This is your average person who is going to start a civil war if donald trump is impeached

this is your average person who is going to start a civil war if donald trump is impeached

Attached: dumbasstrumpsupporter.jpg (645x363, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

impeached does not mean removed from office you hairy skinny loser

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Let them build their couch forts and play pretend kek

wrong schlomo

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the left always projects.

yes, always.

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and op is faggot who has never been laid.

Sure, kid

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"Civil War!!!! truck...ok, maybe civil War after the show."

Retards, you mean

Russians are everywhere OP.

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Uh oh here they come

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I like how the left has characterised the right as being gun toting rednecks with a disregard for other peoples lives for years

but also think a civil war will go in their favor

That’s alright, them and the antifa fags can kill each other off while the normal people go about their business.

What? Retarded Ben Garrison nonsense?

Attached: download (2) (1).jpg (666x500, 127K)

Why would I be mad? I'm an Australian who gets to watch yet another sand nigger culture of mutilated genitals and incompatible world views tear itself apart from the inside out

dis gone be good

you sure about that?

Attached: atomwaffen.png (2048x1138, 685K)

>I'm an Australian
>sand nigger

Got it

I love seeing all these comments about "the left" not owning guns and I laugh and laugh. Somehow they equate wanting stricter control with shunning them completely. I can't wait to see the look on their toothless faces.

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You’re a dumb, unaware fuck aren’t you.

I'd trust the fact that these two with hunting rifles and shotguns could kill more leftists in an hour than 50 black Democrat slaves with handguns could kill in a day (assuming the niggers don't just kill each other because reasons, ie Chicago).

Nice may may Grandma

Pretty much.

What’s wrong with trashing a swastika? Not really inherently left, you mongoloid. More like “sane.”

Why does Trump and all Republicans suck on Putin's dick so hard? Someone please explain this to me.

Yuck... boomer cringe. Go back to Facebook with this trash.

tell us about your clips

Huh. You mean like when right wing idiots call everyone who doesn't agree with them a cuck?

Easy targets IMO

Antifa, John Brown Gun Club, Socialist Rifle Association, Redneck Revolt, etc. already have the upper hand. Lefties beliefs center around communalism, so it's no surprise that these groups already have plans in place and have conducted exercises for "Community Defense". SRA has already purchased trailers for use in humanitarian aid, taking a page out of Leftist revolutionary handbooks by winning the hearts and minds of "the people". Antifa is out there causing disruptions on a daily basis. Meanwhile, fat neckbeards and military dropouts have already established themselves as bootlickers. Since right wingers, Libertarians, and AnCaps are more concerned with individual liberty, there have (so far) been very little attempts at a concerted effort at "Community Defense" from these groups. Emergency planning is mostly at the individual level. Most if not all liberty- minded groups primarily focus on politics. The left can't meme but these Commies take the "big one" more seriously than 99.99% of the righties. TLDR: The lefties are more armed and assembled than you think.

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make sure you scream oi vey as you run into battle for me bby

Actually it would generally be a broad amount of our miltary current and retired besides other civs.

why do you suck on your mamas dick so hard faggot?

I saw Red Dawn too. It was hilarious, faggots.

>this one time at summer camp

fuck off shithead, you'll die as fast as anyone else from lack of potable water, food, tetanus or taking a stray round to your fathead

lefties are faggots just like you, piss off wimp

no, like when I call you a fucking ass licking homo.

he's got a point twink.

he might be, but you most certainly are a dumbfuck

then piss off ozzie!

>can't even provide one argument to my statements
You're gonna die along with those faggots

they always fucking frown, you would too if you were that stupid all the time

When will you naxis learn.

Soo...he was behind all that

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Not really. It’s a shit-tier meme/image macro with no basis in reality outside of what lazy incels want to project.

It makes me sad that they would rather have Putin take over our country then a democracy where the people vote and we work together to make the country better as a whole

Nazis -0
The South-0
Modern rightards -(0 pending)

All we have to do is look at history, kid.

This user knows. I hate fucking commies but it's the fact of the matter that they are arming themselves up and assembling more than ever considering the direction we're going.

I'd trust the military would put down red neck tards as showcased mutiple times.


The right is the party of untold fucking laziness and apathy. Their “uprising” will be held from couches and basements around the country, accomplishing nothing. The LARP never ends.

You mean when the republicans beat down the slave owning democrats who wanted to hold onto their racist, people owning beliefs for their own benefit indefinitely

or was there some other history I was supposed to be looking at?

Dubs checked. Exactly. These righties are all about individual liberties. They won't have the inclination to defend themselves as a group. If the commies are good at two things, it's networking and getting funds for their cause.

durr the armys going to join them

>Da south used ta' be da democrats!
Should call you a retard for your ignorance of political history or laugh?
How bout both.

Is this sarcasm or are you retarded?

Dude, you have to be fucked in the head to fall for this meme.

oh shit people still take this seriously

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nigger do you know where you are??

I admit it, I'm stupid for believing someone couldn't be that stupid.

these were your average guys who were going to start a revolution

Attached: 1280px-Declaration_of_Independence.jpg (596x394, 70K)

You forgot to include about 90 percent of the military, local, state and federal law enforcement, their families, their friends and those pesky Red States.

Civil War? Bring it on.

All of this is a Democrat pipe dream. They couldn’t get 1 republican vote today, how are they gonna persuade 20 of them in the senate?

Civil wars happen because of massively fucked up economies, loss of resources, or the destruction of a countries economy by a leader.
Please, check 2000 years of history.
The rich don't want civil war, the economy is good, they do want you divided.

how long do you think this boi would last in a war?
his rations are in the bukit

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they'd have to stop sucking each others dicks first

>but also think a civil war will go in their favor
those that ignore history are destined to repeat it

This is your average bait