You have 10 seconds to tell me why your mission isn't to impregnate every single woman you come across

You have 10 seconds to tell me why your mission isn't to impregnate every single woman you come across

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I would gladly impregnate and come across Milana Vayntrub.

The world is already well on it's way to rampant overpopulation and i have no nurturing instinct. I do have morals, so it would feel wrong to pump and dump women while impregnanting them with a child i have no intention to help raise. I hope this is sufficient.

that's an awful lot of work and I'm retired

Kids are fucking awful

>parents did an absolute shit job at raising me
>super aggressive personality
>short temper
Don't want to test if I'm doing a better job with kids.

I want to be a Doctor and trying to keep a 3.8-4.0 against other assholes is fucking Hard


seriously don't be fat.
and if you are, don't be a bitch

Because I'm not a brainless knuckle dragging retard

I feel this

because there are a lot of ugly ones out there

I would rather not curse another poor soul with my shit genes and i wish my beta father would have had the decency to think the same

If you cum across them they will not become pregnant.

because most of them dont look like this

It is.

child support

Divorce and child support would be too expensive.

Sex is overrated. After you've done it frequently enough it can become boring or at least less satisfying and it either turns into an unhealthy addiction (which, as a drug, it pushes you to eventually fall further into degeneracy) or it hopefully forces you to set up more noble goals to live for.

Sounds like you've never had to deal with paying child support

because that is stupid. When you impregnate a woman, the chance of that offspring being successful is dependent upon whether or not it grows up with male and female figures in it's life. If it is a single mom or dad, the child is usually messed up


Not every women is worthy of my seed.

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for one, child support. i may make some good money, but i want to spend it on myself, not on some brat.
and secondly, some bitches ugly and fat af, i don't want my dick in that