing at incels so ineffectual and scared posting passive aggressive signage in safe areas they think anyone does anything but laugh at it.

>I'm disgusted not mad!
lol sure

ir sind ä gruppä? chani mich aschlüsse?

>Nah lil o-
I'm going out tonight to put up posters
try and stop me bro

Attached: 1572511532592.jpg (1424x668, 196K)

idk, let them be autistic together. they can't do much from printing shit out

>they can't do much from printing shit ou-

nice bod bro

Found the 57 year old poor white nigger shilling for some half ass failing “white power” group.

looking forward to any keyboard warrior communist faggots trying to stop me

post physique

That shit hasn't hit where I live yet, but I'll be prepared..

BWAHAHAHA oh shit not only does this pussy think hanging non offensive signs in safe protected college campuses is “bad ass” he also thinks stills from gay porn make him look “tough”. Faggot Kek

people get news coverage for doing far less. anybody can get covered in the media for doing absolutely nothing. this gets covered because it's the next retarded thing that 17 year olds are doing. I wouldn't consider this "doing something"

>coping this hard

post physique

Found the 13 year old whose never been in a real fist fight. Still thinks pretty muscles mean shit. If that were true all fags would be badasses. Lil pussy

post physique

I'm 6'5 with a nine inch penis you cannot harm me

prove it, post physique

Trips of truth.

Attached: diversityisourstrength.jpg (1024x990, 170K)

Post physique, fat 13 year old. Cuz everyone knows pretty muscles makes you tough. Kek aw little pussy never been in a real fight. So all those male gymnasts are tough guys huh? Kek

Go solicit your gay porn elsewhere, bitch.

post physique

Post your nose, knuckles and scars. Only way to tell if someone’s a fighter or just a pussy with a gym card.

>all this text
>no pics

post physique

Attached: 438594808952.jpg (1236x1516, 500K)

Still waiting on that nose and those knuckles and scars. Time stamp please

Not a scar on that pretty lil body. Just another fag who’s always in the gym and never in a fight. BWAHAHAHA

E lose organisirti gruppe sind mir ja. Ich bin underwägs mit paar fründe siit em chindgsi so ehnder nei.
Bring paar flyer a und tue din teil bro.

Guy you look like a gay porn star. No one who fights in actual streets looks like that. Lol

post physique

Good luck gents, I wish I could help but I'm wage cucking tonight

starting to think you are skinnyfat manlets LARPing from behind your keyboards

post physique

what time do you finish user? you can always do it after

Attached: iotbw2019_ZOMBIE.jpg (720x1069, 57K)

he is fighting communists fags, of course he has no scars.

Any idea which country this is? I think only Australia and Europe have really been hit so far.

Attached: antifa_flattened.jpg (900x516, 82K)

I’m gonna help the gay campaign! I’m printing out your sign but with an image of two white “men” sucking cocks. I shall sign it from the various failed white power groups. Everyone already thinks proud boys are gay so no one will be shocked. But that will show em!

>I think only Australia and Europe have really been hit so far
America should get shitloads starting around 9pm onwards

Imagine being this gay and afraid
>”Son when I was your age I proclaimed my dominance and supremacy by sneaking around at night like a coward and posting non threatening anonymous letters on the safest college campuses. I wasn’t a student of course though. High salaries are for libruls, boy”

Noice, mir sind a dä pfnüselchüschte underwägs.

Just as suspected pretty lil gym girl has a straight nose, no scars and soft round knuckles. Toughest guy I know was short and skinny, skinhead guy. Fought alongside him every fucking weekend at shows. Only fags never been in a fight think gym muscles mean anything. Kek

>not in school
>n i c e

The only thing pussy boy is fighting is other girls for a spot on the gym machines at Planet Fitness. Oh and his own impotence and insecurity

Except it’s always the far right losers fleeing skinny Antifa pussies when they come for them in the street.

>seething this hard

Quit hiding, pussy. Post your face tough guy. You’re not afraid right? You’re tough after all. All pretty male gymnasts and competitive swimmers are.

>all this text
>STILL no pics

post physique

that last video tho

BWAHAHAHA look at the towel bar. This pretty bitch is about 5’6” at best. I say male gymnast or possibly swimmer. Lil manlet with a lot of insecurity either way.

print posters and move out

Attached: iotbw2019_skull_mask_black_jacket.jpg (453x560, 36K)

post physique (if you have one)

Attached: iotbw_aussie.jpg (789x1000, 92K)

>when you’re an insecure 5’6” gymnast who has never been in a fight and thinks taking it to someone means posting non threatening letters in the safest of spaces.

If it's okay to be white then why are you hiding your face?

Look! A 15 year old too scared to show his face still struggling with puberty is holding a piece of paper and trying to approximate a nigger gang bangers pose.
Scary stuff

Already out and moving lad.

Attached: 1554069934229.jpg (1024x684, 64K)

Don't wanna get in trouble;^)

I give no fucks about any of this but by acting so aggressive it does appear to prove the point that you're all seething.

Post your face pussy. Scared lil bitch. I used to be Northern Hammer skin and we showed our shit everywhere. Even in all black ghettos where the hardcore shows were.
Makes me ashamed to be white, little bitches like you. Get some balls. You’re almost worse than the competitive swimmer.

Cuz you’re a PUSSY. ABSOLUTE COWARD. and “get in trouble”? Trouble? Pussy ass 15 year old confirmed

Getting outdoors now. Will post results tomorrow.

Attached: unaboomerism.png (741x668, 618K)

You obviously care quite a bit, crybaby, as you keep waving your soft little hands and trying to get my attention. No wonder your father is ashamed
“Look at me, daddy! Baby needs attention!”
I see you, faggot. That better? Kek

Is there anyone but newfags and masturbators left on Sup Forums

Attached: COOOOOOOOM.png (625x756, 382K)

You fucking faggot, do you not know what that even means?

Kek look at this pathetic fag with a woman’s frame and the same coat nigger girls wear hiding his face. Fucking coward.
“It’s ok to be white, effeminate and terrified”

Shut up incel, let the chads fuck your girlfriend

post physique
>giving you cowardly manlets one last chance

I was scrolling through and saw you lot shitting yourself and pointed out the irony to make you lot seethe harder, and it worked.
Ps. That was my post on this thread


Attached: fire.jpg (1171x646, 80K)

Says the fat fuck faggot

Well there’s a scared 15 year old and a competitive swimmer. Don’t know if they can get it up to masturbate tho surely traps rouse a lil chub for em. What more do you want?

And you’re still screaming for my male attention. Jesus get some self respect, crybaby. You want this dick? Will that make you feel better?

He's a troll, just ignore him

Anyone who says “chad” in a thread full of 15 year old cowards scared of “getting in trouble with mom” is an incel guaranteed.


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Fuckin kino not a inch of fat

Had a rough day?