The same 9 inch rats keep invading my home. It's almost as if they come in waves.
>but muh rat poison
I think they've adapted to it, cause it seems to make them stronger
The same 9 inch rats keep invading my home. It's almost as if they come in waves.
>but muh rat poison
I think they've adapted to it, cause it seems to make them stronger
Ive already lost my son about 2 weeks ago to them, im out of options
Mmm perhaps your house is filthy and pests are attracted to it.
Rat traps
Try mixing up traps of poisoned and not poisoned, rats will eat a little of something to see if it makes them sick if it does they avoid it if it doesn't they eat that shit nigga
Just quit being a pussy and get rat traps. They cant evolve past a broken spine
Get a cat or a terrier
The trick with Rat poison is to place a a tub of water by the Rat poison. They will get a drink after eating poison, and the H20 should do the rest
Ive tried that as well, but the end up taking the trap and the poison with them. I really think i gave some rats an addiction to rat poison. I heard a sound of scratching in the wall so im gonna check it o
Use glue traps? I don't know if they work on rats but they work really well on mice.
Get an aggressive dog or the biggest cat you can find, rats can smell that they live in your home and evolution has taught them to gtfo if they smell predators.
OR....get the large snap traps, they are brutal but effective; peanut butter is always the best bait.
You could always send Charlie to deal with those rats. Also, checked.
This, get rat snaps. Peanut butter is a decent long lasting bait but you'll actually want something smelly and oily like sardines, canned chicken, or vienna sausages. Rats will eat literally anything, so the smellier it is, the faster they'll get snapped.
Long term solution is to get your place rodent proofed to keep them from getting in.
You guys arent listening, the rats have learned not to go headfirst into a rap, but instead go around it and drag it
put obstacles around the sides to coddle them into the front, they are not as smart as you think they are
Try flute lessons.
Become The Fried Piper OP.
fill the holes so they dont go into your home?
Bring in an exterminator and gas em
There's some guy on youtube that makes all kinds of effective rat traps i don't remember his name but it isn't too hard to find, take care
10/22 with ratshot. Get it done /k/ommando
probation for being white here, go fuck yourself faget
I had a rat problem at my work for awhile there. They were also avoiding the poison. Peanut butter on traps didnt work either like everyone says.
What worked for me in the end was i started baiting my traps with a piece of plain donut from the coffee shop. One donut caught me like 8 rats, pretty well took care of the problem. They like sugary shit
Also.. first night you try this, dont arm the traps. Let them eat it. The next night bait it and arm it
buy a cat
>vienna sausages