Why are alligators so abnormally aggressive?

Why are alligators so abnormally aggressive?

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I don't think they have emotions

define what a "normal" level of aggression is

is agressiveness an emotion?
I mean its like instinctive behaviour not like "I´m happy" or something-

there black

There pissed off they are not crocodiles.
PS: Didi you know crocodiles can grow up to 20 feet.
Most only have 4 though.

lol bro XD

Thats a crocodile.
Gators are the manlets of the 2.

It’s got webbed toes and looks wet you gigantic faggot

No its a gay tor.

I had a pet gator that was very nice. Not aggressive at all. I guess it depends on the alligator.

Idk definitely not the millions of years of predatory instinct tho

There is an argument for it. If it's aggressive that means likely to harm. Why am I likely to be harmed? It is afraid I will harm it.

Starting to think instincts can be explained by an emotion superseding it

Did you know Florida is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles exist naturally?

They're not. Tend to be more docile than crocs.

they are predators, and they can eat you

cuz they got all them teeth and no toothbrush

Guess your pitbull thread died of death

Some of my best friends are black gators.

thats an alligator you stupidass. source: im floridian and have seen hundreds of them. you can tell by the snout


Hey this OP here. This was what I was going for when I made this thread but it too so long to get here I just don’t care anymore

It's a waterboy reference you stupid piece of shit

mama said because they so ornery got all them teeth and no toothbrush

uhhhh no its not lol. Ive seen the waterboy you cocksmoking dick mongler.

They areNt, I'm a herpetologist, trust me they're quite placid animals

Crocodiles and other reptilians, especially of the carnivorous kind are of a very primitive nature. Their brains are very small and only acutely developed in respect to their senses which makes them great predators but terribly stupid. It's not uncommon to see alligators cannibalizing each others because there is not much reasoning behind them. Arthropods are even summer but we dont consider them brutish because they arent immense, but if we had a 3 meter long scorpion, they would most likely be the most feared animal on the planet.

LOL! how does studying herpes qualify you to identify alligators vs crocodiles in any way shape or form???

Crocodiles or gators have increased testosterone production and muscular production. Evolution has assigned and shaped them into the way they’ve become. Aggression and dominance and and increased production of serotonin in their reptilian hierarchy.

That is alligator missipiensis you mouth breather.

Totally right, some of my specimens have been really nice, others a little defensive, but most were sweethearts

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they actually tend to leave you alone you can get pretty fucking close to them on golf courses

I know this is a joke but

Herpetologist = reptile specialized zoologist

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Partially correct but that only makes them dominant amongst other Gators, they won't do anything to a human unless of course you provoke it

I know, I'm studying to be an entomologist, the science of entourages in both the human and animal kingdoms.

Because they got all dos teef, but no toof brush.

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>they won't do anything to a human unless of course you provoke it
Not true. Do not let your children near any suspicious body of water alone. These people were tourists and didn't know that.


Are you fucking retarded. Gaters and crocodiles alike are fucking primordial brutes. They barely sense pain and dont have enough sensors to know when they are full. Their very nature has persuaded them to take any meal possible since they usually go months on end without them.

Big ass oven you got there